Animal Funeral

If you don't take care of your livestock then they will die. In the morning you will witness a funeral scene at the Church. If a chicken dies then Rick will be there, and Barley will be there for the sheep and cows. You will pay your last respects to your animal. If your animal died of natural causes then you won't get scolded, but if it's because of neglect then you'll get into some trouble.

Keep an eye on the health of your animals. If you see a skull appear when you talk to her, then your animal is sick. You can leave it be and it will die within a few days, or you can heal her with the Animal Medicine you can purchase from the Poultry Farm or Barley's Farm.

Animals will die of natural causes. A chicken will live around 3 years and the livestock will live around 4 to 5 years. When an animal dies you will loose Animal points.

You can kind of "cheat" death by making sure you save your game before you go to bed that night. Since the funerals happen in the morning, you can reload your saved game from the previous night. When you wake up again there's a chance that your animal won't die.

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