Backlog 2024

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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As soon as I saw it, I thought that lawsuit would, at least in the short term, just boost the popularity of Palworld. I don't get why people are cheering for a huge corporation bullying a little guy. (Granted, they made a lot of money, so perhaps they're not that little any more...not clear on that.) ESPECIALLY since Nintendo didn't even disclose these patents that have allegedly been infringed. You can't have secret patents. If you don't declare them, it's as though they don't exist.

And it bothers me that they're only picking on Palworld. I'm not a fan (never played it and it doesn't appeal to me) but what made them go after that, specifically, when they didn't go after Tem Tem? (Or fill in one of the other clear rip-off creature-catcher games. Even excluding ones that are extremely different creature-collectors, like Ooblets, there are a surprising amount of them that are pretty blatant rip-offs.) Palworld has more the air of a satire than a true copy of Pokemon.

Maybe that's what bugs them, though, I dunno. Or maybe it's because Palworld is responsive to what fans of the genre actually want, while Game Freak/TPC just stagnates, and that's threatening to them. I don't know, but it doesn't sit right. Maybe if they revealed exactly what patents were infringed, I could support Nintendo's position, but as it is, I can't...right now I just think they're a big mean rich bully, picking on the smart alec kid who managed to get a really good zinger in. *shrug*


Ugh, I hate Reddit so much. SO MUCH. It's just a huge load of strangers that come and go (no one seems to become friends there, there's never anything personal) and lob spitballs at each other while voting on other people's worth, even on really sensitive topics. Maybe especially on those. It's a big popularity contest, downvoting and upvoting. It's high school. I hate it.

Well, Fogu's gotta go down someday. It sees a resurgence any time a new game is announced, but I think with Olive Town, the fandom as a whole was killed. Or rather, it got passed on to Gen Z. And Gen Z mostly doesn't do forums. Which is too bad, since they're the BEST social media out there. Lots of room to discuss your thoughts and actually get to know people. It's like the superiority of email over ugly little one-liner texts. (I hate texting. It's so shallow.)


Doing good in Sandrock! I'm about to open that Shipwreck ruins, I think. I'm trying to SLOW DOWN, because I need to spend time increasing my character stats and fixing my messy storage. PLEASE don't do this storage type in Evershine, Pathea! Give us unlimited single storage with an auto-sort feature to tab through sections like relics, raw materials, refined materials, clothing, furniture, etc. Don't make me scatter 30 chests across my yard. I'm on the verge of giving in and building them their own shed. Doesn't help with the space they take up, but hides the ugliness of them.

Devs, please. STOP thinking this individual tiny chests thing is a good idea just because Stardew did it. It was cloddish and stupid in Stardew, and it's cloddish and stupid in your games too.



Anyway...Qi has already confessed, since he does that SO EARLY, and Cricket has accepted since she always planned to go for Qi. HOWEVER, she's super into Pen, cuz he's a laugh and a half and a barrel of monkeys on top. So since Qi stays hidden in his lab all the time anyway, she'll date Pen until *insert story landmark* and then will get serious with hidden boyfriend Qi. I still have to increase Pen's FP a tiny bit before the heart knot will trigger his ridiculously good quest and then I can move on with some short-term dating. Pen's kind of like that really attractive person you knew you had no future with but was just too good to pass up in the short term. (Though the way they draw Pen is...I guess he's supposed to be sort of 'sentai'? Which means he's excessively masculine for my actual preferences, but damn it, he entertains me just SO MUCH.)
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Whoop, I've arrived fashionably late as you would expect.

So, I guess I've been playing a lot of Minecraft lately, you know, that mood hits every now and then. Aside from that oh, I finished the new famicom detective club game, Emio the Smiling Man. Dang that was a really good time, and I am mildly upset that game has sorta vanished into the ether. Highly recommend playing it if you haven't yet.

In other VN mystery stuff, I guess I need to work through Ace Attorney Investigations, I picked up that collection recently, and I love Ace Attorney. I never finished the first one, and of course, haven't played the second one, so I'm really looking forward to that.

I've also been in a massive HD-2D mood lately, you know, Octopath, Triangle strategy, so I think my next few play throughs will be going through those games, getting a different ending in Triangle strategy, 100%ing octopath, and finally playing Octopath 2. Why must these RPGs be so long. Ah well, I'll take it bit by bit, and soon they'll be all wrapped up.

As for the rest of my backlog, oh « Harvest Goddess », it's a lot, but I wanna push through, maybe I'll slip in shorter games between all the big RPGs.

Wish me luck, hope you guys are all having fun with whatever you're playing
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I finally tried playing Crisis Core.

