Nintendo Direct: June 18, 2024

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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It will be at 7AM PT (which is 10AM ET) and last about 40 minutes and will be about games releasing for Switch in the latter half of 2024. They reiterated that there will be NO MENTION of the Nintendo Switch successor in this presentation. You'll be able to watch it here:

And I'm going to be brutally honest. I expect this presentation to be a bunch of random junk. It's the last dregs of the Switch's life cycle. Even if the next console does turn out to be backwards-compatible, I doubt many are going to release their games for the 'old' Switch when the new one is looming. I don't think Nintendo will be releasing anything much in the way of first party stuff at this point, either.

Guess we'll see. I'd be really surprised if there are any blockbusters in store.
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
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No expectations. The last few Directs have been very lackluster. I assume Nintendo will have one last surprise for the Switch though. They expect the Switch to sell a lot this holiday so there has to be a strong holiday seller title in this Direct even if it's a remake of a popular Nintendo game. As far as farming is concerned, I guess we will get footage from that Farmagia game that's supposed to be released this year. I don't expect anything on the RF game yet.

I love how they explictly stated there won't be any mention of the next Nintendo console. Makes me think there definitely will be an event dedicated to it real soon.
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Huggy Chickens
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I too have no expectations.

(I wish Level-5 would announce a date for their direct that got delayed to summer…)
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WHOA. Okay, I was wrong. Lots of surprises in this!

Just a couple things I may watch for, and probably nothing I'll commit to buying, but still, pretty interesting. Though...I think I may be morally obliged to buy one of the things I saw, as Nintendo did something I asked for and I probably have to put my money in to show my support.

But Farmagia looks terrible. I need to watch that portion again to try to figure out why I think it looked so bad.
Last edited by Kikki on Jun 18, 2024 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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EDIT: Sorry, somehow quoted myself instead of editing my last comment!

Well since I already screwed up, might as well use this.

We got a release window for
Tales of the Shire
, so that's nice, though...I think maybe I don't want it? I'm not sure, it looks a bit off from what I'd find fun.

I'm happy that the spin-offs of AA are being released on Switch...though not as happy as I'd be if it were a NEW game in the series.

Honestly, a startlingly good direct for how late it is in the Switch's life cycle, even if a lot of the content looked inappropriately retro, to me, like something 30 years old instead of brand new. Some of it was confusing. But there were some pretty big announcements in there...I think.

We need someone more versed in Nintendo classics to comment on this. The last announcement was very underwhelming, but I think no release date was given because the Switch 2 release date hasn't been revealed, yet. Not that I'm at all interested in that series, mind you, but a load of people are, so yay.
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WOW what a direct. Listening to Arlo's stream still, which has been extra. If I was not already awake, the screams would have gotten me.

2D Zelda game is the only thing I'm getting, but that's PLENTY for me. Two things in one we've been hoping for as a "Zelda community" for a very long time in one package. Thank you and goodnight. Very confidently put together Direct, felt like the quality level of the directs of old.
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Yaaaay, good news for AA fans!
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That was a really good Direct imo. A lot of decent suprises and there wasn't really much filler material except for the retro games.
Definitely getting the Mario Luigi game and the Zelda one as well. Many other games caught my attention so I'm going to have to watch the Direct all over again. Never played a Metroid game but people were really hyping for it.
The game looks fantastic and it's surely a cross-gen title intended for the Switch 2. Nintendo's new console is the horizon but the line up for Switch still remains strong. It's really impressive.
not really feeling the game. The graphics are okay and the gameplay is unique but I don't think it really appeals to me. From what it seems, it's farming because of instead of raising normal crops... you raise crops that give you... monsters? It's all just really weird. I might give it a try if it has some life sim features.

