Your Children
There are 4 graphic types for the children, an "older" and "younger" style, and you can have one of each; you cannot have two "older" styles or two "younger" styles. You will have an older style and a younger style.
![]() Older Brother Straight, short hair |
![]() Older Sister Long hair |
![]() Younger Brother Spikey hair |
![]() Younger Sister Short hair |
The look of the child will be made up of the eye and hair color of your spouse, not the hair and eye color of the character you are playing as. The hair color will be a darker shade than what your spouse has. The 4 children pictured above are Phoebe's children and Julius' children.
Child Requirements
Once you are married and you have a level 3 or larger house, you may wake up in the morning to find that your spouse has the urge to have a child. You can agree or disagree, but your spouse needs to have a certain number of hearts before this question is asked. Most spouses will ask you if they have 14 hearts, but the Witch and Wizard require 15 hearts. The Goddess and King require at least 16 hearts before you're asked about kids.
If you also want a child, your spouse will ask you want gender you would prefer to have. You can select the gender (boy or girl) or ask what your spouse would like to have. If you choose to listen to your spouse's choice, that's the gender you're going to get.
Just because you've been asked about a child it doesn't necessarily mean that the pregnancy is in place! Continue to be kind to your spouse and keep an eye on your house calendar. The Baby Day will be marked on the calendar as the day the child will arrive.

After 14 days from the pregnancy announcement you'll have the birthing event. In the morning you'll travel to Herb Clinic, where your child will be born. You will be told its gender and then be able to select their name. The baby is always dressed in a blue blanket, no matter if it is a girl or a boy.
At this point you get to start guiding your child into one of four different types of personality categories; Timid (quiet), Fiery (enthusiastic), Studious (scholarly), or Dreamy (romantic). Each of the personalities has different gift preferences and are better at certain farm chores:
- Timid: Egg/Silk collecting, Milking, and Fishing
- Fiery: Brushing, Mining, and Weeding
- Studious Harvesting, Watering, and Mining
- Dreamy: Milking, Watering, and Foraging.
The child becomes better at completing their chores when you have assigned a particular chore to them 28 times, and then again after 56 times.
Each marriage candidate has the option to have 3 out of the 4 types of personalities, and each has a preference as to which personality they tend to lean towards (as noted in bold in the tables below):
As your child ages, your spouse will ask you questions about the child's future personality. The answer you select will lean your child towards different personalities. You will always be given two options per question. No matter what the answers actually are, the first choice available will lead one way, and the second choice will lead another. In general:
- Question 1 (At birth): How to raise the child?
- Question 2 (Starts to crawl): What do you think?
- Question 3 (Starts to walk): How should kids be raised?
- Question 4 (Starts to talk): What should we talk about?
The answer choices you want to make for each of the four questions to obtain a specific child personality types are:
Anissa or Gill
- Timid = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 2, 3) Option 2, and 4) Option 1
- Dreamy = 1) Option 1, 2) Option 2, 3), Option 2, and 4) Option 2
- Studious = Any other combination of choices
Julius or Renee
- Timid = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 2, and 4) Option 1
- Studious = 1) Either option, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 1, and 4) Option 1
- Dreamy = Any other combination of choices
Candace, Chase, Harvest Goddess, Toby, or Wizard
- Dreamy = 1) Option 1, 2) Option 2, 3) Option 1, and 4) Option 2
- Studious = 1) Option 1, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 1, and 4) Either option
- Timid = Any other combination of choices
Luke, Selena, and Witch Princess
- Timid = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 2, and 4) Option 2
- Dreamy = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 2, 3) Option 1, and 4) Option 2
- Fiery = Any other combination of choices
- Timid = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 2, and 4) Option 1
- Fiery = 1) Option 1, 2) Option 1, 3) Either option, and 4) Option 1
- Dreamy = Any other combination of choices
Harvest King
- Studious = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 1, and 4) Option 2
- Timid = 1) Option 2, 2) Either option, 3) Option 2, and 4) Option 2
- Fiery = Any other combination of choices
Jin or Phoebe
- Fiery = 1) Option 1, 2) Option 2, 3) Option 2, and 4) Option 1
- Timid = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 2, 3) Option 2, and 4) Either option
- Studious = Any other combination of choices
Kathy and Owen
- Studious = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 1, and 4) Option 2
- Dreamy = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 2, 3) Either option, and 4) Option 2
- Fiery = Any other combination of choices
Calvin and Luna
- Studious = 1) Option 2, 2) Option 1, 3) Option 1, and 4) Option 1
- Fiery = 1) Option 1, 2) Option 1, 3) Either Option, and 4) Option 1
- Dreamy = Any other combination of choices
Growing Up
When the child is first born, Irene will put a baby bed in your house. Your child will live in its bed for 2 seasons. You can pick up the baby and even play with it by using the Baby Rattle, which you can buy from Barbara's store.
The child will grow to a new stage every 2 weeks until they are grown up. There is the baby stage, the crawling stage, the walking stage, and then the talking stage. Each time your child changes stages you'll be asked the personality question.
In the Japanese version, at the talking stage you have the choice of name you want the child to refer to you as. There's casual name like Daddy and Mommy, and then more respectable ones like Father or Mother. This doesn't appear to occur in the English version.

