Backlog 2019

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Hey everybody...time for a new thread! The 2018 Backlog thread has gotten nice and bloated and it's time to start fresh for everything coming up starting January 2019. Here's my info to start off the year...
To start 2019 off, as best I can tell, my existing backlog from years past is 20 games long. And I hereby abandon:

  • Tears to Tiara II
    Ys SEVEN
    Eternal Sonata
    Steins;Gate 0
    Unchained Blades
    Atelier Rorona

7 games, whoosh! Mostly on PS3 and/or Vita, as I no longer want to deal with those systems any more than I must. Some of those have been hanging around my backlog 5 years or so. My list is now 13 games long. I have NO idea what my progress on those will be. Honestly I'd be happy to end years at need to get the +10 I did for 2018. I just don't want my backlog heaping up on me ever again. This is what is still managing to stick around...this is my entire backlog, minus abandoned games:

  • Valthirian Arc
    LoZ: Skyward Sword
    HM: Animal Parade
    Tokyo Mirage Sessions
    LoZ: Minish Cap
    Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
    Stella Glow
    7th Dragon III Code: VFD
    Persona Q
    Exist Archive
    Sword Art Online: Lost Song
    Dark Cloud 2

I'll be beginning 2019 with Tales of Vesperia Definitive, as far as I know, but 2019 already looks pretty good to me! I'm expecting some awesome games, mostly stuff confirmed or highly likely within the first half of the year.

  • Sakuna of Rice and Ruin
    My Time At Portia (console release spring 2019!)
    Mineko's Night Market
    Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
    Caligula: Overdose
    Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists
    Dragon Quest Builders 2
    Animal Crossing Switch
    Digimon Survive (this one is on consideration)

And of very anticipated but much more tentative potential 2019 stuff:

  • Ooblets
    Re: Legend (I think this has a decent chance of reaching Early Access in 2019, though probably not full console release.)
    Story of Seasons Switch (I genuinely hope it will be released in Japan within 2019...I REEEEEALLY do.)
How about you guys? Got games you know you'll play for sure in 2019? Goals? No goals? Expectations for 2019 gaming, hopes...questions, advice, reviews for games you're playing or replaying? That's pretty much what happened in our 2018 thread, so...go for it :) Just...if any game is worthy of entire pages of discussion all to itself, please make a thread dedicated to it, so we don't get this thread any more bogged down and hard to follow than it's gonna be naturally. :)
Last edited by Kikki on Jan 15, 2019 7:02 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I might as well migrate over here because I know i'm not going to be able to finish anything else in 2018.
I am currently playing:

Labyrinth of Refrain
Rain World

My backlog is:

Sega Ages Phantasy Star
Taiko no Tatsujin Drum 'n' Fun! (I want to play through every song on every difficulty at least once)

I'm abandoning:

Hyper Light Drifter (for now, because I want to play it co-op with my fiance)
Car Quest

I'm staring off 2019 with:

Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
Caligula Overdose
Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists
My Girlfriend is a Mermaid?! (you know, if the kickstarter date hits Feb like they think it will)

I intend to pick up these titles in 2019 ASAP:

VA-11 HALL-A (Switch ver)
Mineko's Night Market
Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland
Digimon Survive
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (Switch ver)
Fire Emblem Three Houses
World End Syndrome
Re:Legend (if it ends up releasing this year)
Chicken Wiggle Workshop (if it ends up releasing this year)
Pokemon 2019
Animal Crossing 2019

Games i'm waffling on:

The Princess Guide
RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore
Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Everybuddy!
Song of Memories
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet: Complete Edition
It's gonna be a full year, methinks. IDK if i'll have the same pool of funds to dip into as I did in 2018, but who knows. There are a lot of indies I skipped in 2018 i'd like to eventually get to as well in 2019. Some significant sales would certainly shove them into my backlog sooner than later! ;3
Last edited by Bluie on Dec 23, 2018 4:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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So, for the fresh year, I'm bringing these from my past backlog:
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Just released its last DLC so I can finally play it!)
Trails in the Sky the 3rd (about halfway through it)
Yakuza 0 (12 hours in)
Vampyr (about halfway through)
Wuppo (about halfway through)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
So basically a bunch of them are about 1/2 done, I just need to sit down and get through them.

January has YIIK: A Postmodern RPG that I'll be probably picking up, so not too bad. Feb and March don't have much of anything for me (yet).

I'm most looking forward to:
Mineko's Night Market
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Persona Q2
Dragon Quest Builders 2
So 2019 should be a pretty awesome year :D
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I may be wrong in what I'm remembering, but I think there were a few people who were looking forward to 'Untitled Goose Game', which is supposed to be out Q1 2019. I don't know how firm that date is, though.

