I know people can go to the website themselves to find this information, but for me it's easier to have everything on one page. I thought it may be easier for others as well.
For now I am putting each individual character in spoiler tags, but please let me know if you think there is a more convenient or helpful way to do this without making this post look crowded
Updates: Thanks to RopeMaidenKirie, specialty weapons and lunch boxes have been added to all Bachelors and Bachelorettes. A few additional likes and dislikes have also been added from the guide that she created.
Birthday: Fall 17th
Specialty Weapon: Twin Blades
Favourite Gifts:
Curry Rice, Gold Vegetables, Ultimate Curry, Royal Curry
Liked Gifts:
Fried Rice, Pot Stickers, Meat Dumplings, Raw Vegetables (Except Turnips), Omelette Rice, Croquette, Flan, Ice Cream, Gyoza, Steamed Gyoza, Chinese Manju
Thanks for the guide, Ida. I have some that the Wiki might have missed in my thread that I translated awhile ago from the way more informative JPN wiki http://www.fogu.com/hmforum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=159751 (only from bachelor/ettes) some items might be translated a bit differently though, so yeah. Pretty sure the wiki took some from my translations without credit ~__~ siiigh. Anywho, there are also the lunchboxes if you'd like to put them in there as well.
If there's a rice ball it should be "onigiri" since that's what Xseed translated it as. I'll need to change that on mine as well~
Edit: Oh Kirie I just looked at your thread and it looks as though you have a gift guide already! I will still add your content to my post but this thread may diminish or dissapear entirely. Oops! Haha, I guess I should have researched a bit more, it could have saved me some time!
Edit edit: Haha, Actually I will just skip on adding that information for now~ ;] I don't have much hope for this thread now haha!
Actually, I think this is a really good idea for a thread, so I'd say keep it! Mine is only the bachelor/ettes anyways, and a lot of people don't read the OP and completely miss it (since it's mainly just a Q&A thread) so having it in its own thread is beneficial. At least I think so! Please feel free to add anything you'd like from my thread~
Good luck with the guide Ida <33
I'll try to contribute if I manage to find stuff before everyone else does ;3; //just got the game yesterday
Also, if it's not too much to ask, could you add the ingredients used and the cooking level that's required beside everyone's favorite foods? :<
I assume most recipes are similar to the ones in past games but... I'd like to be safe yeah haha
If it helps, Bado starts out with a Zweihander+
Does that make double handed swords his specialty
If so, then Lin Fa's is Spears and Nancy's is fists, and I read on the Q&A that Porco's is Twin Blades.
Or are you not adding specialties for nonmarriageable people?
ImJo wrote:If it helps, Bado starts out with a Zweihander+
Does that make double handed swords his specialty
If so, then Lin Fa's is Spears and Nancy's is fists, and I read on the Q&A that Porco's is Twin Blades.
Or are you not adding specialties for nonmarriageable people?
I plan to! I just haven't yet because I didn't have the information available. If these are their confirmed speciality weapons then I'd be more than happy to add these to the list as well!
Should I add character photos for the villagers like I did in my word document guide?
If their specialty weapon is tha category of weapon they first start out with, then I can confirm that they are.
And yeah, totally. I think there's screenshots similar to the Bachelor(ettes) dusting the opening sequence of all the townsfolk. If you can't find them, just their sprite for speaking should be fine too. But yknow, just in case you were going for congruence across the board.
Thank you so much for taking the time to make this! So it's milk porridge that Dylas loves, I've been giving him Hot Milk thinking it's his favorite. Good to know what to actually give him and everyone else
Last edited by LunarDream337 on Oct 05, 2013 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I'm Kiara from Rally Farm on HM: ANB
I love to help and have lots to trade, so don't hesitate to ask me anything or just say hi
Just so you know, the Amber picture is actually a picture of the daughter, not Amber ^_^;
Currently gaming: Harvestella
I've been playing HM since 1999 and a member of this board since 2005...but only participate now and then when I'm engrossed in an HM game. Maybe you can think of me as a ghost?
Avatar credit: Taiyaki.