This was definitely the last Direct focused for the Switch with the way they went all in. I think we will get the next console reveal in September over a Direct now.
Last edited by JustABeautifulGuy on Jun 18, 2024 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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JustABeautifulGuy wrote: Jun 18, 2024 8:15 am From what it seems, it's farming because of instead of raising normal crops... you raise crops that give you... monsters? It's all just really weird.
Sounds like Ooblets in that part.
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Huggy Chickens
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Kikki wrote: Jun 18, 2024 8:23 am
JustABeautifulGuy wrote: Jun 18, 2024 8:15 am From what it seems, it's farming because of instead of raising normal crops... you raise crops that give you... monsters? It's all just really weird.
Sounds like Ooblets in that part.
PFF I had to look it up and they’re so cute!
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I want to talk about the games while using their names! So since this Direct was most fun because of all the surprises, I'm going to put everything behind a cut. If you haven't watched the Direct yet, I'd suggest not opening this spoiler until you have watched it. Plus I'm just going to ramble anyway, so it's not all that worth opening even once you HAVE seen the Direct. I'm too tired to make sense, today.
Tales from the Shire looks awful. I thought this in glimpses before, but the characters are so LUMPEN. The art is strange. The landscape is not bad but the characters look like they were made of clay, by a very talented first-time crafter.

If the gameplay is fantastic, it's possible I'll get it, but there's no way this is going to be a release-day thing. I'm going to need to gather a lot of feedback before I'd be confident that it's a game I'd enjoy. I also am not sure yet what the balance of gameplay even is. It's a life sim, but what's the main point? Throwing dinner parties to bond with your hobbos? Or attracting more hobbits to your town? Is it YOUR town?

Eh, I'm interested enough to keep watching it, looks off, so far.

As for LoZ: Echoes of, out of left field! Sneaky Nintendo. So we'll never get to play as Zelda, huh? You can never be trusted, lol. This is the game I will buy even if it's terrible, because I've GOT to show my support for them listening. Though it actually looks fun. NOT my style preference, of course...I don't like my LoZ games to be cute...but it IS very cute and I will try to stretch my imagination around it. I'll think of it as mental exercise. I like the whole creating echoes thing and wonder just how much you're intended to use it. Do you use it outside of battle and obstacle challenges?

Farmagia is a big, fat, NO from me. No interest whatsoever.

I'm glad of the Ace Attorney Investigations compilation on Switch, of course. I have played one of them...I own it in English for the DS. I don't know if it's the first or second one. The first, I assume. Miles is almost as good to hang around with as Phoenix.

I'm glad of an update to Nintendo Switch Sports. I have STILL never played my copy, but, I dunno. I'm just always glad when Nintendo updates their games.

I've no interest in Metroid but the outdoor shots were beautiful. I assume those were cutscenes? Isn't Metroid a combat platformer?

The Dragon Quest I-III set is an interesting idea. I don't like...what is it that they call that 2D+ style? 2D HD? I don't like it. Never have. I dislike the look of Octopath and every game similar to it. But it's better than full-blown pixelated 2D, and I'm interested in DQII thanks to DQB2 and Malroth.

I'd love to think that this could mean there'll be a DQB3 some time after this revamped retro collection is released, but with Square Enix having announced that they're dialing back all their IPs and are going to stick to just the core stuff, well...DQB is a spin off of one of the core series, but it's definitely more niche. So I'm betting there's no hope for DQB3, any more.

Fantasian looks...maybe interesting? I'm not sure, yet.

And...I think I'm done? Though I was also surprised by the big load of Mario. Don't we already have a Switch Mario Party game? The hub world (or whatever it was) in the new one looked inviting, though.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Managed to watch this live at work while on lunch. All in all, a very good direct. Lots of rumors and leaks that still haven't manifested (and might never), but lots of surprises instead. I think the only Switch excusive I'll be getting is The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, because everything else I want is also coming to PS5, which I prefer these days.

I think the biggest surprise for me is the Phantom Brave sequel. PB is by far my favorite NIS game, I've played it so many times. My PSP save files are even available on GameFaqs to publicly download (because back in 2012, there was only one other save and it didn't have features people were asking for) because I just kept playing and playing it. There was actually a pseudo sequel in the form of a browser game, but obviously that didn't last. Now that there's an actual sequel, I'm shocked that we're revisiting this world more than 20 years later. NIS has been really ambitious lately with localizing games that never made it out of Japan before and re-releasing older titles onto newer systems. I guess they've been really profitable if a game in their catalog not named Disgaea is getting another entry. NIS used to be really experimental in the early 2010s and I loved that about them, so I'd love for them to make some more sequels or keep releasing their titles locked away in Japan still.