I keep forgetting to add Caligula: Overdose to my own list any time I make one. Well, maybe because I'm not really sure what it's going to be like? It reminds me of Persona, but I don't know how much it's going to live up to that. I've heard awful things about the original game, so my excitement is kind of tempered as I really don't know what to expect. Digimon Survive is also one I keep forgetting. I'm quite interested, but as I've never played Digimon before it seems to just slip my mind. It looks great, though, so I want to try it.

I really hope they'll reveal the next new Tales game this year, and the next Ace Attorney, too. Those hopes are reasonable, I think. (For a reveal/announcement, though perhaps not a release.) I waited on those all of last year, and didn't get diddly (at least Vesperia was a perk...the 1-3 Ace Attorney Switch port was nothing to get excited about)

For me at least, the first half of 2019 is looking really great. I mean, there's so much play to be had from AC alone, and I feel like it'll come out in June. (Though I don't have any proof to back that up, of course!)
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Shan O 123
UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I may as well post here.

My backlog:
Hometown Story
AC Happy home
AC new leaf
Pokemon moon
Style Savvy: Fashion Forward
Style savvy: styling star
Looking forward to:
AC Switch
Story of Seasons switch
Wish list:
Sims 4
Stardew Valley
Light of hope
Little dragons cafe
Harvest Moon AP
Harvest Moon ToT
Harvest Moon: Anything older than sunshine islands
Let’s go pikachu
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Post  Posted:

Kikki wrote:
I keep forgetting to add Caligula: Overdose to my own list any time I make one. Well, maybe because I'm not really sure what it's going to be like? It reminds me of Persona, but I don't know how much it's going to live up to that. I've heard awful things about the original game, so my excitement is kind of tempered as I really don't know what to expect.
As i've already paid for my preorder, i'm willing to be the guinea pig for Caligula Overdose. For sake of clarity though, the only think the Vita original and Overdose have in common is OST, Characters, and the basic story. When they made Overdose, they remade the game from the ground up, trying to eliminate everything that didn't work or what people didn't like. What people enjoyed from the Vita version was the OST, Characters, and story, while the gameplay needed some fine tuning.

Now, I can't guarantee everything is fixed, but what I can say is the game's OST is one of my favourites ever (I listen to it all the time) and Overdose is more than a remake, it has a ton of added features. Female Protag, new party members, another story that lets you join the villains, reworked battle system, + more I can't remember right now.

I'm really looking forward to it. Actually my most anticipated 2019 release riiiight after Fire Emblem Three Houses. Regardless, i'll be sure to give my full thoughts once the times comes.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Post  Posted:

Sorry, Shan, I know you already answered this once, but my Swiss cheese brain does not retain details. You have RF4 and didn't finish it because you didn't really like it, was it?

Thanks, Bluie :) I'm almost definitely going to get Overdose, just...being the way I am (super fussy and with such a limited array of things that make me happy), I get swayed by people saying how bad the original was, and a person who has played the remake in Japanese saying it isn't much better. It's not like I believe tastes are so off to the side that I always have to see for myself before I can know...but when people say things that sound convincingly bad, lol...just makes me wonder.

But I already think the soundtrack sounds awesome (also has a general vibe that reminded me of Persona 5, a game I loved...I also have off-side OST tastes since I don't like soothing music in my games and instead prefer exciting , high-energy music...which is why I don't really like XC2's soundtrack but love much of XCX's and XC1's) and I love the stylish look of it, too...the super white backgrounds where normally you'd expect black or dark reds or something. Everything I know of it first hand looks great and to my taste.

Not that first-hand opinions of someone I actually know better than these random internet commenters wouldn't be valuable :) It's probably one that I'll be taking a day-one chance on, though. Haven't pre-ordered yet, but I likely will. If I don't, I'll be nosing around here for opinions for sure.
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Shan O 123
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Nah I didn’t finish it because there were other things on my mind and no proper guide.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Post  Posted:

Shan O 123 wrote:Nah I didn’t finish it because there were other things on my mind and no proper guide.
I'm curious which bachelor you'd end up liking best. They're a great lot ever, imo...but none of them scream 'Shan's type!' as loudly as guys like Raeger and Wayne do. Mind you, if I had been trying to guess your type for ANB I probably would have chosen Allen, but it was actually Rod, right? So I don't have a good guess for RF4.

