Orange Heart event Go to the Chicken Ranch in the Summer of your 4th year (between 11:30am and 4:00pm) and you'll find Popuri's family and Kai inside. Kai says that he and Popuri plan on leaving the village! Rick asks Popuri if it's true and she says it is. Her brother is mad and blames Kai. Popuri denies that Kai is a bad person and it was all her idea! While the two kids bicker, Lillia pops up and gives permission for Popuri to go.

Rick completely flips out and can't believe what his mom just said! Lillia says there's no point in opposing since she's going to go anyway. She has a condition before Popuri can go though; Kai has to keep Popuri happy forever! Lillia says that Kai doesn't have to give her a reply right away. Kai says he'll consider it and then leaves.

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