What is this thread about?
The Backlog thread is to discuss what you are currently playing, and see what others have to say about what THEY are currently playing. It can be a good help in deciding what games you want yourself, especially if you need feedback on new releases from people whose opinions you're familiar with. We also tend to keep track of our progress here if we're keeping a literal backlog account. Using various methods and with help from free online resources (like Grouvee, Backloggery, HowLongToBeat, etc) some of us have managed to completely eliminate our backlogs in some years. If you're bothered by or struggling with your backlog of games and need suggestions, feel free to ask how others have handled it when their backlogs started to get too big. That's part of this thread.
We also do a little bit of discussion on new releases and upcoming games that we're anticipating, BUT, what this thread is NOT about:
Pages and pages of discussion on the same game. The backlog thread gets really bloated just naturally. If people are going to chat back-and-forth to each other about Animal Crossing for 3 pages solid, then ACNH needs its own thread. (ACNH doesn't have enough buzz and can't maintain its own thread any more, so now that we don't have a live AC thread it's fine to talk about it here.) If there's a Pokemon Arceus thread (which I'm sure there will be when the release is imminent! There are lots of Pokemon fans on Fogu.) then please do discuss that game in its own thread to avoid turning the Backlog thread into a Pokemon thread. Or etc. Any game that will generate a load of discussion should get its own thread, is what I am saying...in rather long-winded fashion.
Then, to begin!
What are you all looking forward to in 2022? Got Day 1 purchases lined up already? Things you're really hyped for? Are you starting the year out with a Backlog, or are you beginning fresh, either because you HAVE no backlog, or because you're attempting a blitz? Are you playing anything right now? Do you have a strategy in mind for your backlog, or do you have a particular mindset about gaming this year? Are your tastes changing, with time or experience or...etc?
Go forth and talk gaming, everybody!