
Major Lynette

A commander for the Sechs Country military, Lynette has a change of heart and helps you out instead. Once the main story line of the game has been completed she moves into Mist's house. During the day she'll be around the roadways of the village, but at night you can always find her at Mist's. Because she is a foreigner to Kardia Village, Lynette is always observing the local villagers and puzzling over their strange ways.

Birthday: Fall 25            Wife Gift: Apple Pie

Favorite Gift Liked Gifts Disliked Gifts
4-Leaf Clover L. Yogurt, Bamboo Sprout Strawberry

Raising Love Points

Lynette isn't any more difficult than Rosetta or Lara. You just have to give her gifts she likes to raise her LP value. She also will boost her Love Points if you talk to her on Spring Fesival and Beaches Open, as well as participate with her on Moonlit Eve and Sacred Night.

You really just have to know where Lynette happens to be in order to give a daily gift. Since she's new to Kardia Village, she spends each day in a new location observing the lives of the rural villagers.

Marriage Requirements

You must finish the main story line of the game before you get the chance to marry Major Lynette. Once that step has been completed, you must also have befriended everyone in the village up to at least 8 Friend Points.

Proposing marriage to Lynette is a little tricky, since the conversation script about getting married can randomly appear when you are talking to her. You just have to keep talking and hope you get lucky enough that you get prompted to ask her hand in marriage.

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