
Klaus' Study


» Walk into the restaurant
» 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
» Not Tuesday or Friday
» Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
» Klaus has 20,000 FP or more
» Clement has been unlocked

Clement is glad that you have arrived. The chef doesn't understand what Klaus is saying and it is troubling him. Klaus explains that it isn't something to be worried over, but the other day he was eating macaroni and noticed the macaroni had a hole. What is the hole for? What purpose does it have? Klaus says he couldn't sleep at night thinking about this.

See? Clement is baffled. He explains to the doctor that it has a hole because it's macaroni. Macaroni has holes! Klaus doesn't like Clement's answer and tells him to be quiet. He thinks he has an explanation as to why the macaroni has a hole in it.

He learned that the macaroni has to be boiled, so he wants to see if the hole resulted in shortening the noodle's cooking time. This test had immediate results. Then he tackled its texture, as it cuts easily if it is chewed. Furthermore, it can be used like a straw or even blown into.

Then Klaus starts talking about the flavor of macaroni, which is decided by the sauce. The sauce can get into the macaroni's center through the hole, which is an important feature of the noodle. Next, he starts talking about its appearance and if you've ever tried looking through the noodle's hole! He continues on his dissection on the purpose of the hole in a macaroni noodle while the two of you stand there dumbfounded.

Finally, Clement asks Klaus if he's finished with his reasons why the hole is there. Cooking time, texture, taste, appearance; all these are reasons for the hole. Klaus is amazed at how efficient it is. Macaroni is a really great food!

Clement feels that Klaus has exaggerated his admiration for macaroni. Klaus becomes annoyed at the chef and tries to start over with his analysis of macaroni, but Clement interrupts him. He's heard enough for today!

Result: +1000 FP with Klaus

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