How's your backlog?

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Mine's pretty healthy right now! Or unhealthy, depending on how you look at it. I really need to clean some of it up but shiny new games always distract me. What about the rest of you? Got a big backlog? Will you ever get around to most of it?

Some of my backlog is stuff I really do want to play, but other stuff...well, there's a lot on there I shouldn't have bothered buying because I'll never actually get around to playing desire to do so is just too low. I blame big sales...they're hard to resist. Especially if they're games that I hear raved about or that look beautiful. That's what I blame almost my entire Steam library on as I hate gaming on PC and even if a game is only $2, why spend even that if I'm never going to end up playing it?

So I didn't count any of my steam games in my backlog. (I have about 40, and only Amnesia got played a lot because I don't mind otome types on PC. It's more like a blend of reading a book and watching anime than it is like gaming, imo.) Of my Steam games, I may eventually complete most of the Daedalic stuff like The Whispered World and Deponia, since they're dryly funny and snarky and remind me of a time around 25 years ago, playing Monkey Island and so on, when PC was the only platform I had access to back then and my sisters and I would all play together and try to figure out which line of trash-talk would mortify the enemy into defeat. (Well, one would play and the others would watch and demand a turn every now and then.) That's why I originally signed up with regain access to ancient favourites like the Quest for Glory games and so on.

But my 'real' backlog does not include any Steam or PC games, and the list is still pretty big. I think probably as much as a third of it I will never even try to complete, though. And some of these games I half finished already, but some I never even started. The total appears to be 45 though I'm pretty sure I left a few out by accident. Didn't check my physical copies or my Wii U. They are in no particular order, but I did put the ones I am most confident that I will actually end up playing to the end in bold.
1. Dust: An Elysian Tale
2. Persona 5
3. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
4. Steins;Gate 0
5. Bastion
6. Toren
7. Final Fantasy 15
8. Dark Cloud 2
9. Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
10. Sword Art Online
11. Danganronpa 1-2 reload

1. Battle Chef Brigade
2. Breath of the Wild DLC story Nope, changed my mind. Not enjoying the DLC content; I didn't want a new challenge or more shrines, I wanted to know more about the skimpy story in the main game.
3. Oxenfree
4. Stardew Valley
5. I Am Setsuna

1. Eternal Sonata
2. Tales of Symphonia
3. Xenogears
4. Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
5. Steins;Gate
6. Tales of Graces f
7. The Witch and the Hundred Knight
8. The Guided Fate Paradox
9. Tears to Tiara II Heir of the Overlord
10. Okami HD

1. Exist Archive
2. Ys Seven

1. Unchained Blades
2. Steamworld Dig
3. Skytree Village
4. Tales of the Abyss
5. Parascientific Escape Crossing at the Farthest Horizon
6. 7th Dragon III Code: VFD
7. Majora’s Mask 3D
8. Kingdom’s Item Shop
9. Chibi Robo Photo Finder
10. Tale of Two Towns
11. Citizens of Earth
12. Shin Megami Tensei IV
13. Weapon Shop de Omasse
14. Ever Oasis (I can’t remember if I actually finished this or not! If not, I was close.)

~Wii U
1. Tokyo Mirage Sessions
2. Minish Cap
3. Twilight Princess HD (already played non-HD version, though.)
So? Are your lists even worse than mine, or are you better at judging how much time you have and what you'll actually be interested in without actually needing to try it, first? I saw some people saying they're not really looking much into new games in 2018 because their backlogs are already so hefty, so it sounds like lots of people are in the same position as me. (But I still want the new games because I'm hopeless.)
Last edited by Kikki on Dec 19, 2017 3:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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My Backlog is enormous, the games I managed to complete from the list are Zelda botw, Fe Awakening (finished it 4 years after release), have 2 chapters left of fates (then restarted), smtiv original and apocalypse, mario odyssey, aaand that's it.