The story is interesting. I'd like to continue, on that basis. However, typical to Final Fantasy, the combat system is needlessly complicated. All the stupid spinning numbers that occasionally pop out a bonus of some kind. I have no idea how to use an AP bonus. I think one of Zach's skills is AP based, but I'm not sure. Does that mean I just spam that one skill while the bonus is active? I can't even remember what button that was assigned to.

So, I'd like to continue the story, but this game is VERY fighty. It's constant fights, strung together by a few cutscenes. I'm really NOT into the gameplay, and I haven't the brain space to learn a new combat system, especially one like this.

I'm not abandoning it, but it isn't something I can play right now. Plus I'm in a knotty phase so I can't button mash. My biceps are feeling pinched just typing this reply, lol. So, I'm not mentally or physically in a place for Crisis Core. I'll try again later if I find a non-knotty space where I can afford to dedicate some of my limited brainage to it.

I'm so knotty this week, I'm not sure I can play at all, but if I do, it'll be something I already know how to play. More Sandrock or DQB1, I guess. It'll probably be better in a few days. It changes, but I somewhat know the cycle. This one is knotty, but otherwise not bad. It just means reduced typing and button mashing.

Still working hard on various other things, and still screwing up just as much. You'd think I'd run out of screw ups! I'm just so scatterbrained; it's hard to think clearly, and I either completely don't know what I'm doing, or barely know.

Beautiful morning. Off for a careful walk, I am! Maybe even in this ridiculous giant 'the Comfy' my baby sister gave me. (Why did she give me pink??) It's not publicly acceptable, but people just smile when they see me in it. (Yep, worn it out for a chilly walk before! It's so big, two of me could fit in here easily.)
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I bought and started playing Fate/Samurai Remnant. This was one of those games that came out last year that I wanted but passed on because while I knew that I'd want to play it, I also knew I could wait until it was cheaper. I'm a pretty big Type-Moon fan, my introduction to the series was Fate/Extra on PSP and I've been diving down the rabbit hole ever since. I don't like everything the Fate series gets adapted into, but I'm also a huge fan of the time period that F/S R takes place in, mainly due to my brief but several year spanning obsession with the Samurai Warriors games + other Koei Tecmo offers in the same vein - and this game FEELS like a KT game. It has a battle system that's a mashup of Nioh and Warriors games and it has that ever present KT 'jank', for lack of a better word, where the presentation is good, but not fantastic (but still perfectly fine).

Anyways, it all feels familiar, both in gameplay and setting, but I do appreciate having a vastly different setting for Fate's story set up, the Holy Grail War. Every other game or anime in the series I've consumed has taken place in modern times or far flung ruined futures, which makes sense given all the known lore, so having one of these big battle royales in the past is a nice change of pace. One of the most fun draws of the Fate universe is trying to figure out who all the summoned servants are - all these historical figures snatched from their time periods and forced into fighting one another. When I was originally playing Fate/Extra in 2010, the concept was so novel and new that I was enraptured, hell, I even went out of my way afterwards and read original texts that many of the characters were based off of. With Fate/Samurai Remnant, with it taking place in the Edo period, it really 'limits' the roster, considering the time period, but having all the characters be from medieval times or further back hasn't stopped the guessing game from still being fun. I recognize some of them from other entries in the series, being the 'superfan' I am, that's inevitable, but the majority of the cast is still new to me and keeps up the intrigue. Plus, my absolute favorite character in the entire franchise is here, so big bonus for me LOL. I have more than one figure of this character - that's how much I love him.

But, yeah, the game is fun and I'm having fun. They basically took Samurai Warriors 4 and gave it a Fate coat of paint, which I am totally OK with (especially since I almost platinumed SW4 back in the day, I loved it so much). I actually have a desire to return to this game once powering down for the day, so I don't foresee myself dropping it. I'll have to see if I like it enough to get any of the DLC, but it's certainly on the table. If anything, it's really whetting my appetite for the Fate/Extra remake that's (finally) slated for next year.
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Not the Eggplant Wizard
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Haven't been here much this past month, I got myself a laptop as a treat for finishing my MA a few weeks ago, it's a massive upgrade and can run pretty much anything, which is nice after playing BG3 at 10fps earlier this year. I'm trying to actually organise and work through my backlog now that I'm not spending all my free time studying.

This month I've played and completed:
Lisa the Painful
-- Honestly, I'm not sure if I fully get this game. It was probably much more impactful when it came out given that indie games tackling sensitive topics were less common - there were some good moments and the gameplay mechanics were interesting, but I think it showed its age a lot. Maybe one day I'll play the sequel.

