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Town Shops

Rick's Tool Shop
Hours: Open 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Closed Weekends

Item Description Price
Cow Milker Use this to milk your cows 1,500 G
Brush Use this to brush your animals
(Cows, Sheep, and your Horse)
600 G
Clippers Use these to cut the wool off your sheep 100 G
Bottle At the goddess festival you can buy this, it holds everything from milk to water 200 G
Cabinet This is for your house mainly used to make it look good 2,000 G
Rug This is made to improve the look of your home 3,000 G
Blue Feather When you have a girl at a pink heart, buy this and present it to them, you will be married that Sunday 980 G

Café and Bakery
Hours: Open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Closed Mondays

Item Description Price
Cake Cake meant for your consumption, or to be given to others 300 G
Pie Pie meant for your consumption, or to be given to others 350 G
Cookies Cookies meant for your consumption, or to be given to others 30 G
Tea This can help bring your energy up when you are tired 20 G
Cabinet Refreshing drink, bring your energy up when your tired Free

Hours: Open 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM, Closed Sundays

Item Description Price
Liquor Brings up your energy, but to many will make you faint 300 G
Wine Brings up your energy, and takes more than 3 to make you faint 300 G
Beer Brings up your energy, but it only takes 2 make you faint (unless you drink regularly) 350 G
Milk This can help bring your energy up when you are tired 150 G
Water Refreshing drink, bring your energy up when your tired Free

Flower Shop
Hours: Open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Closed Sundays

Item Description Price
Turnip Grows fast but does not sell at a high price 200 G
Potato Grows at average speed and brings in a good amount of money 200 G
Cabbage Grows slowly and brings in a moderate amount of money 200 G
Grass Use this to feed your animals when outside, or cut it down and put it in your silo for later use 500 G
Moondrop White flower, very beautiful 300 G
Tomato Grows slowly and brings in a large amount of money 300 G
Corn Grows slowly and brings in a large amount of money 300 G
Eggplant Grows at a moderate speed and brings in a moderate amount of money 300 G
Strawberry Grows at a moderate speed and brings in a lot of money 300 G

Potion Shop
Hours: Open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Closed Weekends
All items below require a bottle

Item Description Price
Cure All Cures all illnesses 1,500 G
Fatigued Vitamin When you are tired buy this and you should be full of energy 1,000 G
Strong Vitamin Helps you grow strong 2,000 G

Green Ranch
Hours: Open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Item Description Price
Fodder Use this to feed your Cows, and your sheep 30 G (per bag)
Chicken Feed Use this to feed your Chickens 10 G (per bag)
CM Potion Use this to make your cow pregnant 3,000 G
Animal Medicine When your animal gets sick, use this to cure them before the die! 1,000 G

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