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How to Register

Note: While this is a general guide on how to register for the game, you are liable for your own actions. Fogu is NOT responsible if you "accidentally" purchase in-game money using your own currency. If you do not have a general understanding of Japanese, play this game at your own risk.

Because micro-transactions may be involved (if you do choose to buy items) MooG Games recommends account users to be 20 years of age or older. While you can register if you are under the requred age, you are consenting that you have been granted parental permission.

To register to play Minna de Bokujou Monogatari, visit http://pc.bokumono.com and click on the New Member Registration button.

On the MooG Games site, enter a valid contact email address and press the Email Submit green button. You will then receive an email with an activation link in it.

After clicking on the activation link, you will be asked to type in some additional information about yourself.

The Terms and Conditions box is next. Please read through the text and confirm that you understand by checking the box underneath the legal text. When you have finished, click the green Submit button again to reach your account confirmation page. If everything looks okay, click the green button again to register your account.

To log into the game, visit http://pc.bokumono.com and in the login box, type in your user name and password. You can also check the Keep Login Information box if you want. Once you type in your account information, click on the brown Log In button to sign into the game.

User name and passwords are case sensitive. If you reach the login error page (ログインエラー) double check to make sure you haven't mistyped your login information.

Once you are logged into the Minna De BM site, the login box will be replaced with a "now logged in" message (現在, ログイン中). If you want to log out, press the brown Log Out button.

To start playing the game, press the white Game Start button above the logged in box.

The first time you play, you will be prompted to type in a Nickname that will be visible to all other players in the game.

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