Backlog 2021

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Here it is, a new Backlog thread for a new (and hopefully much better!) year. For anyone new to Fogu, or who wants to join in for the first time...

What the Backlog thread is about:

-Tell us what you're playing, what you're planning to buy in the future (this year), and how you're progressing. Are you loving what you're playing? Did you try games and hate them? End up abandoning them? To many great games coming out at once?
-Got a backlog three miles long and feel overwhelmed? Multiple members here have managed to eliminate their backlogs entirely with some help from (free) online resources. Just ask for more information if you're interested.
-Curious about a current/newly released game but don't have information to decide if you want it yourself? You may be able to talk to others who are playing that very game right now.

What the Backlog thread is NOT about:

-dozens upon dozens of posts about the same game. A bit of back and forth is good, but if a conversation about a single game is going to be long enough to fill an entire page, it should probably have its own thread rather than bloating the Backlog thread.

Aaaaaand...that's enough for the starter post of the thread :) I'll list my own currently playing/backlog games and my anticipated for 2021 games a bit later.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I'm going into 2021 with a lot on my plate to play. It wasn't my intention, but it just ended up being this way. Just like last year, I'll still chat here and there about Final Fantasy XIV and Genshin Impact as they're constantly updating games, but they're not technically part of my backlog. Also, if the core gameplay of a game doesn't jive with me, I instead decide to watch it (via a Let's Play or 'movie' on YT), so some titles I had listed in the last thread are no longer part of my backlog. Anywho, going into 2021 with;

Yokai Watch 4++
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
Immortals Fenyx Rising

I've noticed that last year my tastes really changed. I used to easily play any and all JRPGs like it was my day job, but I think I got some sort of burnout on them. I have zero desire to pick up any type of JRPG anymore unless it's part of a series I already like. Also, gameplay has to be snappy for me now in order for me to enjoy it. While I used to thrive on turn based battles, if it's not Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, Disgaea, or Dragon Quest, I am bored to tears. There are some exceptions, but again, they fall into the 'I already like this thing/franchise, therefore'. I'm big into stylized open world games now and well polished action indies. 2021 has A LOT for my new tastes and my old favorites, and I cannot wait to play them!
Last edited by Bluie on Dec 31, 2020 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hopefully 2021 will be a better year all around. To remind myself later I thought I'd start with a brief summary.
Games cleared for the first time 2020: about 15 (plus two for the second time.)
Games dropped: At least 6
Games on backlog to begin 2021: 14+ (not counting puzzle games or retro collections)
Some of my games I am looking forward to playing the most are:
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Sakuna Of Rice and Ruin
Bug Fables
LOZ: Majora's Mask
I am thinking I should probably clear some of my older ones first, but we'll see.
Starting on a positive note, yesterday I was able to marry the gourmet man in SoSFOMT, so I am counting that as cleared for 2020 and any further play as post game content.

I will probably try to finish Little Dragons Cafe next, but I also picked up the rest of the DQB2 DLC in the holiday aftermath, so a third playthrough is inevitably coming too, lol.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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All right, I'm entering 2021 with the following games to be played:
Borderlands 3 (Replay + DLC)
The Crown of Leaves
Cyberpunk 2077 (Replay)
Divinity Original Sin
Lego The Hobbit
Lego The Lord of the Rings
Papers Please
The Pirates Fate
Sam and Max Season 3 (Episode 2 and onward)
Saints Row 4 (Replay)
Saints Row Gat Out of Hell (Replay)
Seasons after Fall
Slime Rancher
The Waylanders
Winds of Change

Xbox 360/One
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey

A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV
Ape Escape 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Batman Arkham Knight
Day of the Tentacle
Final Fantasy Type 0
Jak 2
Jak 3
Jak X
Okage Shadow King
Psychonauts (Replay)
Shining Resonance Refrain
Wild Arms 3

Golden Sun Dark Dawn

PS Vita
Danganronpa 2
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 6
Persona 2 (Both games)

Bomberman 64
Donkey Kong 64
Earthbound Beginnings
Kirby 64
Mario Strikers Charged
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Super Mario RPG
Super Paper Mario

