Cake Contest
To start this ending, you must become good friends with Katie. To do this give her many Moondrop Flowers (at least one per day) and continue doing this for a week or two. One day when entering the Cafe/Bar a cinema will occur. Katie will be explaining that she wants to enter a cake baking contest. She has one problem though, and that is she is not a very good cook. However she has heard a rumor of your grandmother's recipe to make a cake that is superb. Wallace steps in and says that it was the best cake that he had ever tasted. During the cinema Gwen will stop by and comment on Katie making cakes. This is the end of that cinema. Now go and talk to all of the townsfolk about this cake recipe your grandmother made. A good place to check for the recipe is inside your own house. Check the chest of drawers on the left and you will find your Grandmother's recipe. The recipe will tell you what the key ingredients are.
After finding the recipe, head on back to the cafe/bar and another cinema will come up. You will be shown giving the recipe to Katie. She reads over it and tells you that she will need a Golden Egg, Golden Milk, and Moondrop Dew. The first two items are pretty easy to get but the third one will be tricky. Wallace agrees on the third one being tricky because he hasn't really heard of it. Now head on over to the Clove's Villa to speak with Dia. You must get Dia to like you so make sure to give her at least one Blueberry per day for a few days. One day while Dia is inside, go inside as well. A cinema will occur where Dia gets out a book to give to Katie referring to the making of Moondrop Dew. Another way of doing this is with Gina. Become good friends with Gina and while Dia is trying to find it, she eventually will give up and then Gina will find it and give it to you. Once you have the book head on back to the Cafe/Bar to enter another cinema. This time you will be handing Katie the book and Katie tells you that she will get back to you on how to make the Moondrop Dew.
After a few days have past return to the Cafe/Bar and Katie will tell you how to make the Moondrop Dew. You need to create it up at the Goddess Lake under a Full Moon. The Full Moon days are the 14th, 15th, 29th, and 30th. You also must show up after 9:00 pm. Then she says that at this time your true love will appear. Now it is time to wait for one of the days just mentioned. On the first available one, head over to the Goddess Lake around 9:00 pm. Whichever girl (or guy if you are only friends with Katie) you have your best relations with will show up. There will be some small talk between the two of you and then a glowing urn will appear. The moon will collect the moon's light and the love between you and the girl (or guy) you like most. After the scene finishes, the girl (or guY) you are with takes the urn and says she (or he) will give it to Katie. After this has happened, make sure to give Katie the Golden Egg and Golden Milk, then she will start to work on the cake.
A few days later go back to the Cafe/Bar and Katie will have a sampling prepared for you to taste. The Hero will react in disgust because the cake didn't turn out too good. Katie promises that it will turn out just fine for the contest and not to worry. A few days later head back to the Cafe/Bar and Katie will tell you that she has entered the cake and all that you have to do now is wait.
A week will past and then Katie, Lyla, and Gwen will all show up at your farm. Katie tells you that her cake has won first prize and she even got the write up. Now that the area is famous for Katie's cake, the developers cannot develop the land. The scene ends with you heading on down the road. After the credits end, a scene with Katie talking about the different places she wants to go and she hopes you will stay behind for her to come back to. After a lovey dovey moment, the Hero will agree to this and then the scene fades out.
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