On Year1 Summer20. 3 Questions!

Nintendo 3DS. The first Bokujou Monogatari game localized by XSeed Games. [ Game Guide ] JP release = Feb 2014. NA release = Mar 2015. EU release = Dec 2015.
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Growing Garden Gnome
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ok. so im finally playing this now that i just got married in SoS Trio of Towns.
im on Summer 20 ish of Year 1 and im starting to wonder:
1.when can i use those plazas areas?what are they for really?
2.approx.how long will it take to ship 100,000 to unlock the next vendor? (i saw somewhere it was summer 1 as well??)
3.Getting river items, can i do the save n reload thing to farm bricks/copper etc? i used it for the mine in Trio, but im no where neer getting mine in this game..

help would be appreciated :lala: also, if anyones got any tips for this game that be useful. im finding this game more tricky than the 2nd one :(
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Yes, you can reload your catches while diving in the river to try to get extra bottles or bricks or whatever you need. Some areas don't have bricks in, etc...each diving region has different possible catches. Cherubae's guide on SoS is quite thorough so you can find all the specifics there.

Plazas areas? Do you mean in vendor area, or do you mean the extra farming areas? Or do you mean extra little sections in town where there are those signs? (Those are only for putting decorations in, though there are decor combos that can give you very small bonuses to things like FP gain with villagers, discounts from specific vendors, etc. I never found them worth bothering with. I only ever bothered with placement combos on my farm for things like protecting from storm damage, speeding up maker times and quality, etc.)

The first new vendor will not unlock before Summer 1 no matter how much you ship, but how fast you ship 100,000 is up to how much work you put into it, there's really no way to estimate a date when you'll do that...it's entirely up to how you play the game. If you're shipping everything you harvest or cook or catch/etc, you'll probably hit 100,000 well before Summer 1, but if you're hoarding everything and not making much use of cooking and so on, then it'll take you longer.

Personally, I always get the vendors unlocked ASAP. I save only what I most have to and sell everything else. I even tend to do things like buy all of Otmar's carrots and cook them and sell the dishes or sell the carrots directly. I sell all the bugs and fish and etc, and the vast majority of my crops, which I cook first if I have a recipe for them that is worth more than the crop itself would be. And I go diving every day and sell all the good stuff (like topaz) unless I'm saving them for a use I know I need them for, such as one of the makers. I find it no problem to get the first vendor on Summer 1.
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Growing Garden Gnome
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ok perfect! im gonna have to do the reload thing for bricks.
and by plaza areas i mean the ones with the little town sections with signs. :) when can i use them? id like to take the decos out lol

i JUST unlocked cabin country , im on Summer 28th now.

thanks so much for answering! :lala:

also: lets say im doing the challenge things and someone elce wins the plot. if i didn't harvest the crops from it when someone won it, will i have a chance to get the crops? or are they now gone?
wondering because im running out of time on Fritz plot and the crop are not grown yet :?
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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The minute Fritz takes possession of the field, everything in it expires. You must harvest before he gets it, or you lose it all. I think it's the next morning? So if your stuff isn't ready that day (the day you found out you lost the conquest) then unfortunately it's lost already. :(

I highly advise always trying to select the 'Face off via total items shipped' option when you can get it, it's the easiest...then you can win just by shipping hundreds of pieces of fodder :) And fodder counts as a crop so it helps add to the total crops shipped requirement for unlocking one of the last vendors! (Dried fodder counts as a product...another requirement...and you can make grass/fodder seeds, too, so that counts in yet another category. I grew TENS OF THOUSANDS of extra fodder to help blast through the painfully high requirements for the latest vendors. LITERALLY tens of thousands. Not a joke or an exaggeration. So. Much. Fodder. But it helped things go WAY faster. If you care about that.)