Child of Light (Replay)
Cross Code
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth (2nd adventure, Replay)
Divinity Original Sin 2
Evoland 2
Grandia HD Collection
Mages of Mystralia
The Red Strings Club
The Swords of Ditto
Worms WMD
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What I'm planning to buy in 2021:
Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game - Complete Edition (Jan 14)

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury (Feb 12)
Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town (Mar 23)
Rune Factory 5 (2021?)
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut (2021?)
Monster Hunter Stories 2 (2021)
Shin Megami Tensei 5 (2021)
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne (2021)

Horizon Forbidden West (2021)
« Harvest Goddess » of War 2 (2021?)
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart (2021)
Balan Wonderland (March 26)

Nier Replicant (April 23)
The Good Life (2021, Backer on Kickstarter)
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (2021)
Psychonauts 2 (2021?, Backer)
There may be some indie games I'm missing, but that should be the majority of the games I'm for sure gonna buy.

I'm entering 2021 replaying Cyberpunk 2077 with a male V with the Corpo background, which I found out is my least favorite of the 3 lifepaths. I guess I was just expecting more compared to the nomad life path. My roommate suggested I play through street kid since I decided a third playthrough wasn't in my near future. Nomad is definitely the life path for me. I'm also gonna do a different build and try and get the 10 missing achievements I have left to grab.

Was thinking after beating Cyberpunk 2077 again, I'd either give Golden Sun Dark Dawn another go or try a Pokemon Heartgold Nuzlocke challenge.
Currently Playing: FFXVI & FFXIV
Last Game: Newest Marvelous Game
Next Game: Octopath Traveler 2
Next New Game: Oxenfree 2 and Atelier Marie

Newest Marvelous Game: Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life
Story Status: Finished! 86/88 Wonderfuls Collected
Marriage Status: Married to Gordy with a scholar son!

Fav HM Bachelor: Wizard
Fav RF Bachelor: Dylas
Fav SoS Bachelor: Gordy
Fav HM Bachelorette: Dia
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Panda Parfait
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My backlog for 2021:
The Witcher 3
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Final Fantasy VIII
Greedfall (forgot I even owned this game until writing this post...)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Disco Elysium
I had to drop all of my PS4 games, and decided to drop anything that I couldn't actually see myself wanting to play in the near future. If I do end up playing any of the dropped games, cool, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.

I only bought Control and Disco Elysium during holiday sales, which is pretty restrained for me lol. Still a few days for me to throw money at something else, but we'll see.

Also finished Cyberpunk 2077, and while I have some complaints and it's not exactly the game I was expecting it to be, it's still one of my favorite releases this year. It's a shame that the launch was such a mess, but I hope CDPR learns from this and turns it around next year. I'll definitely replay it after some much needed patches.

I'm not sure what to play next. I was going to resub to FFXIV but some stuff has come up in my life again so it may not be a great idea, and I'm in the mood to play another RPG. I might dive into my backlog for now, or play through Dragon Age again for the millionth time.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Here is a list of my current games. I haven't decided which one to tackle first, yet. (I can only tackle multiple games at once if one is a casual puzzle type that you only play for ten minutes here and there, or if I only 'sort of' like both games and get bored of them too quickly and need to swap between to keep from burning out on either.)

Games up to play next:
  • Tumblestone (this is a puzzle game with around 360 levels, will be played a level here and there for a long time.)
  • Cattails (I don't anticipate loving this, just liking it, but it cost me less than $3.)
  • Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  • Immortals: Fenyx Rising
  • Torchlight III
Games that are already out that I am continually debating to some degree:
  • Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (depends on what happens with the BotW sequel.)
  • Astral Chain
  • Buried Stars (I definitely want it...if it goes on sale)
  • Hero must die. again
  • Marenian Tavern Story: Patty and the Hungry « Harvest Goddess »
Games I am anticipating that have specified a release date in 2021:
  • Rune Factory 5
  • Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
  • Harvest Moon: One World
  • Disco Elysium on PS4(no idea if I'd like it, but the many choices are intriguing)
  • Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
  • Re: Legend
  • Littlewood
  • Bustafellows
  • Olympia Soiree
  • Variable Barricade
  • Dairoku: Ayakashimori
  • Haven
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2
  • Scarlet Nexus
  • The Good Life (dunno)
  • Garden Paws (went of the radar, but they are still working on it)
  • Mineko's Night Market (went radio silent so long, I've lost interest, tbh)
More tentatively, yet not in the realm of mere dreams...I hope to at least hear substantial news of Tales of Arise and BotW2 this year, and hopefully get a bunch of LoZ goodies (remasters and ports, etc) this year for the LoZ 35th anniversary, since we got that for Mario last year. As for 2020, I completed 29 games.
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Oh boy, the 2021 Backlog thread is already here. I got some new games for Christmas that I'll be putting in my 2021 Backlog instead of my 2020 one. So in 2020, I broke even on games bought vs. games beaten. Granted this wasn't my intention as I failed to complete Trails of Cold Steel IV and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. IDK what happened there, but I'm giving those two games a priority in the New Year.

