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A Fishy Story

Event 1: Receive Fishing Pole from Joe! Visit Joe while he is fishing at Maple Lake, Sunny or Cloudy weather, receive fishing pole

To start off this ending you must become good friends with Joe and you should talk to him a lot when he's fishing. He keeps mentioning that you shouldn't become used to these lands because they won't be around for long. Every couple of days go back and talk to Joe. Eventually he should give you a fishing pole. The fishing pole isn't the best quality pole, but this one you will use to learn how to fish.

Event 2: Discuss a Mysterious Fish at the Lake! Visit Joe while he is fishing at Maple Lake, Sunny or Cloudy weather, after you have caught at least 3 fish, you have seen Event 1

With this pole you will catch a lot of boots and cans, and very few fish. Never give Joe a small fish because he will tell you to throw it back, but if you catch a Medium fish, make sure to give that to him. After you have caught three fish of any size, meet up with him at Maple Lake in the evening.

Event 3: Get the Silver Fishing Pole! Visit to Joe while he is fishing at Maple Lake, Sunny or Cloudy weather, after you have caught at least 4 fish, you have seen Event 2

Joe is at the lake on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A cinema will occur where Joe will tell you about the Legendary Silver Fish. He says that he has never seen this fish before but it would be cool if someday somebody could catch it. Joe just believes that it is one of those "Fishy Stories". Continue to go fishing on a daily basis. After you catch four or more fish (maybe a few more) go to visit Joe at Maple Lake again in the evening. He will ask you how the fishing is going. It doesn't matter what you tell him, he will tell you that he will talk with Louis about making a better fishing pole for you. Joe leaves and the cinema ends.

The next day the Silver Fishing Pole will be available so head on over to the Tool Shop and buy it for 4500 Gold.

Event 4: The Mysterious Fish is Sighted! Visit Joe while he is fishing at Maple Lake, 7:00 pm to midnight, Sunny or Cloudy weather, you have caught at least 8 fish, you have seen Event 3

Now head on over to the lake to test it out. It will be easier to catch fish of all sizes now, and you will catch less of the junier items. Now try catching at least 3 Medium to Large sized fish and then head off to meet up with Joe during the evening at Maple Lake. While the two of you are talking, Joe notices a silver streak running through the water. He now believes that the Silver Fish isn't a legend, that it is actually a fact. He now gets ready to try to catch this fish.

Event 5 (Optional): It's a Heavenly Messenger! Walk into the Carpenter's Shop, 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, Tuesday or Thursday, Sunny or Cloudy weather, you have seen Event 4

Now is the time where you should befriend Kurt, so give him plenty of Tomatoes within the next week. On the next Tuesday or Thursday, head on over to the Carpenter's Shop and a cinema will pop up with Woody. He will tell you that the Silver Fish is a god sent. He has never seen it, but he wishes you good luck on catching it.

Event 6 (Optional): Receive Advice From the Sprites! Visit Joe while he is fishing at Maple Lake, 5:00 pm to midnight, not a full-moon night, you have seen Event 4 and you have not yet seen Event 9

This cinema will end, but it will be followed by another with the Harvest Goddess and the Harvest Sprites. She tells you that she doesn't know much about the Silver Fish but she will look into it and get back to you. After this happens, Kurt will walk by and give you some sort of weird look (he can't see the Goddes or Sprites). He will then state that you need some sleep because you are talking to yourself.

Now go and catch some more fish and head back to the lake in the evening. Joe will be wondering about the Silver Fish when the Harvest Sprites will then stop by. They will explain to you that the Silver Fish only appears on nights with a Full Moon. This means that it will only appear on the 14th, 15th, 29th, and 30th. When the Harvest Sprites leave, Joe gives you a funny look just like Kurt did, and tells you to get some rest.

Event 7: Herb Help! At your farm house, 6:00 am, any weather, you have caught at least 6 LARGE fish, you are friendly with Kurt, you have seen Event 4

After this last cinema takes place, keep on giving Kurt Tomatoes and he will eventually stop by your farm . He tells you that he doesn't believe the legend of the Silver Fish but then again, he doesn't totally disbelieve it either. He is willing to cut a deal with you. Since Woody has Kurt collecting herbs, he asks if you would collect some for him. He says that if you do he will repay you kindly. Pickup at least 10 herbs and then go and speak with Kurt. Give him the herbs and he says that he will be back in a few days to repay you.

Event 8: Get the Super Silver Fishing Pole! At your farm house, 6:00 am, Sunny weather, at least 3 days after giving Kurt the herbs

About 3 days later Kurt will stop by your farm again to speak with you. In his hands he holds a fishing rod. He explains that he imagined the Silver Fish to look like this so he designed a rod specifically to fit the purpose. He also believes that you have a better shot at catching the Silver Fish then Joe does.

Event 9: Let's Catch that Messenger Fish! Go fishing at Maple Lake, Spring season: 6:00 pm to midnight; Summer season: 7:00 pm to midnight; Autumn season: 6:00 pm to midnight; Winter season: 5:00 pm to midnight, Sunny weather (not cloudy!), on a full-moon night or close to a full-moon night

Now that you have the upgraded Silver Fish Rod, all you have to do is wait for a Full Moon night. When the next Full Moon night rolls around, head on down to the lake during the earlier part of the evening. The Silver Fish Ending is a more random event, so this could get a little frustrating. You have to cast out into the water and wait for you to catch it. There isn't much of a pattern, just look for a more larger object out in the lake to aim for. You have to move your line to where the fish is to catch it, unlike with regular fishing. You will know that you have caught the Silver Fish because when you display your fish it will be shimmering silver.

Joe will be found standing right next to you totally stunned and amazed at your catch. Then the Hero will release the fish back into the lake and Joe will ask you why you did that. Then he realized why you did this and agrees with your actions. The Hero had taken a Silver Scale off of the fish for his souvenir to prove his catch. The Hero hands it to Joe and Joe then sends it off to a Magazine Company.

Event 10: The Fish Magazine. Your farm house, 6:00 am, at least 7 days after catching the silver fish

One week later, Joe, Kurt and Katie will show up at your farm. Katie pulls out a brochure that talks about the Silver Fish that the Hero caught. Since the fish is rare, the developers cannot develop on this land. This now means that the lake will also have restricted fishing laws. Joe is happy that the homeland is saved but he is sad because he won't be able to fish as often any more.

After the credits, the Hero visits Joe. Joe is fishing just one last time before the restrictions arise. Joe and your character make small talk for a little bit before Katie shows up. She will state that she still cannot figure out how this fishing thing works, and then she drags him off to go on a date, the scene fades out.

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