Local Shops
Outside of the weekly bazaar, there are only two shops in Zephyr Town; Joan's Zephyr Café and Raul's Shop. Joan's shop has various cooked dishes you can eat or give as gifts, and Raul has general goods like fodder, fertilizer, and so on. You can sell things to Raul if you need some quick-cash and can't wait to sell items at your own stall during the bazaar.
Most of the shop you'll interact with will be during the weekly bazaar. When the bazaar is small, there is only a handfull of stalls that are open. As you increase the size of the bazaar, more venders appear to purchase from. Once your bazaar has reached 75% growth, you will have all of the possible bazaar stalls; no more will open even when you reach 100% growth.
When new shops are added to the bazaar, the old ones don't go away. The shops don't always open when the bazaar opens! Some shops need extra preparation time before they are ready to sell their wares.
Zephyr Shops

Zephyr Café
Open: 10:00 am to 11:00 pm
Closed: Thursdays and bazaar days
Will be open on Thursday if that day is Spring Harmony Day, Winter Harmony Day, Pumpkin Festival, or the two-day Starry Night Festival
When you buy cooked dishes from Joan, you will also learn the recipe if you didn't already know it. The inventory Joan has will change each, and she will have new dishes for sale depending on what year you are in the game. Once it initially appears in her shop, it will appear every year afterwards if the is right.
Item | Season | Cost |
Cabbage Rolls | Spring, year 1 | 900 G |
Sautéed Turnips | Spring, year 1 | 450 G |
Toast | Spring, year 1 | 180 G |
Donuts | Spring, year 1 | 550 G |
Pudding | Spring, year 1 | 350 G |
Udon Noodles | Spring, year 2 | 360 G |
French Fries | Spring, year 2 | 720 G |
Apple Pie | Spring, year 3 | 1120 G |
Omelet Rice | Spring, year 3 | 630 G |
Rice Ball | Spring and Summer, year 1 | 350 G |
Oolong Tea | Spring and Summer, year 2 | 1580 G |
Chocolate Cookies | Spring and Winter, year 1 | 600 G |
Chocolate Cake | Spring and Winter, year 1 | 930 G |
Ice Cream | Summer, year 1 | 500 G |
Pumpkin Pudding | Summer, year 1 | 550 G |
Curry Rice | Summer, year 1 | 650 G |
Corn Soup | Summer, year 1 | 500 G |
Egg Rice | Summer, year 1 | 250 G |
Tomato Salad | Summer, year 1 | 250 G |
Pancake | Summer, year 1 | 400 G |
Mint Tea | Summer, year 1 | 680 G |
Dish | Season | Cost |
Yakisoba | Summer, year 1 | 400 G |
Cream Croquette | Summer, year 2 | 840 G |
Green Tea | Summer, year 2 | 720 G |
Raisin Bread | Summer or Fall, year 2 | 540 G |
Herb Salad | Summer and Winter, year 1 | 300 G |
Steamed Mushrooms | Fall, year 1 | 450 G |
Yam Dessert | Fall, year 1 | 450 G |
Dashi Egg | Fall, year 1 | 500 G |
Sweet Dumplings | Fall, year 1 | 250 G |
Tofu | Fall, year 1 | 250 G |
Mixed Salad | Fall, year 1 | 580 G |
Roasted Mushroom | Fall, year 1 | 500 G |
Grilled Fish | Fall, year 1 | 300 G |
Boiled Egg | Fall, year 1 | 100 G |
Okara | Fall, year 2 | 660 G |
Walnut Cookies | Fall, year 2 | 720 G |
Jelly Bread | Fall, year 2 | 540 G |
Steamed Bread | Fall, year 2 | 360 G |
Dry Curry | Fall, year 3 | 490 G |
Dish | Season | Cost |
Hot Coffee | Fall or Winter, year 1 | 400 G |
Hot Milk | Fall or Winter, year 1 | 300 G |
Fried Rice Ball | Fall or Winter, year 1 | 500 G |
Rice Porridge | Winter, year 1 | 250 G |
Sponge Cake | Winter, year 1 | 320 G |
Cookies | Winter, year 1 | 450 G |
Cake | Winter, year 1 | 400 G |
Sashimi | Winter, year 1 | 480 G |
Egg Soup | Winter, year 1 | 500 G |
Bread | Winter, year 1 | 120 G |
Fried Egg | Winter, year 1 | 200 G |
Sushi | Winter, year 2 | 960 G |
Chicha (Glass) | Winter, year 2 | 1120 G |
Croquette | Winter, year 2 | 720 G |
Scone | Winter, year 2 | 1060 G |
Steamed Cake | Winter, year 2 | 450 G |