The total number of backlogged games is probably fifty plus, that includes DS and PSP (cause I have 3 phtantasy star online games I have yet to finish on PSP)
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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When I get too many games in my backlog it completely stresses me out, and when I have too many choices I end up just playing nothing at all. So this year a friend of mine did a "backlog blitz" which is kind of a points system in how many games you beat versus how many you buy.

I've managed to beat 38 games this year (39 soon with XC2 and hoping to finish up another one to make it an even 40 before 2018 hits) which has really helped me from buying too many surplus games that just sit in my backlog, and only buy ones I'm truly interested in.

What I have left in my backlog
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 -135~ hours into it at chapter 8
Divinity: Original Sin 2 -about 90 hours into it so far, end of 2nd arc
Trails in the Sky the 3rd -2 hours in
Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection -halfway through the game
Yakuza 0 - 3 hours in
BotW - 10 hours in
Dragon Quest V - Halfway through the game

So I guess it's pretty manageable all things considered, but I'm still hoping to whittle it down in the next month or two.
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Just realized I forgot A Link Between Worlds (why did I buy a side-scroller? Well, because it's LoZ, I guess...but still probably doomed from the start. I don't like 'from the sky' viewpoint, either, it makes me feel disconnected), Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (just got it due to similarity to one of my favourite games ever) and Fire Emblem Awakening, which I had half-finished and really liked while I was playing just continues to fail to KEEP my attention even though I get into it for a while...I just fizzle out on it and want to try something else. So I'll add those to my list and make it 48. -__- And because I loved Cold Steel so much, I really do intend to play the 'Sky' games I got on sale, so I should add those, too, even though they're PC. *siiiiigh* So my list is...I think 51, though I'm not sure if the 3rd Sky game counts.

I think my problem is mainly that my tastes are too specific, so it's very easy for me to end up disappointed with a game. So I buy games in good faith, try them...and then find out that I don't like them. I'm too influenced by when a game has been raved about by so many, especially if we have a lot of favourite games in common...I think I should like it, too, and then I don't. There are still so many games that don't offer demos, which to me seems like it should be more the exception than the rule, these days. I always try demos first if they're available.

I will probably never play twenty or so of the items on my list there. A good handful of them aren't even from this year, but from 2016 or even older.
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My backlog is really light. That could be because I just only have a 3DS and a PC.


Of Mice and Sand
Mario Super Star Saga (completed the original so I don't know if I should count this one as backlog?)
Adventure Bar Story


Flame in the Flood
Rain World (will not complete due to controls)
Whisper of a Rose
Zoo Tycoon
Sim City
Oxygen Not Included
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I'm also easily swayed by the day one hype train. When everyone is having fun and playing a game that I'm interested in, I want to also be there and not missing out on all the talk around it. At the same time I've tried to combat this this year a bit, by being generally more informed for the games I'm buying. I've been checking out more youtube/twitch steams to check out combat and early impressions if there isn't a demo for it.

I made a google document for the games I'm interested in for 2018, and I have priority markers of high (day one) / medium (wait for reviews/impressions) / low (wait for deep sales). Day one games are usually those that I know I'll enjoy, like DQ11 because I love the series and have watched videos of it. Medium are those I'm excited for but don't need to necessarily have day one or are unsure how they are going to ultimately turn out, and low priority are those that I eventually want but am fine waiting for to go on sale.

This all probably sounds pretty silly, but I needed a system to put in place otherwise I just go haywire and buying whatever games day one, where they will sit unplayed for months upon months, or even years at a time. ._.

Edit: Definitely play the Sky series, they are soooo good. I personally enjoyed them more than the Cold Steel games, though I love all of them.
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Yes, I intend to play the Sky games based on how much I love Cold Steel, but...PC. *cries* Oh how I hate playing on PC! And the graphics don't appeal to me much in comparison to Cold Steel's, I'm not a fan of the old-school RPG look, even though I grew up with them. (I've been told I'm an idiot who knows nothing due to expressing that thought before to someone who felt it was outrageously misinformed to prefer what I prefer over what is clearly superior and will age better, but one thing I definitely do know is what I, myself, like looking at, and it's graphics more like Cold Steel's than Sky's. And to be honest, that nasty person kind of tainted my feelings toward the game, too.) I've heard they're available I think PS3? I'll have to look into it, but I already own them on PC due to a...yep, a fairly nice sale. Stupidly tempting sales...

