Ushi No Tane

Upcoming Releases

Japan Japan

SoS:AWL (Switch)
January 26, 2023

SoS: MultiPlayer

SoS: Mainline

image N.America

SoS:AWL (multi)
June 27, 2023

HM:Home Sweet Home
August 23, 2024

Europe Europe

SoS:AWL (multi)
June 27, 2023

HM:Home Sweet Home
August 23, 2024

Official Bokumono Website


XSeed Games

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The Ushi No Tane websites specialize in information, FAQs, and guides about the Nintendo console versions of the Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, and Legend of the River King video games. These game genres are created and published in Japan by Marvelous (JP). In other regions, you'll find Natsume, XSeed Games/Marvelous (USA), Marvelous (EU), and Rising Star involved in the series' release.

The latest version of the mainstream farming series that have been released in various regions of the world are:

The latest version of River King, in all regions of the world, is River King: Mystic Valley (JP 2007, NA 2008, EU 2009).

Since 2000, Ushi no Tane has been run by a grouchy old lady who happens to be fond of video game agriculture along with two feline helpers: Intern Captain Bootu and Intern Hondo Mewnaka. The website is not officially affiliated, sponsored, endorsed, or employed by the developers of Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, or River King. This is simply a fan site.

Latest Farming Video Game News

SoS: Friends of Mineral Town Info (Marriage/Food) | Posted at 03:14 PM 25 October 2019

Happy Farm'n Friday! The leaves on the blueberry bushes have turned bright red, though they're still hanging onto the plants in an attempt to hold the memories of summertime. The radish seedlings are growing well too! There's some sort of plant predator eating the radish leaves. I know it is not caused by the local tree rats, as the squirrels haven't bothered the well-caged seedlings. It is probably slug damage.

New SoS:FoMT Info

So I've played a little bit more of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town over the past week and have reached fall of year 1. It's enjoyable and plays much faster than SoS: Trio of Towns. An in-game hour in SoS:FoMT lasts about 18 real-time seconds, whereas an in-game hour in 3oT is about 35 real-time seconds. So a day is roughly half the time in the Switch game as it is in the 3DS game. Players may feel overwhelmed with having to manage the farm in such a short time, but that's what the "Nature" Sprites are for! Just hire them to handle the watering, harvesting, or animal care (for 3, 5, or 7 days) and then go off to do whatever else you want to spend the day doing. Time does not proceed when indoor or inside of the mines.

So here's some more tidbits that players have discovered as we work through the game:

A patch was released this week for Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. Version 1.0.2 fixed the bug where animals would get stuck on the farm such as my little horse splashing around in the stream. Other non-specific bugs were also corrected.

According to week-one sales from Weekly Famitsu, SoS: Friends of Mineral Town sold a little more than 66,000 copies in the first four days of its release; the game came out on the 17th and Famitsu's tallies end on the 20th. Nice! It was beat out by Ring Fit Adventure with 68,000 copies.

Stranded Sails Physical Release

This week Roka Publishing announced that the physical editions of Stranded Sails: Explorers of the Cursed Islands will be released on November 8 in EU and November 12 in the US. The physical signature edition is still available for preorder, which includes a copy of the game, special packaging, art cards, a numbered certificate of authenticity, enameled pins, art book, and treasure map. The Switch edition of the physical game is about $5 more than the Ps4 edition.

The game had a few patches published for it recently to correct save state corruption issues, game freezes, and other bugs.

Until next time! - Cher (The local election ballot arrived this week. It's just a single bond measure, but still important to vote on!)
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