Build the forge. Buy the kitchen Yue when she sells her bargains (which are different every day). On another day, you will be able to purchase appliances from her.
You will need to bring up your cooking skill a little bit before you can do more advanced recipes.
Can you feel me breathing down your neck?
You're just a perfect little human wreck.
But I like you enough to destroy you, tear you down.
I'm gonna break your heart and get away with murder.
Gordon's first quest where you get the hammer, I got it and I thought to myself "I wonder if it disappears if you dont get him the stone he wants and just delete the quest after he gives you it" but DIDNT equip it, nor used it, and it was not in my inv.
I then thought "well what if I equip it and then use it once, just out in the open" and well, I deleted the quest and boom, I have the hammer still equiped. Good thing to know if your trying to get ALOT done the first day, can just save the quest for another time and get your hammer
^XD haha, that's interesting to know. There's also a Rosalind & Herman money exploit glitch detailed in the the "Extras" section of the Mini can net you quite a sum of money
Btw, does Gordon also give a monetary reward besides the hammer for that amethyst quest?
Yes, it's true. In the questes that give you basic tools (hammer, for example), you can cancel the quest and keep the tools. But I don't think it's neccessary so I don't add that infor in the walkthrough.
And the making money by quest glitch don't work with the Gordon Quest, because he give you the Hammer before complete the quest. That glitch just work with the quest reward you both Item and Money (not only Rosalind and Herman's quest). By the way, I don't add this glitch on the walkthrough though it's very usefull because I think it's some kind of bad cheating.
My friend in forum: HarvestMoonGaia, harvestmoon22, Isaac
^^ Hello! I'm a Vietnamese! Nice to meet all you! ^^
^^ Sorry for my bad english. ^^ I love Pink.