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Fall 02

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Apples, Honey, Eggs

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Gotz's Bad Mood
Mountain Patrol

Gotz Gotz's portrait

Gotz is the woodcutter who lives in the forest just south of your farm. He spends most of his time around the forest and mountains. He also lives by himself in the little cottage along the path to the Hot Springs.

This fellow is also the town carpenter so he can upgrade buildings on your farm. All you have to do is have the required lumber necessary for the expansions and enough money to pay for Gotz's wages. After you hire him to work on your farm, he'll arrive the next day. Three days later he'll be finished and you have a larger building to work with.

At some point in your game Gotz will sink into a very deep depression. He won't work for several seasons even if you want to hire him. The only way to get him out of his slump is to give him wonderful gifts like eggs and honey. When he's ready to start building again, you'll see a cut scene where he thanks you for your kindness.

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