Random Events

Playing Cupid

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» Walk into Maurice' inn
» 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, or 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
» Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday
» Any weather
» Melanie has 5000 FP or more
» You are not going steady or married
» If you are a boy, Agate and Licorice must be unlocked
» If you are a girl, Kamil and Nadi must be unlocked

Maurice and Melanie greet you as you enter the inn. Melanie is very glad to see you and wants to spend some time with you. If you tell her that you're busy, you'll lose 500 FP with her. If you agree, then Maurice will thank you for spending time with her, but warns his daughter not to wander off too far. She cheerfully agrees.

Once you're out of the inn, Melanie tells you about her concerns. She asks if you know anybody he could marry? Her dad is so lonely, and her sister does a lot of the household chores while being busy with work. Melanie confides that she wants a mom too. She wonders if you know anyone that would be good... but you have to keep this a secret from her dad. Is there someone in town that you like?

You can tell her there is or there isn't. If you tell her there is, she will then ask you who it is. If you tell her there isn't, she'll ask if you know someone who you kinda-sorta like? At that point you will select the name of an available marriage candidate (you won't earn any friendship with the character you select). Melanie will then decide that she is going to investigate that person's feelings towards you(eek!), but not to worry as she is really sneaky. She'll let you know how it goes later.

The next morning when you wake up, Melanie will be at your farmhouse door to give you the results of her investigation. She actually will whisper it to you, so you technically won't really know how it turned out.

Result: +1000 FP with Melanie