Other than that, love to see DQ 1-3 all getting the HD-2D treatment. Do 4-6 Next!
Anonymous Fish

Post  Posted:

The Direct was unexpectedly good actually. Mario and Luigi and the new Zelda game are really good last holiday seller titles for the Switch. Better if I say nothing for Farmagia because nothing good will come out of my mouth right now due to my evergrowing frustration with Marvelous and their games. I'm quite perplexed how Farmagia, a brand new series, is getting a simulatenous worldwide release when Rune Factory 5 with a pre existing fanbase didn't back then.

This has to be the last Direct focused exclusively on the Switch right? I mean there's a possibility there might be one in September but what exactly will show now? Many third party games shown were already slated for early 2025 which the next Direct would focus on.

It's somewhat surreal we're actually wrapping up the Switch era. Feels like yesterday when new Story of Seasons was teased in a line up for this console way back in 2017 and I was extremely excited about it. Who knew that the game I was most excited for back then would disappoint me the most in this console cycle. Still a great era, the pandemic was extremely rough and I will never forget the entertainment this console brought to me in one of my toughest times.

Since the next console is gearing up to start its promotional cycle real soon in a few months, all I'm gonna is hope for more great farm sims! The next console being a PS4 level handheld sounds crazy on paper and there's a lot potential to go around with that much power. Imagine 100 cute round cows occupying my screen without any lag!
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I loved seeing everyone's whiplash, lol. It seems like most folks weren't expecting much going in. I usually look forward to them, they always have something fun, but this one was pretty well-stacked with surprises for the Switch being so old. I got whiplash myself!
MARIO! AND! LUIGI! IT CAME BACK!!! Not the biggest fan of that style of game play (2.5D, maybe?), but I'LL TAKE IT PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Admittedly, I should play Princess Peach Showtime first. Which I was waiting to play after Super Mario RPG! I finally got my preordered copy a month or so back, lol. In my defense, I did actually play Wonder, so I'm not so far behind here, there was just a sudden glut in my often-neglected Nintendo niche. I'm usually begging for scraps of Paper Mario.

That and Ace Attorney Investigations are preorders for me. I still need to (re)play the mainline trilogies, but I'll probably clear the first three before this comes out, and try the first Miles Edgeworth game again. Attempted the DS version and didn't stick with it, but that was forever ago.

I wish I liked some of those Nintendo games more! I should be excited for that Zelda game, but... I can't get over that graphic style, it rubs me the wrong way. ;_; I was hyping it at work today though, lol, everyone was very excited about that one. I played a lot of Metroid Prime, but... I should play Dread first, which I would probably love a lot more. I also still need to play Donkey Kong Country Returns on Wii. ^_^;;;

That Phantom Brave sequel came out of nowhere! Happy that exists for sure.

« Harvest Goddess »... SaGa is more my friend's thing, and that Romancing SaGa 2 remake comes out on his birthday. ^_^; I may give this one a try, it sounds really fun. On the other hand, these are massively inconsistent, so I'm always a little scared to try them. It's odd how many SaGa games have been rereleased/remade, I think we're only missing Frontier 2 and Unlimited from the mainline releases now.

Still cautiously optimistic about the Dragon Quest 3 remake. I have a lot on my plate, but I'm still quite interested in that. Less the first two, but those are very solid games... I keep forgetting I've somehow only played odd-numbered Dragon Quest games, so maybe I'll play the remake of two to break the cycle, lol.

Denpa Men seems like something I'd like, but I'm still playing my last 3DS remake impulse purchase (Pocket Card Jockey), so I may wait on that one. Hmm... when was the last time I played Metal Slug? I used to love those... I'm also kinda into Darkest Dungeon 2, but again, lots of similar games on my plate. I wish I liked exploring more, I would check out Stray.
Okay, okay, Farmagia, you're right, but hear me out... I love bad games with weird ideas. « Harvest Goddess » help me, I will play this and probably like it.
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Another surprise for me was Stray. I've been wanting that one for awhile. Have to wait and see how it runs on the Switch.

I'm happy about Zelda and Mario & Luigi. I'm torn about Tales of the Shire: I really wanted to like it but the characters are so fugly! I mean, really, really fugly. As for Farmagia (remember when everyone hated the name Harvestella?), I just don't know at this point.

I'm a sucker for anything DQ. I'm not crazy about the look of III, but it is a great game so will most likely cave and get it eventually.

June is a rough month for me and depression is raising its ugly head so I may look at things differently in a bit.
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