Games I completed in 2020:
Trails of Cold Steel II (PS4), Trails of Cold Steel III, Persona 5 Royal, Collar x Malice (Switch), Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Taisho x Alice Vol. 2. I suppose you can also count Animal Crossing: New Horizons since I got up to a 5 Star Island and beat the "story mode". Oh yeah, I also beat all 4 routes of Fire Emblem: Three Houses this year and beat the Cindered Shadows DLC.
Games I started but didn't complete in 2020:
Rune Factory 4 Special, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, Trails of Cold Steel IV, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (I count getting married as beating SoS FoMT), Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (carry over from like, 2018 but recently re-started it).
Games I'm planning to play in 2021:
Carry overs from 2020: ToCSIV, 13 Sentinels.
Christmas gifts: Torna the Golden Country, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Xennoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, and Cafe Enchante. I also won a giveaway for a copy of Ace Attorney HD Trilogy. And then whatever I feel like digging out of my backlog. I should get back to Code Vein honestly. Maybe buy the DLC and try it out again.
So far the only games I'm for-sure buying in 2021 are Olive Town, Bustafellows, and Rune Factory 5. Scarlet Nexus is a solid maybe.
"Destiny... fate... dreams... These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things will not vanish from the earth." -King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger
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Currently playing into the New Year
-Cyberpunk 2077 (Still on my first playthrough)
-Errant Kingdom (Chapter 5/ N Total Chapters) According to the developers, we will soon reach the ending soon.

Games I started but haven't completed yet
-Assassin's Creed Odyssey
-Those Nights on Cairo

My 2021 to buy list:
-Nioh 2 (PC)
-Story of Seasons Pioneer of Olive Town (NSW)
-Mass Effect Legendary Edition (PC) Spring 2021
-Call Me Under (PC/NSW) Fall 2021(?)

It's been a slow year for me for both PC and Switch but I suppose it's time to do some backlogs.
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My hand pain went away after a couple of hand exercises and resting for one afternoon, so I'm now currently playing Tales of Vesperia :lol: the battle controls were initially confusing and overwhelming but after playing with and getting tips from my friend who's a fan of the series, I kinda get the hang of it now. Had to take down the difficulty a notch to easy at first, but after gaining my second party member, it's back up at normal difficulty now. I am also very veeery pleased with the third party member uwu what a good boy

Here's my backlog status going into 2021:
Currently playing - 1
Tales of Vesperia

Backlog - 11
The World Ends With You
Stardew Valley
Collar x Malice
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Virtue's Last Reward
Zero Time Dilemma
Paradise Killer
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
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Switch FC: 0599-7927-2963

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Just a couple carry overs this time - Talos Principle (which I've started) and Ni no Kuni (that I haven't).

Not sure when I'll get to either - too busy right now. The only gaming time I have is getting sucked up by Genshin, but after I post the last half of this novella I'm trying to get edited I'll have (a little) more time. New Years! Whoosh. Very glad to nearly be done with 2020.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Well, I can already say I'm putting the second playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 on hold. I'm almost done with Act 1 again and there isn't a whole lot of differences between the first time I did it and now. Maybe I'll wait until New Game + is out, which I hope they confirm; it would be different than Witcher 3's NG+ for sure.
Kikki wrote: Games I am anticipating that have specified a release date in 2021:
  • Disco Elysium on PS4(no idea if I'd like it, but the many choices are intriguing)
That's honestly my reason; I love story choices. Granted, I did try it on PC before but don't remember having a good time with it. I'm definitely willing to give it another shot though.
Currently Playing: FFXVI & FFXIV
Last Game: Newest Marvelous Game
Next Game: Octopath Traveler 2
Next New Game: Oxenfree 2 and Atelier Marie

Newest Marvelous Game: Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life
Story Status: Finished! 86/88 Wonderfuls Collected
Marriage Status: Married to Gordy with a scholar son!