Raul's Shop
Open: 7:00 am to 11:00 pm
Closed: Fridays and bazaar days
Raul's little store is open most days except for fridays, when his brothers Enrique and Diego come to visit. Raul even keeps his shop open on festival days in case you need to do some shopping. He also has his own booth at the weekly bazaar, so his town shop will be closed on bazaar days.
His store carries standard items like animal feed and fertilizer, but each (except for Winter) he will have crop seeds for sale that don't appear at the bazaar.
Item | Season | Cost |
Fertilizer | Any | 10 G |
Animal Medicine | Any Must own an animal | 500 G |
Pet Food | Any Must own a pet | 150 G |
Horse Treat | Any Must own a horse | 150 G |
Fodder | Any Must own a cow or sheep | 70 G |
Chicken Feed | Any Must own a chicken | 80 G |
Turnip Seeds | Spring | 120 G |
Radish Seeds | Summer | 200 G |
Eggplant Seeds | Fall | 200 G |
You can also sell items to Raul at his shop, but he will always pay 50% of the price you would have earned if you sold the same item at the bazaar. For example, an Egg with 3 stars and Super Fresh rank will sell for 85 G to Raul but will sell for 190 G at the bazaar.
Weekly Bazaar Shops: 0% Level

Raul's Seed Stand
Opens: 11:00 am
Raul only keeps Potato Seeds and Tomato Seeds as staple goods that appear regularly at the bazaar. For the other seed types, they are randomly available until year 4, when they all become available on a regular basis.
Item | Season | Cost |
Potato Seeds | Spring Winter (for Spring) | 170 G |
Cabbage Seeds | Spring (random) | 420 G |
Cucumber Seeds | Spring, year 2 or later (random) | 250 G |
Tomato Seeds | Summer | 150 G |
Onion Seeds | Summer (random) | 160 G |
Pineapple Seeds | Summer, year 2 or later (random) | 1400 G |
Yam Seeds | Fall (random) | 300 G |
Green Pepper Seeds | Fall (random) | 210 G |
Spinach Seeds | Fall, year 2 or later (random) | 280 G |

Lloyd's Mineral Stand
Open: 10:45 am
To make high selling accessories, you will need to buy your ores from Lloyd. Each week he will randomly have 4 types of ores and/or jewels available for sale. Lloyd does not sell Pink Diamonds; that only comes from winning both Cooking Festivals in the Fall.
Ruby, Peridot, and Topaz are sold by Diego when you expand the bazaar to 75%.
Item | Season | Cost |
Copper | All year | 1400 G |
Silver | All year | 12,600 G |
Gold | All year | 14,000 G |
Mithril | All year | 7800 G |
Orichalcum | All year | 7800 G |
Adamantite | Spring and Summers | 9100 G |
Moon Stone | Spring and Summers, year 2 | 14,400 G |
Amethyst | Fall and Winter, year 2 | 12,000 G |
Sandrose | Fall and Winter, year 2 | 12,000 G |

Wrapping Stall
Open: 11:00 am
Wrapping the gifts you give to people will increase its friendship point affect. Giving a +800 FP gift that's wrapped will become a +1000 FP gift! If you give a wrapped gift of a color the gift receiver likes, you'll get an extra +100 FP.
The woman who runs the stand will ask you to choose the item out of your rucksack to be wrapped. You can only wrap one item at a time, and only one item can be placed in a wrapped box. Even when an item is wrapped, the standard freshness decay rate will apply.
Item | Season | Cost |
Red Wrapping | Any | 200 G |
Blue Wrapping | Any | 200 G |
Yellow Wrapping | Any | 200 G |

