4:44 4:44 event

In Japanese culture, the number 4 is considered bad luck. Sort of how those of us in the west consider the number 7 to be unlucky. In the Japanese version of the game if you watch tv at 4:44, the channel will display nothing but "4 HOUR 44 MINUTES" over and over again. After about 10 seconds it will stop automatically and you can continue playing.

This same event occurs in the English version, but it doesn't seem to always translate out to English. Often you'll see the Japanese text on your screen if you watch tv at the specified time. At 4:44 am the screen will be filled with the number 4, with a random Kanji letter tossed in here and there.

In the regular version of Friends Of Mineral Town, this event would lock up your Gameboy Advance. In More Friends Of Mineral Town your game will continue on like normal. You won't earn any points for triggering this event.

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