Random Events

Yun's Husband

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» Yun's Tea House
» Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday
» Sunny or Snowy weather
» 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
» Gombe and Yun have 6 flowers or more

Gombe has come to visit Yun at her tea house. He recently remembered something that happened a long time ago and wants to talk to Yun about it. She's willing to take a break to chat with the old man.

The two of them start reminiscing about the old times when you walk in for a visit. Gombe explains that Yun's husband was a very close friend of his. Yun gets a little embarrassed, but Gombe goes on and talks about how worried he was about her after Yun's husband passed away. He's glad that she was able to recover from his death. Yun says it was because of the kindness from everyone in the village and she's so grateful to everyone. Gombe says it is just because everybody wants the people the love to be happy!

Love? Gombe gets embarrassed and says he better leave to get back to work. After he leaves, Yun confides in you that Gombe reminds her of her late husband. She hopes that you too can find a special person someday.

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