If you're new here (or a long-time lurker but haven't joined in before), the yearly Backlog thread is mostly a place where we chat about the games we are currently playing, and to some extent, stuff we're considering buying. It started out as a thread meant to help people reduce their backlogs, but it quickly turned into general gaming chatter, whether we're doing great with it, or in some kind of funk. But...we still all have our ways of paring games off our backlog, so if you need help with yours, let us know. We all have methods (such as the Backlog Blitz method) and backlog-managing resources (like game-tracking sites such as Backloggery or Grouvee) and can share them.
It can be fortifying to state any goals or desires you have out loud where other people can hear (read) them, so if you have any gaming goals for 2024 (eliminate your backlog, get better at platformers, spend less money, spend more/less time gaming, be more social in your gaming...etc) feel free to state them here to start your year off.
You can also start off by listing your backlog, if you want to. You can put it behind a spoiler cut, if it's really long. (Though you don't have to.) I'm an ardent list-maker, personally...they help me get my thoughts in order. I also like to organize both the games on my backlog and the games on my wishlist by priority to give myself a firmer sense of direction.
And feel free to list the games you're really looking forward to in 2024! We all always forget a few so it helps to have reminders from others on the good stuff headed our way.
What this thread is not for: pages of discussion on the same game. Say a new Pokemon game releases. It should have its own thread, so that no one has to wade through the monster that the Backlog thread always becomes, just to find information on where best to find a shiny whosamajiggit. Of course you can mention your progress on that new Pokemon game here if you happen to be playing it, but the Backlog thread is not the place for lengthy Q&A about a newly released game. If it generates enough back-and-forth to amply fill its own thread, then it should have its own thread.

If you should need to see them, here are previous year's Backlog threads (it can be pretty interesting seeing your first post of the year in any of these threads):