Wilbur's Workshoop
Opens: 10:00 am
Wilbur doesn't sell any goods, but you can hire him to remodel your storage box and expand your fields.
Item | Season | Cost |
Unlock Field #2 | Any | 30,000 G |
Unlock Field #3 | Any, after you unlock field #2 | 60,000 G |
Basement Greenhouse | Any, after you unlock field #3 | 100,000 G |
Expand Storage to 24 slots | Any | 10,000 G |
Expand Storage to 36 slots | Any, after you expand to 24 | 20,000 G |
Expand Storage to 48 slots | Any, after you expand to 36 | 30,000 G |
Expand Storage to 60 slots | Any, after you expand to 48 | 40,000 G |
Expand Storage to 72 slots | Any, after you expand to 60 | 50,000 G |
Expand Storage to 84 slots | Any, after you expand to 72 | 60,000 G |
Expand Storage to 96 slots | Any, after you expand to 84 | 70,000 G |
Expand Storage to 108 slots | Any, after you expand to 96 | 80,000 G |

Enrique's Amazing Animal Stand
Open: 11:00 am
Raul's brother, Enrique, sells animals for your farm. He offers adult version of the baby animals once you have purchased at least 1 baby; buy a Chick and next week the Chickens will be unlocked and available. Enrique will have pet cats for sale once you own 4 or more Chickens, and pet dogs when you own 4 or more Cows and/or Sheep.
You can not sell your animals back to Enrique. Once you buy them, you keep them until they die of old age or sickness. In the case of dogs and cats, they never die and you can never sell them once purchased. If you buy your limit of 5 dogs and Enrique has a new color you want to buy, there's nothing you can do that will allow you to get rid of one of your existing dogs and buy the new one you want.
Item | Season | Cost |
Chick | Any | 3500 G |
Chicken | Any | 6000 |
Silkie Chick | Any, year 3 | 4500 G |
Silkie Chicken | Any, year 3 | 7000 G |
Baby Cow | Any | 6000 G |
Cow | Any | 12,000 G |
Baby Jersey Cow | Any, year 3 | 10,000 G |
Jersey Cow | Any, year 3 | 18,000 G |
Baby Sheep | Any | 8000 G |
Sheep | Any | 16,000 G |
Baby Suffolk Sheep | Any, year 3 | 16,000 G |
Suffolk Sheep | Any, year 3 | 28,000 G |
Pet Cat | Any, own 4+ Chickens | 10,000 G |
Pet Dog, husky | Any, own 4+ Cows/Sheep | 8,000 G |
Pet Dog, beagle | Any, year 2, own 4+ Cows/Sheep | 10,000 G |
You also have a limit of 10 Cows/Sheep in your standard barn. Once you hit that limit, Enrique will have an option to construct a second feed bin. The feed bin will cost 50,000 G and raise the limit to 20 Cows/Sheep.

Felix's Stand
Open: 10:30 am
Near the bazaar entrance is the mayor's bazaar stall. He will sell cooking ingredients and tools. You will start your farm with a Watering Can and Hoe. You will have to buy your remaining tools from Felix's booth. Each festival he'll have four items for sale.
Felix also sells upgrades to your fishing rod, but you must reach a minimum year in the game before they appear at his booth. The Long Fishing Rod is the only pole that can cast far enough to catch large fish, which means you can't easily get large fish until year 4.
Item | Season | Cost |
Chocolate | Any | 200 G |
Wheat Seeds | Spring and Summers, year 2 | 60 G |
Grass Seeds | Fall and Winters, year 2 | 600 G |
Sickle | Any season | 1000 G |
Hammer | Any season, own the Sickle | 8000 G |
Axe | Any season, own the Hammer | 4000 G |
Brush | Any season, own a cow or sheep | 3000 G |
Bell | Any season, own the Brush | 5000 G |
Stethoscope | Any season, own the Bell | 4000 G |
Dog Bone | Any season, own the Stethoscope and a dog | 2500 G |
Cat Bell | Any season, own the Stethoscope and a cat | 2500 G |
Edamame | Summer, own the Dog Bone and Cat Bell | 400 G |
Truffle | Fall, own the Dog Bone and Cat Bell | 1000 G |
Rice Candy | Winter, own the Dog Bone and Cat Bell | 200 G |
Soybeans | Spring, year 2, own the Dog Bone and Cat Bell | 250 G |
Medium Fishing Rod | Any season, year 2, own the Short Fishing Rod | 3000 G |
Long Fishing Rod | Any season, year 4, own the Medium Fishing Rod | 6000 G |
Skateboard | Any season, own the Snowboard | 9000 G |
Soba Noodles | Summer and Winters, own the Skateboard | 560 G |
Buckwheat Flour | Spring and Falls, year 2, own the Skateboard | 220 G |