Fav HM Bachelor: Wizard
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Fav SoS Bachelor: Gordy
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Yeah, it's definitely all about the choices. I don't play on PC so I haven't tried it, but looks-wise it's not my thing at all, and overall it's got that dystopian feel that I'm reeeeeally not into. But the huge amount of choices keep me intrigued so it's remained on my list.


I'm currently trying out my 3 main games right now (Cattails and Tumblestone are just fillers.) I started by trying Fenyx last night, and, um...
How do I even sum it up? It has some really cool things about it. VERY MUCH LoZ inspired, while being basically nothing like LoZ itself except in the mechanics. And the thing that looks like magnesis in the videos is actually Herakles golden bracers, which give you « Harvest Goddess »-like strength. (Though that doesn't explain how you can PULL a metal block you can't physically reach to yourself from twenty feet's totally magnesis, no matter what Ubisoft wants to say.) The controls are really slick, though...the button pushing feels surprisingly natural. Kinda impressed with that, though I'm not at all used to the right shoulder button being the 'attack' button.

However, it's also really...dumb. I have to use 'dumb' because it's the most suitable, kind of juvenile, elementary-school way of insulting something. Fenyx tries so hard to be funny, but it's just not clever enough to pull it off. The humour isn't fresh enough for doesn't catch me by surprise with it's wit. At best, I think I once gave a weak chuckle at some silly line. It just feels rather...tryhard.

And omg, the way the MC waaaaaaaaaaalks! She lumbers! Like a gorilla! Or a troll or ogre. It would look bad in a male hero, but it's even more noticeably galomphy in a girl. It's like she soiled her diaper with a huge load and is walking with her knees pointed outward and legs apart to try to avoid it. I have never seen an uglier walk animation during cutscenes. It's like she's both bowlegged and a little drunk, plodding over the ground like she's mad at it. So ugly.

I think I am still in the 'Great Plateau' phase of Fenyx, I must have at least one more shrine (portal) to complete. Guess we'll see. It', in a way, but it's also rather annoying. Generally it's just a bit...lame? (Always thought that was a weird insult, and yet, there is nothing that can quite replace it for it's overall meaning of being pitifully uncool.) I hope that the things I like about it will grow to overshadow the things I think are...all that I just said.
Dunno if I'll just continue with it, or if I'll go ahead and try the beginning of FE:TH and/or Torchlight III, instead. I meant to just try the beginning of each, but once I start something I'm inclined to just stick with it until I'm done.

EDIT: WARGH! I just did a 'rift' or portal or whatever, and when I got to the very end, after many irritating whirling lasers that you have to jump around and avoid, it says 'you are missing the godly power required to open the chest'. It let me get all the way to the end, approaching the area where the reward chest should be, before telling me that?! And then it has the nerve to tell me, when I go to leave, that I'll lose all my progress if I leave now? Am I suuuuuure I want to leave?

The exploration and collecting and goody-finding is fun in this game, though...a lot like Genshin Impact, probably a little more than like BotW, in that aspect. I did like exploring in GI.
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Panda Parfait
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Ronin19 wrote:Well, I can already say I'm putting the second playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 on hold. I'm almost done with Act 1 again and there isn't a whole lot of differences between the first time I did it and now. Maybe I'll wait until New Game + is out, which I hope they confirm; it would be different than Witcher 3's NG+ for sure.
Kikki wrote: Games I am anticipating that have specified a release date in 2021:
  • Disco Elysium on PS4(no idea if I'd like it, but the many choices are intriguing)
That's honestly my reason; I love story choices. Granted, I did try it on PC before but don't remember having a good time with it. I'm definitely willing to give it another shot though.
Act 1 is more on rails than the rest of the game, but honestly, I don't think the game has a lot of huge choices in general. There's a few, yeah, but the vast majority of your choices will result in subtle changes or different dialogue. I definitely don't feel like it's a game you could play over and over again and have a different experience each time, especially with V being a pretty strong character instead of a blank slate for you to cast a character on to. Although I will say, barely anyone else got the same exact ending as me (basing this on the fact that less than 2% of players have the achievement for it, The Devil) thanks to a choice I made earlier in the game, and it's a choice that is hidden from you unless you decide to go against what the game is telling you to do.

