Button | Task |
Directional Pad | Rotates your character clockwise (press right) or counter-clockwise (press left) |
Left Analog Stick | Move your character around Move the cursor when viewing a menu |
Right Analog Stick | Change the camera angle |
X Button | Confirm selections Proceed through conversation text |
Square Button | Open your rucksack ring menu |
Circle Button | Close open menus Cancel Put down an animal you've picked up |
Start Button | Opens your rucksack main menu |
Select Button | Opens the map of Forget-Me-Not Valley |
Left Shoulder Button 1 | Move the camera view behind you When your rucksack ring is open, moves left through item categories When your rucksack main menu is open, pages to the left |
Left Shoulder Button 2 | Whistles for your horse |
Right Shoulder Button 1 | Puts the camera in first-person view. Use the Left Analog Stick to move the camera. When your rucksack ring is open, moves right through item categories When your rucksack main menu is open, pages to the right |
Right Shoulder Button 2 | Whistles for your dog |
Your configuration menu is at the bookshelf in the lower-right corner inside of your house. If you turn off the Button Guide, the buttons listed in the upper-right of your screen goes away but it also removes the clock!
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