Joan Café
Open: 10:20 am
Besides running the Zephyr Café in town, she and Marian run a small outdoor café at the festival. Joan sells different dishes at the cafe than she does at the local shop. You will learn the cooking recipe if you purchase a cooked dish from her bazaar shop.
Item | Season | Cost |
Asparagus Soup | Spring, year 1 | 600 G |
Chocolate Cookies | Spring, year 1 | 600 G |
Omelet | Spring, year 1 | 380 G |
Red Wine (Glass) | Spring, year 1 | 520 G |
Sandwich | Spring, year 1 | 500 G |
Strawberry Tea | Spring, year 1 | 780 G |
Strawb. Wine (Gls) | Spring, year 1 | 940 G |
Party Cake | Spring, year 2 | 1200 G |
Spaghetti | Spring, year 2 | 300 G |
Potato Pancake | Spring and Summer, year 1 | 600 G |
Milk Tea | Spring and Summer, year 1 | 600 G |
Straight Tea | Spring and Fall, year 1 | 600 G |
Boiled Potato | Spring and Winter, year 1 | 650 G |
Dry Curry | Summer, year 1 | 350 G |
Fish Paste | Summer, year 1 | 100 G |
Milk Curry | Summer, year 1 | 780 G |
Onion Salad | Summer, year 1 | 400 G |
Onion Soup | Summer, year 1 | 720 G |
Pumpkin Soup | Summer, year 1 | 750 G |
Roasted Corn | Summer, year 1 | 750 G |
Item | Season | Cost |
White Wine (Glass) | Summer, year 1 | 560 G |
Chocolate Banana | Summer, year 2 | 600 G |
Herb Spaghetti | Summer, year 2 | 900 G |
Lavender Tea | Summer, year 2 | 880 G |
Spring Roll | Spring, year 2 | 1200 G |
Pineapple Pie | Summer, year 3 | 1120 G |
Apple Wine (Glass)) | Fall, year 1 | 1220 G |
French Toast | Fall, year 1 | 250 G |
Mont Blanc | Fall, year 1 | 750 G |
Mushroom Rice | Fall, year 1 | 500 G |
Pasta Salad | Fall, year 1 | 800 G |
Penne Pasta | Fall, year 1 | 800 G |
Pizza | Fall, year 1 | 510 G |
Cheesecake | Fall, year 2 | 600 G |
Fruit Sandwich | Fall, year 2 | 720 G |
Café au Lait | Fall and Winter, year 2 | 600 G |
Cheese Dumpling | Fall and Winter, year 2 | 480 G |
Chinese Dumpling | Winter, year 1 | 700 G |
Curry Bread | Winter, year 1 | 350 G |
Milk Stew | Winter, year 1 | 780 G |
Item | Season | Cost |
Cheese Fondue | Winter, year 2 | 480 G |
Chicha (Glass) | Winter, year 2 | 1120 G |
Chocolate Cake | Winter, year 2 | 930 G |
Curry Dumpling | Winter, year 2 | 480 G |
Herb Soup | Winter, year 2 | 1020 G |
Milk Rice Porridge | Winter, year 2 | 480 G |
Russian Tea | Winter, year 2 | 720 G |
Weekly Bazaar Shops: 25% Level

Sherry's Seeds
Open: 10:30 am
Felix's daughter will sell tree seeds for your farm. Each tree takes a 3x3 square of soil on one of your fields and doesn't wilt when the season's change. Because they take up so much room, you can only plant 6 trees on each of your fields. You can destroy grown trees by chopping them with your axe.
Item | Season | Cost |
Grape Tree Seed | Spring and Winter | 720 G |
Muscat Tree Seed | Spring | 390 G |
Apple Tree Seed | Spring, year 2 | 390 G |
Peach Tree Seed | Summer and Winter | 480 G |
Banana Tree Seed | Summer, year 2 | 540 G |
Orange Tree Seed | Summer, year 3 | 440 G |
Tea Tree Seed | Fall and Winter | 210 G |
Olive Tree Seed | Fall | 480 G |
Coffee Tree Seed | Fall, year 3 | 360 G |