On the day your child finally grows up, your whole family will gather together for a photograph at Simon's studio. The photograph will be added to your Photo Album so you can put it up on the wall inside your house. Hamilton will also place a Kid's Bed in the second room of your house.

Your child will give a specific sentence when they grow up based on the personality type given to them based on your choices to the above questions. This happens before your family photo is taken:
- Timid = Yep! Um... I have my handkerchief and tissues!"
- Fiery = "Yep! I have my handkerchief and tissues!"
- Studious = "Yes! I even dressed myself."
- Dreamy = "Yes! I even woke up on my own."
Now that the child is full grown, you can dress them by using the dresser. Not all of the same outfits you can wear (as an adult) will fit on the child, and you have to buy the clothes and accessories again in child sizes! By default, the girl child comes with a Casual Dress (pink) and Casual Dress (green), and the boy comes with Casual Suit (purple) and a Casual Suit (blue).
New clothes can be purchased from Flute Tailors and at the New Years Eve festival.
Issue with Missing Kids: If your child randomly disappears and becomes located in an "unknown" location, go into your game settings and increase the volume of your background music or turn it on if it is muted/disabled.
The Second Child
Now that your first one is all grown up, you may be asked if you want to have a second child. Just like with the first child, you can choose the next child's gender or let your spouse choose. You can have two children of the same gender if you want. The process of having the second child is exactly the same as the first child, except you don't have to wait for a letter in your mailbox that announces the pregnancy. Two weeks after you agree with your spouse to have a second child, the child will be born.
After your second child is born your family will be complete.

Besides yours and your spouse's, your children also have birthday celebrations. Go into your house after 6:00 pm to start the celebration. Unlike the adult birthdays, the kids want presents on their birthday. At the start of the birthday dinner you will be prompted to pick an item out of your rucksack for your birthday boy or girl.
If you do not give your child a present, shame on you! You will lose affection with your child (and spouse, for being such a party-pooper).
Each of the four personalities have varying gift preferences. Both boys and girls of the same personality trait like the same gifts.
Best Gifts: Pumpkin Cake, Tomuyankun, Mint Candy, Grape Candy, Lobster, Shiny Cherry, Emerald accessories, Jade Accessories
Good Gifts: Royal Jelly, Pontata Root, Mussel, Herb Candy, Clam Soup, Grilled Squid, Grilled Octopus, Remedy
Bad Gifts: Can, Junk Ore, Junk, Boot, Shorts
Best Gifts: Shiny Bouillabaisse, Tomuyankun, Pontata Root, Rock Lobster, Grilled Rock Lobster, Grilled Lobster, Aquamarine accessories, Sapphire accessories
Good Gifts: Royal Jelly, Lavender, Morning Glory, Chrysanthemum, Oyster, Clam Soup, Blueberry Juice, Remedy
Bad Gifts: Can, Junk Ore, Junk, Boot, Shorts
Best Gifts: Apple Candy, Tomuyankun, Chocolate Banana, Omelet Rice, Pancakes, Shiny Egg, Shiny Duck Egg, Shiny Apple, Garnet accessories, Ruby accessories
Good Gifts: Banana, Coconut, Pontata Root, Royal Jelly, Pineapple Juice, Coconut Juice, Clam Soup, Grilled Brown Trout
Bad Gifts: Junk, Junk Ore, Oyster, Mussel, Clam, Sea Urchin, Raspberry Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail
Best Gifts: Chocolate Cake, Tomuyankun, Blackberry Jam, Chocolate Banana, Sakura Seashell, Freshwater Prawn
Good Gifts: Royal Jelly, Raspberry Juice, Cranberry Juice, Blackberry Juice, Grilled Freshwater Prawn, Grilled Crawfish, Pineapple, Clam
Bad Gifts: Can, Shorts, Junk Ore, Junk, Yogurt, Kimchi
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