Currently, I'm playing:
Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
-- Not sure why I'm doing this to myself. I wanted to play it on Steam since I always had issues running it on Switch and never got married or had children. It's definitely not great but it's nice to play half an hour of it before bed to wind down, it also focuses more on short term goals than long term ones so it's good for when you don't want to think too hard. I'm planning on marrying Neil even though he's a DLC candidate because I like him in ANB. Also I'm trying to get all the Steam achievements even though I don't usually care about them, for casual games it gives you a definite end goal.

Piczle Cross Story of Seasons
-- This barely ran on my old laptop but it's fine now. I still don't like how resource intensive it is but I mean... it's just picross and sometimes the puzzle is a SoS character. I've been a little bit obsessed with picross since the Pokemon one on 3DS and usually have at least one app dedicated to it on my phone at any time so this game is kind of made for me.

Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home
-- Now that most of the bugs are patched out it's fine, not the best but not the worst, I'd probably say I enjoy it more than PoOT if I'm honest? It's not really a game that was meant to be played for long stretches of time so it's been nice to do a couple of days every now and then.

Enderal Forgotten Stories: Special Edition
-- I played this for the first time this time last year so I got an urge to play it again as soon as the leaves started changing colour. It's still very good though the experience is a little different once you know the plot twists. This is basically what I wanted The Witcher 3 to be. My only issue is I want to complete everything this time which means it'll probably take a good 100 hours to finish.

Dragon Age: Inquisition
-- « Harvest Goddess », I wanted to replay this before the fourth game comes out but I'm not sure if it's going to happen. It's the only Dragon Age game I've only played all the way through once and every time I try to replay it I remember why: it's not very good while also being very long. And now seeing bits and pieces of the fourth game makes me unsure if I'll even get it when it comes out because it looks equally meh... I guess we'll see.
Anyway, I'm trying to limit my social media time since I've got that post-graduation unemployment depression, it's not really working honestly but I'm at the very least trying to quit Twitter entirely since it's turned into one of the worst places online.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I've left Sandrock hanging for a while, but I don't really mind. Since I lost my One Note, I no longer have the year's accounting and I don't really care what I play for the rest of the year in terms of backlog.

Surprisingly, I quite want Echoes of Wisdom. I can't afford it, not if I have any hope of getting Ys X: Nordics this month (or at least within a week of release.) And maybe it's just FOMO. So just as well to wait and see if it wears off, and if not, buy it in a gap.

Did three Ring Fit worlds today. I'm desperate to increase my stamina, so this time feels serious. Of course, if something goes physically wrong, serious or not, things will get thrown off. But I'm intending to do Ring Fit almost every day. At least 5 days out of 7. It doesn't use weights so you don't really need to take days off from it, especially not if you're using it on one of the easier difficulties.


TWO DAYS LATER EDIT: (I feel like I'm the announcer on SpongeBob.)

Body tells me I will work my way UP to 5 days out of 7 on Ring Fit, but it's not possible yet, lol.

And I also realized as I started to tootle around in a new Tears of the Kingdom file that saying "I don't really care what I play for the rest of the year in terms of backlog" was not quiiiiiite accurate. What IS accurate is that I just don't care what I play in terms of backlog. At all. Forever. (Probably.)
Back in...2018? Or 2017. When I first started the whole Backlog thing, I had a HUGE backlog and it was stressing me out to have that massive (10-year-old) list of unplayed games. So I really needed to Blitz my way through it, and it felt good to get it pared down to nearly nothing! I believe I managed to completely zero my list that year or the next.

But it's no longer useful to me, this accounting. I have a backlog again, but it's not stressing me out. The Backlog Blitz trained me to be VERY CHOOSY about what games I actually buy, so though a few ill-advised stinkers still creep in, it's very few. I'm buying very little and not wasting money. Stuff on my backlog are games like Pikmin 4 and Crisis Core. Good games that I want to play, still...eventually. Just not now. So my backlog now isn't a shameful's a treasure box.

Keeping a rigid list would actually stress me out now that I'm a stupid creature that's all chock-full of anxiety all the time.

Nope, these days, I just want to play what I want to play, even if I just keep replaying Dragon Quest Builders, Farm Together, and the beginning of Tears of the Kingdom. And sometimes some Xenoblade. I don't have any money to spare and am not wasting it on stupid purchases and am getting almost everything on steep sales, too. (Poor gaming industry! They need my money, but I can't afford to give it to them.)

Basically, I'm dismissing gaming as a duty. I needed to treat it like one in 2018, but I don't any more. It's just for fun.
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So, hmm, I still want to play more triangle strategy, and I definitely will, but Earthbound Beginnings has consumed my life, I love this stupid game so much. It like actually has me so gripped. Sure the combat is awful, but every few minutes I stumble onto some new interesting thing and suddenly that doesn't matter so much. The exploration, weirdness, and humour carry this game so hard, especially because it's so janky, like I really want to explore all the corners of the world hoping I'll stumble onto some random npc, or area, maybe even a party member. I dunno why this game works so well, but it does.