I advise you to ship all the decor when you get it. The requirements for unlocking later vendors include shipping constructions, quite a few, and it helps a lot to ship all the ones you can yoink out of those areas. They all unlock at different times. I can't tell you when you get each area...they all unlock at different times. I THINK you get an area or two each time you unlock a new vendor. That's sort of what's in my memory about it. But I can't tell you which ones, when. If you just unlocked Cabin Country as a vendor, then you'll probably get a cutscene with Veronica in a day or two, telling you she's giving you rights to edit a new little area.
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Growing Garden Gnome
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ooh ok
ok so the fritz field may pose a problem. at least i dont have much growing there.. just 1 bag of seed.

your fodder idea is genius. im totally gonna do that! especially if it makes things go by faster. im all for that. :)
yeah ill probs just sell the deco stuff. the way its all placed is bugging my OCD. XP

and i just bult the sewing studio. yay!
i assume i can make gold cloth/thread from regular sheep? and then dye it gold? trying to marry fritz. so far he gets a butterfly a day but i wanna do better for him :lol:
speaking of sewing machince, thats where i make a ring to date right? its showing like, 3 diffrent rings. do i just any of those to date? currently fritz is at a light blue flower.

sorry for so many questions btw. i thought i just had 3 to ask..
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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The answers to pretty much all your questions are on the guide, if you want them right away with no need to wait for someone to answer. :)

Yes, each type of cloth uses a different type of material. The BIG money-maker in SoS is golden (or silver) linen, made from flax. If you want to give the game a super-easy-money mode, you brand up your flax as soon as you can unlock it. It will unlock once you've shipped $150,000 to silk. (If you just unlocked Cabin, that means you've shipped $100,000 to them already.) I concentrate my fertilizer on my flax and win contests exclusively with it until it's at max. Then I grow it pretty exclusively to fill the...I think it's the tall crops field, once you get it. 12 fields, I think it fits. I have a big crop of flax going at all times, and I turn it all into Golden Linen Cloth and sell it for a massive bundle. We're talking over a million a shipment.

It totally breaks the game if you prefer to make your money in more believable increments and not suddenly be able to buy almost anything your heart desires and unlock vendors at super-speed (except the last two which have crazy item requirements) but the option is there if you want it. :)

Fritz is a total primadonna about gifts. He doesn't like anything from base-level stuff. You can't use regular sheep wool...it has to be SUFFOLK sheep wool that you use to make his gold yarn or cloth. Yes, you make the ring at the accessory table in the sewing studio.

The ring you want is made with one silver and one fluorite. No other ring will work to confess with. It's listed near the eyewear, not with the rest of the rings.
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Growing Garden Gnome
Growing Garden Gnome
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okey dokie! i may just check out the guide at some point.
ooooooh Suffok sheep.. drat. i already 4 made gold yarn from regular sheep :?
guess ill ship it.

ok, the flourite and silver ring. got it!

tysm! for all your help! :heart:
i guess i could have gone to the guide in the first place, but in all honestly i perfer getting help from people who can add more to the answers. and i like the conversation. im chatty by nature :D
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You're probably well past this by this point, but if you start a new game, (I usually do a first game to get used to the systems then do a second optimized one), A good early money strat is to save scum for at least two gems a day, you can get Flourite from the west farm diving spot, and Peridot from the eastern part. You can also get Topaz from both sides of the Paddy diving spot. Once you've shipped 150K to Sakura country, you unlock Flax Seeds. Plant 3-5 crops of flax and turn everything you're not using for seeds into gold linen cloth, That's the primo early game cash product. You should easily be able to unlock up to Rose country before or during the first fall.
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Growing Garden Gnome
Growing Garden Gnome
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Pluveus wrote: Jun 15, 2024 4:47 pm You're probably well past this by this point, but if you start a new game, (I usually do a first game to get used to the systems then do a second optimized one), A good early money strat is to save scum for at least two gems a day, you can get Flourite from the west farm diving spot, and Peridot from the eastern part. You can also get Topaz from both sides of the Paddy diving spot. Once you've shipped 150K to Sakura country, you unlock Flax Seeds. Plant 3-5 crops of flax and turn everything you're not using for seeds into gold linen cloth, That's the primo early game cash product. You should easily be able to unlock up to Rose country before or during the first fall.
ah no worrys!!
i havnt played this in awile, but i do remember i had married Fritz.
no clue if i had Rose country tho.
i have been wanting to reply the game again, so i may restart my file. ill keep your tips in mind if i do!
thanks :lala:
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