Friend Event - The Hardcore Persona

You're walking through Lulukoko when you spot Iluka at Caolila's food ingredients booth. As she is picking out her items, Caolila complements Iluka on how lovely she looks today. Iluka laughs and responds modestly.

What?! While you are standing there dumbfounded about Iluka's politeness, Siluka walks up to ask what's wrong. Oh yes, her sister is generally polite around most people. Only a few people know what she's really like such as herself, Ludus, Tototara, and you. Iluka comes by and you inquire about her unexpected behavior. Ah, well Iluka gives the excuse that it is because she's the type of person who pays respect to those who deserve it. Siluka adds that Caolila gives Iluka extra groceries and Zahau gives her extra fish. Iluka doesn't like the way Siluka is implying that she's a mooch.

Siluka apologizes and asks what Iluka bought anyway. Iluka says that Caolila received some really good tea leaves, so Iluka bought them all. In fact, since you've nothing to do, how about you come to their house and she'll make you some tea. Iluka doesn't typically invite people, so you should feel honored (ah, there's the normal Iluka...)

Back at their house, Iluka makes you a tasty cup of chai tea. She makes it almost every day. Even the villagers like her chai. Siluka says that even Caolila likes Iluka's chai as much as she likes Iluka. Caolila often speaks highly of Iluka.

Speaking of which, here comes Caolila! She explains that Zahau caught some extra fish and she's here to share the catch with her great customers. Caolila didn't realize that you were such good friends with the twins, but it's not surprising; they're beautiful, smart, and perfect girls! Iluka is getting a bit embarrassed with the excess complements, so Siluka reminds Caolila that her shop is still open. Ah yes, Caolila leaves to get back to work.

Iluka is relieved to see Caolila go, but what can she do? Caolila has been doing this since they were kids. She threatens you that if Caolila ever found out what she's actually like, you'll regret it! Now Iluka is tired, and demands that you give her a shoulder rub.

Result: +2000 FP with Iluka