Chen's shop
Open: 10:48 am
The merchant from the Island series of Harvest Moon sells cooking supplies and crop seeds. Chen will sell different seeds than Raul's town shop or bazaar shop, but the seeds are random based on their season until you reach year 4. After that, Chen will sell them weekly in the bazaar.
Item | Season | Cost |
Oil | Any season | 100 G |
Sea Urchin | Spring and Summer | 700 G |
Seaweed | Spring and Summer | 210 G |
Curry Powder | Fall and Winter | 310 G |
Rice | Fall and Winter | 210 G |
Carrot Seeds | Fall | 160 G |
Strawberry Seeds | Spring | 240 G |
Asparagus Seeds | Spring and Winter | 280 G |
Corn Seeds | Summer | 630 G |
Pumpkin Seeds | Summer | 300 G |
Cauliflower Seeds | Fall | 350 G |
Yellow Pepper Seeds | Fall | 360 G |

Cookware Stand
Open: 10:45 am
Your kitchen doesn't have cooking utensils, so you will need to buy them from this stand. Once you buy the utensil, you can make the dishes that require the use of utensils. The kitchen will automatically use the utensil when necessary; all you have to do is select the ingredients or recipe.
The cookware stand only has the Pot and Frying Pan for sale initially. Once you buy one of them, the Seasoning Set will appear in his inventory for purchase. After you buy all of the utensils, the Cookware Stall never has anything else for sale.
Item | Season | Cost |
Frying Pan | Any season | 10,000 G |
Pot | Any season | 10,000 G |
Seasoning Set | Any season, own the Frying Pan or Pot | 10,000 G |

Fantastic Furniture
Open: 10:00 am
If you want to get married and/or have a child, you need to buy the beds from this merchant. Once you buy both beds available, he doesn't sell anything new.
Item | Season | Cost |
Bed | Any season | 10,000 G |
Bigger Bed | After marriage and the Pregnancy event | 30,000 G |

Gannon's Carpentry
Open: 12:00 pm (noon)
Just like Wilbur, Gannon can remodel your storage warehouse but instead of increasing its size, he will increase the freshness preservation. The more powered up your storage is, the longer your items will remain in the freshness state they were in when you placed them into the storage.
Gannon can also expand the size of your bazaar stall. The larger the stall, the more items you can have out at one time.
Item | Season | Cost |
Power Up #1 | Any season | 30,000 G |
Power Up #2 | Any, after power up #1 | 60,000 G |
Power Up #3 | Any, after power up #2 | 100,000 G |
Bazaar Size Upgrade #1 | Any, increase your stall size to 6 | 30,000 G |
Bazaar Size Upgrade #2 | Any, after upgrade #1, increase your stall size to 9 | 60,000 G |
Bazaar Size upgrade #3 | Any, after upgrade #2, increase your stall size to 12 | 100,000 G |
Weekly Bazaar Shops: 50% Level

