Random Event

The Horse Fanatics

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» Walk from Bluebell Church area to Bluebell Town
» Friday or Saturday
» Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
» 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
» Year 3 or later
» The tunnel between the towns is connected
» You are not married to Kana or Georgia
» You have not seen Georgia's Blue Flower event
» Kana and Georgia are at 5 flowers or more

Georgia is in the pasture tending to her horse when Kana comes by for a visit. He notices that Dakota and her appear to still be good friends. Georgia tells him that Dakota loves it when she gets brushed.

Kana is glad that he has a chance to talk to her, since they use to spend a lot of time fighting. He realized the other day that the fact the two of them have a love of horses is an important thing to him. Georgia admits that she thinks the same way. With both of their horses getting older, the two of them have to take even better care of their friends.

Now that the tunnel has been fixed, Kana suggests that she come visit him in Konohana. Likewise, Georgia tells him to come visit her in Bluebell.

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