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Horse Race

To start this ending you should become good friends with Bob and Gwen. Both of them love sweets, they also will like Eggs and Milk. Now you must get a Horse if you don't already have one. To get a Horse, please check the Horses page. Once you have your horse, you will want to groom and talk to your horse every day. Once your horse has at least one heart, you will be able to climb on your horse and ride at a slow pace around the village. When you are able to ride your horse, you will wake up to a cinema with Bob. The Hero will be shown brushing your horse and Bob will compliment you on being able to ride your horse. He also tells you that he has confidence in your ability to train the horse. Then Gwen shows up and shows her cocky attitude and states that anybody can ride a horse and that no one can beat her horse.

Continue to love your horse, and use your horse to ride it everywhere around town. Eventually you will have your horse at the five heart level. At this point another cinema will occur. Bob once again will show up and congratulate you on getting your horse in such nice condition. He then says that now it is time to train your horse for racing. He says that you should come down to Brownie Farm and do a Time Attack race to see how fast your horse is. Gwen will then show up and then she and Bob will argue as to who will represent the Homeland in the big race, the cinema ends. Now head on down to the Brownie Farm and go into the Store. When you are in there Bob will ask what you want to do. Instead of just Part-Time Work being in the menu, Time Attack has been added as one of the selections. You will then meet Bob down at the race track to do a Time Attack.

To do a Time Attack you must race your horse around the track three full times. Bob will say to you that you must beat Gwen's time of 52 seconds. When you get into the race, try to stay as close to the right fence without scraping alongside it. Make sure to cut your corners tight but dont run into the fence. You don't have to beat her time on your first chance, you can take multiple stabs until you beat 52 seconds.

Once you beat Gwen's time, you can keep on testing your time and the fastest time is what you will end up with (so you dont have to beat 52 seconds every time you race). In the next 2 weeks, Bob will stop by your farm and he says that you did really good at the Time Attack but now you must face some competition. Bob challenges you to a race against him and if you beat him you will be sent to the races. He also says that if you don't want to race him now, you can come by on Thursday to challenge him. This race works just like the Time Attack, but instead of racing against the time you are racing against Bob. Try to following the same directions as stated above, but don't let Bob get ahead of you or push you out of your path. After winning this Bob will state that your horse is definately ready for the horse race. Gwen will show up and state that the test isn't over yet. Now you must beat her to prove that your horse is the best. Race Gwen and then beat her just like you did with Bob and you will be off to the races.

After beating Gwen she will tell you that your horse is the best. Then Bob will pitch in and tell you to take good care of your horse because the race is in 2 weeks. One morning in the next few days Gwen will stop by and say that she is very disappointed in losing to you, but she is glad that your horse is in the race. She then gives you a Lucky Charm so that your horse wins. That is the end of that cinema. One week later after beating Bob and Gwen, Bob will stop by your farm to remind you that the race is in 1 week and to make sure that you are taking good care of your horse.

One week later Bob will stop by your farm again to pick up your horse. Unfortunately you don't get to race the horse, but Bob will take good care of it and do a good job at the races. The next day both Gwen and Bob will stop by your farm to tell you that your horse has won! Since your horse won the race, they said that the next year the horse race will be held at the homeland. Since this is the cause, the developers cannot develop in the homeland and once again the homeland is saved. At the end of the credits, the Hero, Bob and Gwen are all on the race track. They will all talk for a little bit and then the three of you race around the horse track. Then the scene fades out...

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