Some of my backlog is stuff I really do want to play, but other stuff...well, there's a lot on there I shouldn't have bothered buying because I'll never actually get around to playing desire to do so is just too low. I blame big sales...they're hard to resist. Especially if they're games that I hear raved about or that look beautiful. That's what I blame almost my entire Steam library on as I hate gaming on PC and even if a game is only $2, why spend even that if I'm never going to end up playing it?
So I didn't count any of my steam games in my backlog. (I have about 40, and only Amnesia got played a lot because I don't mind otome types on PC. It's more like a blend of reading a book and watching anime than it is like gaming, imo.) Of my Steam games, I may eventually complete most of the Daedalic stuff like The Whispered World and Deponia, since they're dryly funny and snarky and remind me of a time around 25 years ago, playing Monkey Island and so on, when PC was the only platform I had access to back then and my sisters and I would all play together and try to figure out which line of trash-talk would mortify the enemy into defeat. (Well, one would play and the others would watch and demand a turn every now and then.) That's why I originally signed up with regain access to ancient favourites like the Quest for Glory games and so on.
But my 'real' backlog does not include any Steam or PC games, and the list is still pretty big. I think probably as much as a third of it I will never even try to complete, though. And some of these games I half finished already, but some I never even started. The total appears to be 45 though I'm pretty sure I left a few out by accident. Didn't check my physical copies or my Wii U. They are in no particular order, but I did put the ones I am most confident that I will actually end up playing to the end in bold.