Marriage and Social Rules:
1. You cannot marry a character you have either previously married or actively courted with the intent of marrying.
2. You cannot give bought items to villagers, however you can use bought items in cooking but you cannot gift those items until the bazaar is at 50%.
2. You cannot get married until the bazaar is at 100%.
3. If someone requires you to become friendly with other characters to marry them, then you must max out those characters hearts before you marry them.
4. You must talk to every character everyday if they are around.
5. You must have every bachelor and bachelorette at full hearts, have viewed every heart event, and every rival event before you can get married.
6. You must give a gift on everyone's birthday (It can be literally anything as long as they don't dislike it).
Bazaar Rules:
1. You may only spend money once per bazaar.
2. You cannot upgrade the bazaar booth until the bazaar is at 75%, at that point Felix automatically upgrades it to 9 slots.
3. You may not sell grass seeds.
4. A chicken and a cow must be the first two things you buy.
5. You may only sell foraged items at the bazaar once per season.
Farm and Other Rules:
1. You may only grow one crop a season, exulting tea bushes and fruit trees.
2. You may only have one of each fruit tree and no more than 3 tea bushes.
3. You may only have one of each animal (one chicken, one silkie, one dog, one cat, ect.).
4. You may not eat raw or foraged items, only cooked dishes (cooked dishes made with foraged items is fine as long as the foraged item isn't the only ingredient or requires multiple foraged items).
5. You cannot sell to in-town Raul, but you can buy however much you want, whenever you want.
6. You may only go fishing once a week.
1. Once the bazaar is 100%, you're married, have max hearts with EVERY villager, have grown at least one of every crop, have gotten one of each animal to max hearts, and have every upgrade possible, you have won the game.
2. If you have won the game then you no longer have to follow challenge rules.
3. If you want things to be even harder, then add the requirements of catching every bug and fish, seeing every event possible in the game, and being the biggest seller at the bazaar 5 times after it is 100% to win the game.
1. Marry your least favorite character.
2. Don't get married until you have max hearts with EVERY character.
3. Once you have a cow and a chicken, you must eat two cooked meals a day.
4. Don't sell any foraged items.
5. If you miss giving a gift on a villager's birthday, you may not sell anything at the next bazaar.