The resource I always used when playing, to figure out if I could win festivals or how events worked and so on, was this one. I don't think I needed to check anywhere else once I had that site marked. The first time I played I wasn't even sure what the game was about and ended up giving up, but when I tried it again later, it ate my life right up for a few weeks, to the point where I ever dreamed of it. (Of course, I was very sick at the time, lol...maybe some of those dreams were thanks to Nyquil.)
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Okay, let's migrate over here! Here's my full list currently.
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (I have yet to play the DLC)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (I still have side quests and the DLC to finish)
Worms WMD
Child of Light
Sonic Mania
Atelier Arland Trilogy

Ace Attorney Trilogy
Apollo Justice
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Trading Card Game
The Legend of Zelda DX Awakening
Harvest Moon GB 1
Harvest Moon GBC 2
Harvest Moon GBC 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

Nier Automata (I want to go through the other endings)
South Path The Fractured But Whole (I need to get the season pass)
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV
Ape Escape 2
Final Fantasy X and X-2
I Am Setsuna
Jak II
Jak 3
Jak X: Combat Racing
King's Quest
Lego Harry Potter Collection
Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens (Going to play with my boyfriend)
Mass Effect Andromeda (3 Files plus Canon File)
Okage: Shadow King
The Technomancer
Towerfall Ascension
Wild Arms 3
« Harvest Goddess » of War
Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Xbox One
Rare Replay
Halo The Master Chief Collection
Ori and the Blind Forest
Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Borderlands The Pre-sequel (Playing that with my boyfriend)
Divinity Original Sin 2
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Dust An Elysian Tail
Evoland 2
Fallout New Vegas
Gleaner Heights
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning
Lego The Hobbit
Lego The Lord of the Rings
Magicka 2
Newfound Courage
Papers, Please
Planet Coaster
Roller Coaster Tycoon 1-3
Saints Row 4 (Playing that with my boyfriend)
Saints Row Gat Out of Hell (Playing that with my boyfriend)
Sam and Max Season 3
Seasons After Fall
KOTOR 1 and 2
Thrillville Off the Rails
To the Moon
Torchlight 2
Vampire The Masquerade
World's Dawn

Xbox 360
Banjo Kazooie (Will probably finish this at the same time as Rare Replay)
Beyond Good and Evil HD
Blue Dragon
Fable Anniversary
Fallout 3
Final Fantasy XIII
Lego Star Wars III (Going to play this with my boyfriend)
Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga (Going to play this with my boyfriend)
Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect Trilogy (This is my canon run)
Saints Row
Saints Row 2
The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings

Modnation Racers
Eternal Sonata
Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 2
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Sly Cooper Trilogy

Wii U
Pikmin 3
Ducktales Remastered
Super Mario World
The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Super Mario RPG
Donkey Kong 64
Paper Mario
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Pokemon Snap
Bomberman 64
The Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap
Golden Sun
Golden Sun The Lost Age
Yoshi's Island Super Mario Advance 3
Metroid Fusion
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario Strikers Charged

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
Rune Factory Tides of Destiny

Super Mario 64 DS
Mario & Luigi Partners in Time
Rune Factory 2
Harvest Moon Tales of Two Towns
Golden Sun Dark Dawn
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team

Modnation Racers Road Trip
Lego Movie
Danganronpa 2
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment
Persona 2 Innocent Sin
Legend of Dragoon
Wild Arms
Wild Arms 2
Lunar Silver Star Harmony
Innocent Life
Final Fantasy 1-9 + 10-2

Pokemon Colosseum
Evolution Worlds
Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
Super Mario Sunshine
New and Old games I'm currently waiting for in 2019
Mages of Mystralia
My Time at Portia
Tales of Vesperia
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
Yoshi's Crafted World
Luigi's Mansion 3
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Animal Crossing
Lego DC Supervillains
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

The Good Life
Kingdom Hearts 3
Life is Strange 2 Episode 2 at least
The Walking Dead Final Season Episodes 3 and 4
Goodness I have a lot. Currently I'm working on my canon Mass Effect Trilogy file.
Last edited by Ronin19 on Dec 26, 2018 3:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Currently Playing: FFXVI & FFXIV
Last Game: Newest Marvelous Game
Next Game: Octopath Traveler 2
Next New Game: Oxenfree 2 and Atelier Marie

Newest Marvelous Game: Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life
Story Status: Finished! 86/88 Wonderfuls Collected
Marriage Status: Married to Gordy with a scholar son!

