How to Get the Good Ending? (Cheat Codes?)

Harvest Moon: Boy Meets Girl for Gameboy Color. [ Game Guide ]
New Seedling
New Seedling
Posts: 3
Joined: Apr 10, 2021 1:42 pm

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So I'm trying to get the good ending (playing as a boy) for a video I'm making and I can't seem to get it, I have at least 3 of each animal, over 300 crops shipped, a farmer evaluation of 52, and I'm married to my partner. Whenever I reach the ending though I always get the bad one and the game doesn't continue afterwards. I don't know if it's because I'm on an emulator or if it's bugged but are there any cheat codes that'll instantly get me the good ending? Or anything else I may be doing wrong?
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UNoT Dictator
UNoT Dictator
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Joined: Sep 28, 2000 7:12 pm

Post  Posted:

There is no cheat code that I know of that influences the ending.

- Ship at least 300 items
- Own 3 or more of every animal (chicken, sheep, cow, and horse)
- Popularity is 50 points or more (for example, earned by taking farm union tasks or submitting cows/horses with at least 4 hearts to their farm union contests)
- Reliability/Trust with your partner is 30 points or more (this is different from the love points, but you usually earn a little trust when you do things to earn love)