What HM/SoS game has the highest replay value to you?

SNES, HM64, BTN, STH, A Wonderful Life, Another Wonderful Life, AWL:SE, Magical Melody, Puzzle de HM, Tree of Tranquility, Animal Parade, Frantic Farming, Hero of Leaf Valley, My Little Shop, Seeds of Memories, Lil' Farmers, Light of Hope, Popolocrois: SoS, Doraemon: SoS, Piczle Cross: SoS, and Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Totally agree that nostalgia and tedium-tolerance are going to be a person's biggest reasons for replaying a certain game(s) in the series.

Back in the day (like pre-Natsume/XSEED split), the games I used to return to the most were HM64, FOMT, AWL, MM and AP to varying degrees (i.e. starting a bunch of new files usually any time I replayed AWL or returning to my go-to farm in HM64).

These days I'm a bit lazy about getting consoles out and/or set up for replay & having a big backlog doesn't help. I'd say SOSFOMT is up there though because it's on Switch already and it's really easy for me to play for just a couple of minutes or a few hours depending on how I'm feeling. I'm sure once/if HM64 is added to the US online system for the Switch, that'll also be a go-to.
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Ultimate Farming Fanatic
Ultimate Farming Fanatic
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I think as I have started to replay games in Japanese my horizons have expanded since it feels like a different experience lol Overall, DS/Cute and MM are good ones for me to replay because there is a collectible I need to accomplished which drives me. Similarly, ToT and AP have objectives that also push me to keep going when playing. (M)FoMT is my favorite so that is just classic replayability as well. Ive actually been wanting to get back into all the DS titles. Currently working through DS Cute (JP) to marry WP.
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New Seedling
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I've replayed HM64 numerous times, married everyone but never managed to get the Party Picture. I replayed Save the Homeland enough to achieve all endings. I've replayed AWL:SE a few times (it runs so poorly on PS2, though) and finally finished the remake on Switch.

Now that 64 is on Switch Online, I could definitely see myself going back again. My mom, sister, and I would play together and watch each other. Lots of fond memories.