Fav HM Bachelor: Wizard
Fav RF Bachelor: Dylas
Fav SoS Bachelor: Gordy
Fav HM Bachelorette: Dia
Fav RF Bachelorette: Ludmila
Fav SoS Bachelorette: Marie
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Huggy Chickens
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Post  Posted:

I will migrate over here as well now, but my list is short, since anything not purchased in 2018 is not going to be included. I'm also not including HD ports of games previously finished when they were originally released.
Death Mark
« Harvest Goddess » of War
Mana Khemia
I'm looking forward to starting 2019 with Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition, even though I already played the original Japanese version on PS3. It will be much more enjoyable since I won't have my face buried in a translation guide every few seconds. Other games I'm looking forward to at this venture that have finalized release dates are:
Trails of Cold Steel PS4 ports
Kingdom Hearts 3
Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Zanki Zero
Code Realize Wintertide Miracles
Devil May Cry 5
Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story 3DS port
I'm sure A LOT more will be added. Cheers to a fantastic year of upcoming gaming goodness!
3DS FC: leesooim 3737-9679-4618
Nintendo Switch FC: ryume SW-1363-0676-1419

Feel free to add me! Please tell me if you add me so that I can add you back :)
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Shan O 123
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Post  Posted:

Kikki wrote:
Shan O 123 wrote:Nah I didn’t finish it because there were other things on my mind and no proper guide.
I'm curious which bachelor you'd end up liking best. They're a great lot ever, imo...but none of them scream 'Shan's type!' as loudly as guys like Raeger and Wayne do. Mind you, if I had been trying to guess your type for ANB I probably would have chosen Allen, but it was actually Rod, right? So I don't have a good guess for RF4.

The resource I always used when playing, to figure out if I could win festivals or how events worked and so on, was this one. I don't think I needed to check anywhere else once I had that site marked. The first time I played I wasn't even sure what the game was about and ended up giving up, but when I tried it again later, it ate my life right up for a few weeks, to the point where I ever dreamed of it. (Of course, I was very sick at the time, lol...maybe some of those dreams were thanks to Nyquil.)
Lol yes it was Rod. I didn’t liked Allen at all.

Back then I really liked Doug. Who: you couldn’t marry until you finished the second storyline, might’ve been my reason for ignoring the game the first time.
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I'm currently playing ANB. I doubt I'll finish that within the year though heh

Backlog I'm bringing over to 2019:
SMT IV: Apocalypse
World's Dawn
I'm looking forward to Ooblets and London Detective Mysteria on PC. Interested in news for Story of Seasons Switch and Bravely 3 as well, as they will be the major reason in buying the console~

WILL: A Wonderful World is finally on sale rn on Steam, but only at 15%. Still thinking if I should make the purchase or wait for an even bigger discount..
3DS FC: 1950-9673-7497
Switch FC: 0599-7927-2963

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Crazy Cow Herder
Crazy Cow Herder
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Can't recall my list from the old one.
• Breath of the Wild. (Finishing up the last few quests/shrines.)
• The World Ends With You. (100% completion.)
• The Atelier Arland trilogy.
• The Banner Saga trilogy.
• Skyrim. (Completing all main questlines.)
• Stardew Valley. (I want to actually finish a run once.)

• Hakuoki Kyoto Winds/Edo Blossoms.
• Code Realize Future Blessings.
• Persona 4 Golden.

• Rune Factory series. (Replay time! I'm interested to see how my thoughts about the games/characters might have changed.)(also 4 again)
• Story of Seasons. (Played it for a while but never got past year one.)

• HM AnWL.
• HM MM.

• Baldurs Gate 1&2. (Finally managed to get into it but my pc broke while moving.)
• Nightshade.
• Morrowind.

• Playing MFoMT until I get full connectivity stars with AnWL.
• Chrono Trigger
• Persona 5

I'm gonna buy the switch Story of Seasons, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing games as soon as they're released too.
More than expected haa.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Erm, so the sales are awfully good between Switch and PS4, right now... Several of my wishlist are 40-60% off. I think I'll probably get Night in the Woods (Switch), Earthlock (Switch) and Last Day of June (PS4) before the sales end. I've had them on my wishlist since they were released on their platforms, and they don't actually go on really good sales often (I've never seen Last Day of June go on at all until now, and still never once on Switch that I've seen.)

Hmm, hmm...I could try to stuff one or even two more into 2018, but I really feel like just leaving the rest of the year open. Well...NitW and LDoJ are both short, with an expected play time of about 10 hours and 3 hours. Earthlock is at 20 to 30. I guess they're pretty easy to fit in around the edges, and I don't have anything until January 11th...

I'm totally talking myself into it. This is how you DON'T end up completing older backlog games. New game sales. -__-

EDIT: Okay, bought Night in the Woods (-40%) and Last Day of June! (-60%) Earthlock's sale (-50%) ends on December 27th, so I'm gonna think about it a bit more. I should at least finish the demo I have of it. It has turn-based combat but in this game I actually kind of like the system they've used.
Last edited by Kikki on Dec 23, 2018 4:52 am, edited 2 times in total.