Claire's Café
Open: 10:15am
Next to Raul's stand is Claire's little cooked dishes bazaar stand. She sells dishes that are different than what it offered at Joan's Café. Just like with Joan, if you buy the cooked dish then you'll learn the recipe if you didn't already know it.
Item | Season | Cost |
Cooked Rice | Any season, year 2 | 420 G |
Egg Rice Bowl | Spring | 780 G |
Fish Stew | Spring | 420 G |
Inari Sushi | Spring, year 2 | 640 G |
Potato Salad | Spring | 600 G |
Strawberry Sweet | Spring | 360 G |
Tempura Noodles | Spring | 1200 G |
Vegetable Stir Fry | Spring | 1020 G |
Seaweed Curry | Spring, year 3 | 1090 G |
Matcha Tea | Spring and Summer, year 2 | 1840 G |
Miso Soup | Spring and Winter | 790 G |
Bamboo Dumpling | Summer | 960 G |
Carpaccio | Summer, year 2 | 1090 G |
Roasted Eggplant | Summer | 360 G |
Soft Boiled Egg | Summer | 240 G |
Soy Milk | Summer | 480 G |
Soy Milk Pudding | Summer | 480 G |
Spicy Curry | Summer, year 2 | 1090 G |
Vegetable Curry | Summer | 930 G |
Beer (Glass) | Summer, year 2 | 890 G |
Chop Suey | Summer, year 2 | 1820 G |
Item | Season | Cost |
Cold Soba Noodles | Summer, year 2 | 350 G |
Miso Eggplant | Summer, year 2 | 770 G |
Okonomiyaki | Summer, year 2 | 1330 G |
Scone | Summer, year 2 | 1240 G |
Seaweed Stew | Summer, year 2 | 490 G |
Tempura Soba | Summer, year 2 | 1400 G |
Zaru Suba | Summer, year 2 | 350 G |
Baked Yam | Fall | 240 G |
Chestnut Rice | Fall | d480 G |
Egg Custard | Fall | 660 G |
Kurikinton | Fall | 340 G |
Macaroni Salad | Fall | 540 G |
Mixed Rice | Fall | 840 G |
Shimeji Rice | Fall | 660 G |
Steamed Dumpling | Fall | 930 G |
Stewed Apple | Fall | 600 G |
Fish Paste | Fall, year 2 | 140 G |
Fried Udon | Fall, year 2 | 630 G |
Puer Tea | Fall, year 2 | 1000 G |
Tempura | Fall, year 2 | 980 G |
Tempura Bowl | Fall, year 2 | 1240 G |
Item | Season | Cost |
Sencha Tea | Fall and Winter, year 2 | 1090 G |
Boiled Tofu | Winter | 900 G |
Fried Okara | Winter | 420 G |
Fried Rice Noodles | Winter | 420 G |
Fried Rice | Winter | 540 G |
Pot Sticker | Winter | 930 G |
Toasted Rice Candy | Winter | 570 G |
Dried Tofu | Winter, year 2 | 350 G |
Fruit Shiritama | Winter, year 2 | 1050 G |

Lucky Lotto
Open: 10:00 am
Not all of the booths at the bazaar sell things. Once you reach 50% bazaar expansion, some contest booths and other random oddities will unlock. In this booth, you will pay 300 G and have a chance at winning a prize. The prizes awarded vary depending on the size of your bazaar. You will find out immediatly after paying if you've won, and you can buy multiple chances per bazaar.
Rank | Prize |
Bazaar Level: 100% | |
Grand Prize | Ball of Great Wool |
First Place | Ball of Good Wool |
Champagne | |
Second Place | Flower Perfume |
Good Butter | |
Good Cheese | |
Good Yogurt | |
Olive Oil | |
Red Wine | |
Straight Tea (Can) | |
Third Place | Ball of Wool |
Bottled Chestnuts | |
Bottled Walnuts | |
Curry Powder | |
Edamame | |
Fruit Yogurt | |
Herb Cheese | |
Herb Butter | |
Herb Mayonnaise | |
Honey | |
Party Cake | |
Small Coin | |
White Bread Crumbs | |
Fourth Place | Buckwheat Flour |
Branch | |
Egg | |
Empty Can | |
Fish Bone | |
Ice Cream | |
Long Boot | |
Lumber | |
Material Stone | |
Oil | |
Ore Stone | |
Rice | |
Rock | |
Seaweed | |
Shiratama Flour | |
Soybean Flour | |
Strawberry Sweet |

Isaac's Info Center
Open: 11:00 am
If you want some advice on how to more efficiently run your farm, you can pay Isaac 100 G to hear a tip. Isaac doesn't sell anything but his knowledge.

Fortune Telling
Open: 10:00 am
The elderly man who runs this booth will give you a fortune if you pay him 100 G. It is really just for fun.
Weekly Bazaar Shops: 75% Level