I'm interested in playing it again but I'll certainly be waiting a while for some DLC and such. They've already said that free DLC will start rolling out early next year, presumably after some patches, so pretty I'm excited for that.

I was thinking of maybe playing Disco Elysium soon, though I'm in the same boat as you guys in that I'm not certain I'll enjoy it. The main protagonist is not the type of character I have ever been interested in playing as, but I do love games with choice/consequence and it's so well regarded that I'm intrigued.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Whew, I finally finished up the available story in Genshin Impact. I accidentally raised the world level one too many times so I was expecting a certain boss to be a complete wall, but it ended up being alright. Didn't expect there to be three phases, but I think only Fischl died once in my whole attempt. I heard said boss was nerfed, but I also saw people still complaining they were too difficult. Idk, it felt very 'hit and run', so maybe peeps were trying to take them head on and getting bodied? Ah well, it's done and now ima take a few day break.

Did a run in Hades and finished up a chapter in Yokai Watch 4. I still mostly feel like playing PS4, so I think I'll work on Sakuna for a bit and see how that goes.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Panda Parfait wrote:Act 1 is more on rails than the rest of the game, but honestly, I don't think the game has a lot of huge choices in general. There's a few, yeah, but the vast majority of your choices will result in subtle changes or different dialogue. I definitely don't feel like it's a game you could play over and over again and have a different experience each time, especially with V being a pretty strong character instead of a blank slate for you to cast a character on to. Although I will say, barely anyone else got the same exact ending as me (basing this on the fact that less than 2% of players have the achievement for it, The Devil) thanks to a choice I made earlier in the game, and it's a choice that is hidden from you unless you decide to go against what the game is telling you to do.

I'm interested in playing it again but I'll certainly be waiting a while for some DLC and such. They've already said that free DLC will start rolling out early next year, presumably after some patches, so pretty I'm excited for that.

I was thinking of maybe playing Disco Elysium soon, though I'm in the same boat as you guys in that I'm not certain I'll enjoy it. The main protagonist is not the type of character I have ever been interested in playing as, but I do love games with choice/consequence and it's so well regarded that I'm intrigued.
Yeah, I have to replay the game to get the ending because of that one choice that messes me up to get that achievement, but that's a consequence of going in blind. Otherwise, I'm sitting at 34/44 achievements and one is story-based while the others are gameplay based. Choices in this game are definitely an illusion with the exception of the ending (I like the Star ending the most btw). If they release New Game + down the line as a free DLC, I'll definitely play it again then. Hopefully, they'll let us customize V again. I would like to go through the game with my money, stats, weapons, and armor, but I'd really like to hear how male V sounds in the game and experience Panam and Kerry's romances. It's definitely not BioWare level of choices, so not a whole lot of replay value is there; you've got 3 at the minimum if you want to play through the whole game as all 3 lifepaths. I'm gonna ignore corpo; that prologue was boring imo.

I wouldn't mind giving Disco Elysium another go, especially since, as I found out through research, it's pretty much a speechcraft RPG, no combat is present. It should definitely make things interesting, especially with choices and dialogue trees.

This also makes me want to play through The Banner Saga series again. I loved that trilogy a lot.
Currently Playing: FFXVI & FFXIV
Last Game: Newest Marvelous Game
Next Game: Octopath Traveler 2
Next New Game: Oxenfree 2 and Atelier Marie

Newest Marvelous Game: Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life
Story Status: Finished! 86/88 Wonderfuls Collected
Marriage Status: Married to Gordy with a scholar son!

Fav HM Bachelor: Wizard
Fav RF Bachelor: Dylas
Fav SoS Bachelor: Gordy
Fav HM Bachelorette: Dia
Fav RF Bachelorette: Ludmila
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