There are games I KNOW I'll love just because they belong to a series I'm never disappointed by. (Surprisingly, Berseria did disappoint me somewhat as it was worth playing, but the characters were not lovable at all to me except Eizen a little bit, and I'm used to liking Tales characters. That's another thing you'll tend to get abuse for online if you mention it: liking Zestiria more than Berseria.) But there aren't a lot of series that I have that much faith in. Tales, Xenoblade, Story of Seasons, Cold Steel (though not necessarily Legend of Heroes itself) and...I think that's about it. Even LoZ is not a guarantee since I hated Majora's Mask and couldn't get into Link Between Worlds. But everything else feels like a shot in the dark, lol. I try to base my purchases on how many aspects the game has that I know I enjoy, like a deep story, complex and interesting characters, art style, if it has customization, if it has any 'building' or restoration aspects...that sort of thing.

But I still end up with a lot of stinkers. My judgement must just be off, or I'm not gathering enough info.

EDIT: Btw, for anyone who has trouble keeping track of the games they have played versus the ones they have in backlog and the ones they are waiting for, Grouvee is pretty useful.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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If you own a Vita, you can download Sky FC and Sky SC on there. The third game they couldn't justify so you'd have to play that on PC!

Only issue is that there are no updates that the PC version has. No speed toggle (makes combat soooo much faster, I love it) and any of the typos or lore inconsistencies weren't able to be fixed. One of the character's name was changed too on the PC version (Zane > Zin) so they say the PC version is the definitive version, but I went through both games on my Vita just fine personally!

Try not to be let that silly person ruin the Sky games for you. I'm not a huge fan of the graphics either, but the games are charming enough to where it wasn't a huge deal to me personally, but as always, ymmv. Estelle is one of my favorite female protagonists in a jrpg, and I was pretty surprised how much I love her. She starts off rather immature, but really grows over the course of the games.. it's pretty amazing to see.

Nothing wrong with having certain standards though for sure! I'm pretty easy to please personally, but everyone has different tastes, so it's always really odd that some people give others grief for liking/disliking something they don't.

Another good backlog tracking site (and one I actually use!) is
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That's interesting to know. I only played I think 2 hours and I was finding Estelle a bit annoying.

Since it was minor I can probably disassociate that person's unpleasantness from the game itself, but it reminds me of how I can no longer listen to ABBA because it was playing when something bad happened and now if I hear it, I feel uncomfortable, like my skin is creeping, lol. But an internet rude person has a much lighter impact so if I played it to a point that I started to like it, it wouldn't matter any more. Just, the beginning didn't grab me, I guess. I didn't dislike it but it didn't seem like anything special. But if it is a long game it likely takes a while for anything really interesting to happen.

It's weird to me, too, the way people get so rude over what are simply games. Here it pretty much doesn't happen, but on other forums and especially in article comment sections, fellow gamers talking to each other get rude really fast, almost every time, the minute people who have different opinions start to share them. It's like they're talking politics or some other life-alteringly important topic. For games, it seems so overblown, to behave that way.

I need to learn to reject all the games I'm not certain of. Which means I should probably take Ni No Kuni II off my watchlist but...well...I should at least cancel my preorder (even though it saves me money) and wait until I can see more details, cuz I have lots of reservations about that game. I don't want it to just land on my's already big enough.
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*looks at backlog*

Yeaaaaah we don't talk about my backlog. Especially my steam backlog. *sweats*

Although i am proud of myself for going back to Witcher 3, which i originally dropped cause it was really overwhelming. Glad i came back to it, cause its sooooo good. Pretty much just want to get through the dlc i just bought for it and I'll finish up the main story. Mainly just want to bang all the chicks before committing to one of the two main ladies. Kek.