Diego's Delights
Open: 10:50 am
Raul and Enrique's brother, Diego, sets up his shop once you reach the 75% bazaar level. Diego sells Wonderful stones you can use to enhance your windmills, gems you can create jewely with, and even tree seeds. You can only buy 1 Wonderful of each color, but Diego won't remove it from his inventory once you purchase it. He just won't let you buy it again if it reappears at his bazaar shop.
Item | Season | Cost |
Peridot | All year | 12,000 G |
Ruby | All year | 12,000 G |
Topaz | All year | 12,000 G |
Summer Sun | All year, year 2 | 10,000 G |
Fall Sun | All year, year 2 | 10,000 G |
Cherry Tree Seed | Summer | 350 G |
Blueberry Tree Seed | Fall | 660 G |
Spices | Spring | 1120 G |
Shiratama Flour | Fall and Winter | 440 G |
Soybean Flour | Spring and Summer | 140 G |
Blue Wonderful | Fall and Winter, year 2 | 10,000 G |
Orange Wonderful | Winter (starting year 2), Spring (starting year 3) | 10,000 G |
Green Wonderful | Spring and Summer, year 3 | 10,000 G |
Yellow Wonderful | Summer and Fall, year 3 | 10,000 G |
Red Wonderful | Fall and Winter, year 3 | 10,000 G |
Purple Wonderful | Winter (starting year 3) and Spring (starting year 4) | 10,000 G |

Super Lucky Lotto
Open: 10:00 am
The caretaker of this market stall runs a small raffle with rare prizes. To enter her contest, you need to give her coins that you have found on the ground or have made using your manufacturing windmill. One chance at the raffle will cost you 5 Bronze Coins, 3 Silver Coins, or 1 Gold Coin.
The grand prize is Magic Water, which when consummed, will increase your Stamina bar by 20 points. You can only win the Magic Water five times, meaning you can only increase your maximum Stamina limit by 100 points. If you decide to give the Magic Water as a gift instead of drinking it, then you will not gain the pernament Stamina benefit.

Nellie's Food Stall
Open: 10:25 am
The last food booth at the bazaar is run by Nellie. She sells different cooked dishes than Joan or Claire does.
Item | Season | Cost |
Cappuccino | All year, year 2 | 840 G |
Champagne (Glass) | Spring | 1310 G |
Cheese Croquette | Spring | 1120 G |
Churros | Spring | 570 G |
Egg Tart | Spring | 500 G |
Herb Sandwich | Spring | 910 G |
Stew | Spring | 1030 G |
Meuniere | Spring, year 2 | 630 G |
Hash Browns | Spring, year 2 | 980 G |
Marinated Fish | Spring and Fall | 1090 G |
Rose Wine (Glass) | Spring and Winter | 1510 G |
Cherry Pie | Spring and Winter, year 3 | 890 G |
Spring Tea | Spring and Winter, year 3 | 5310 G |
Strawberry Pie | Spring and Winter, year 3 | 890 G |
Caprese Salad | Summer | 630 G |
Carpaccio | Summer | 1090 G |
Corn Cereal | Summer | 700 G |
Gazpacho | Summer | 560 G |
Tomato Fondue | Summer | 680 G |
Vichyssoise | Summer | 1330 G |
Item | Season | Cost |
Fish & Chips | Summer, year 2 | 910 G |
Herb Cookies | Summer, year 2 | 980 G |
Macaroni & Cheese | Summer, year 2 | 700 G |
Blueberry Pie | Summer, year 3 | 1280 G |
Blueberry Tea | Summer and Fall | 1840 G |
Herb Bread | Summer and Fall | 560 G |
Cauliflower Sauté | Fall | 1260 G |
Pineapple Pie | Fall | 1120 G |
Berry Wine (Glass) | Fall, year 2 | 2260 G |
Focaccia | Fall, year 2 | 810 G |
Honey Cake | Fall, year 2 | 910 G |
Cherry Wine (Gls) | Fall, year 3 | 1600 G |
Spring Wine (Gls) | Fall, year 3 | 21,310 G |
Royal Milk Tea | Fall and Winter, year 2 | 22,400 G |
Corn Soup | Winter | 700 G |
Gratin | Winter | 1260 G |
Herb Rice Porridge | Winter | 770 G |
Quiche | Winter | 1680 G |
Item | Season | Cost |
Raclette | Winter | 910 G |
Risotto | Winter | 910 G |
Strawb. Wine (Gls) | Winter | 1310 G |
Butter Roll | Winter, year 2 | 530 G |
Chamomile Tea | Winter, year 2 | 1030 G |
Chocolate Fondue | Winter, year 2 | 490 G |
Galette | Winter, year 2 | 1120 G |
Pink Fondue | Winter, year 2 | 910 G |
Sangria | Winter, year 2 | 980 G |
Tofu Steak | Winter, year 2 | 700 G |