Sorry, Shan, I know you already answered this once, but my Swiss cheese brain does not retain details. You have RF4 and didn't finish it because you didn't really like it, was it?
Thanks, Bluie

I'm almost definitely going to get Overdose, just...being the way I am (super fussy and with such a limited array of things that make me happy), I get swayed by people saying how bad the original was, and a person who has played the remake in Japanese saying it isn't much better. It's not like I believe tastes are so off to the side that I always have to see for myself before I can know...but when people say things that sound convincingly bad, lol...just makes me wonder.
But I already think the soundtrack sounds awesome (also has a general vibe that reminded me of Persona 5, a game I loved...I also have off-side OST tastes since I don't like soothing music in my games and instead prefer
exciting , high-energy music...which is why I don't really like XC2's soundtrack but love much of XCX's and XC1's) and I love the stylish look of it, too...the super white backgrounds where normally you'd expect black or dark reds or something. Everything I know of it first hand looks great and to my taste.
Not that first-hand opinions of someone I actually know better than these random internet commenters wouldn't be valuable

It's probably one that I'll be taking a day-one chance on, though. Haven't pre-ordered yet, but I likely will. If I don't, I'll be nosing around here for opinions for sure.