Other than that the only game that I finished that i bought this year is South Park. Technically finished one route for Nier Automata but stopped a little after that.
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I think you can count a game as complete if you played to the point where you were satisfied. I finished all 120 shrines in BotW, for example, got all the memories, and all 4 divine beasts, but I never fought the final battle with Ganon. I don't want to. I prefer to continue playing the game as it is if I boot it back up. So I feel that I finished that game, though I'm not sure how many would agree. I'm just saying I think you could call Nier finished if you're satisfied with having gotten one ending.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I finished 4 Wii U games (Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad, and Yoshi's Woolly World) last week and am currently working on my last 2 physical Wii U games. Twilight Princess HD is going to be finished first and then Super Luigi U. My goal is to beat them both before Christmas, but I think that'll only happen with Twilight Princess HD (3 dungeons left!).

I still have a huge list of games to beat and finish, but I think beating every last physical Wii U game I have is a good start. 3DS physical games will be next as I only have Bravely Second and Return to Popolocrois left to finish and I'll probably move on to physical PS4 games as I just have the Kingdom Hearts games left to finish.
Currently Playing: FFXVI & FFXIV
Last Game: Newest Marvelous Game
Next Game: Octopath Traveler 2
Next New Game: Oxenfree 2 and Atelier Marie

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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Hey, I forgot about Treasure Toad. (Unfortunately that's what I always end up calling the game until someone specifically reminds me that it is Captain Toad, as above.) I also have that and have only played a few levels. I got it on sale. Yep, I'm seeing a trend. I MUST start resisting sales on games that are of merely moderate appeal to me. Getting Persona 5 on sale was one thing since I will definitely play it, but so many others I only have a passing interest in and those are the ones that end up stagnating in my backlog. I think the reason I didn't think to put Toad on my backlog is not only that I forgot, but also that I don't think of it as a game you really aim to complete.

I mean...of course most people probably do. But for me it's a game you just play a level or two of idly, more like a little break from other games, not a game you sit down and play for hours with the intention of completing it. I guess because it doesn't have a story. (It doesn't, does it?)

I've retired the Wii U to the basement television now that I've replayed Xenoblade X, but I should complete the handful of games I have on it, too. Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Captain Toad, Minish Cap, and Twilight Princess HD (though I don't care much since I did already complete the non-HD version), and oh hey, you know what, I forgot Skyward Sword again! I got rid of my Wii but I have SS on Wii U. I don't know why I stopped even though I really like it and I think I was even already at around chapter 16 of 18. Argh. I must have gotten to a tricky spot. Okay, adding that to Grouvee as well...
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
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Most of my games on my backlog are on Steam and the Wii U.

Currently playing:

Umineko When They Cry Question Arcs Episode 1 (PC/Steam)

Pokemon Ultra Sun (3DS)

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp (mobile devices)

Backlog (Wii U):

Super Mario Maker
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Pikmin 3
Super Mario 64
Super Mario RPG
Earth Bound
Harvest Moon (SNES)
Harvest Moon 64

Backlog (PC/Steam):

Gaokao Love 100 Days
Hatoful Boyfriend
Yukie: A Japanese Winter Fairytale
Analogue: A Hate Story
Hate Plus
Clannad Side Stories
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Chapter 4
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Chapter 5
Seasons of 12 Colors
Tomoyo After ~It's A Wonderful Life~ English Edition
Umineko When They Cry Answer Arcs
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I currently have a REALLY big backlog. Most of it is from the re-occurring steam sales so I plan to just kind of get through them because I obviously bought them because I wanted them, I just need to play them! I am trying not to research upcoming games or look forward to too much because I have such an enormous game library right now and I really need to grind to ensure I don't just continue to hoard. Trying to be better... about a lot of things, this is just one of them.