Now, I suppose I've also been pretty consistent about playing animal crossing wild world, I want to complete as much of that game as I can in a year. Then move on to some other AC games, like the original and city folk before their clocks expire.

Outside of that, I'll certainly need to get back to my HD-2D playthroughs, might challenge myself to clear a map of Triangle strategy a day to help that process along. I think I'll just focus on these 3 games for now though, just force myself to focus.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I finished Fate/Samurai Remnant. It encourages you to do another playthrough to tie up loose ends, but I think I'm honestly good. The gameplay has a certain tedium to it that I really don't want to deal with all over again, so I'd rather just move on. I'm glad I didn't buy all the DLC on a whim, because I would've felt obligated to keep playing.

And don't get me wrong, it's not a bad game, I enjoyed myself, but I'm not chomping at the bit to play more. I liked the music, a good chunk of the characters, and the overall setting, but the gameplay needed some more fine tuning. If anything, it was a nice surprise that didn't overstay its welcome.

I'm thinking now it's back to my Switch for a while. Before I jump back into Astlibra, I think I might play Cattails 2 first, or maybe Harvest Moon SNES - something relaxing to take a break from all the high action combat games I've been playing lately. That 10 games this year I managed to complete now despite my focus being mostly elsewhere in 2024. Not bad, maybe I can squeeze a few more in before the year ends.
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
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Whew, busy times for me. School has been going well but I may have underestimated my courseload a bit - I'm still staying on top of things atm but it takes up a fair bit of time and energy. To top that off, I'm also starting a new job in a week so I'm swamped in paperwork and nerves about that... I haven't had much steady work experience before so I'm not exactly sure how it will go for me, but it's relevant to what I'm studying at least so that's a plus!

I've still been sneaking some gaming here and there, it's the one thing I never seem to be able to sacrifice when I need to focus on other stuff. It's mostly been ACNH, Sonic '06, and a bit of Tetris. This is my first time playing ACNH at this time of year and I'm having a blast collecting the Halloween decorations. Getting close to getting all the hybrid flowers too, after which I will maybe finally start making my island nice... supposedly. Sonic '06 is going as well as it could be - I'm about 70-80% done all routes so I'm not too far away from finishing, but with everything happening I'm not sure if I'll finish it quite in time for the new Sonic game that's coming out. Still, I won't be far off! Not bad for a longterm goal in a year where I struggled to get much of anything done.

I also did something totally indulgent and pre-ordered the upcoming Sonic game on two different platforms... I plan to play it on Steam, but I wanted a physical copy with the pre-order bonus too so I also ordered a copy for Switch. I really haven't bought any games that weren't heavily discounted this year and I also figure I deserve a reward for getting a job, so it's fine. No idea if I'll play right on release because I might save it for my end of semester treat, but I'm looking forward to it either way!
My video game piano arrangements (including Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley!) :lala:
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Not the Eggplant Wizard
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I burnt myself out on Olive Town VERY quickly, I lost pretty much all motivation to continue once getting married - to be fair, I had most of the game done, I might go back and finish the main story at some point (I was just waiting on a Wool+ drop for the final town upgrade) but the thought of grinding out 50 ingots for the hydroculture plant is killing me. The game is way too obvious about how much it slows the pace to pad out the amount of time spent on it, waiting for makers or for new town upgrade requests just isn't very fun...

Anyway, I'm still in a casual sim mood so I'm trying Sandrock again, last time I got about halfway through spring and I think I'm nearing that point again. It's also kind of grindy so I'm worried it's not the best game to play after Olive Town but the characters at least have way more charm and the story gets going a little faster than in Portia. Some of the dialogue is actually making me laugh and I find games that try to be funny insufferable 90% of the time.

I'm mostly just waiting for the new Dragon Age game. I'm still not sure if I'll get it day one since so many games are a mess when they release nowadays but I know I'll probaly be dedicating October to it whether I like it or not.
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Yippie, I've finished Earthbound Beginnings! Honestly, that game was really good, despite some of the jank. It was such a unique experience and just stumbling on all the plot points as I go was super interesting, it felt so open ended and yet, it did a pretty good job guiding me through the key parts. I barely had to look anything up online.

So I guess now I can shift more focus over to Triangle Strategy, and hopefully finish that in the next couple weeks. In the meantime I've also decided to wrap up my pokemon gen 3 completion as much as I can. Though looks like I'm flat broke in emerald, I'll have to grind a quick bit for some money.

Oh I finished the acorn festival event in Animal Crossing Wild World. I think I'll look up a checklist for that game to start checking things off and see what I have left to complete the catalogue, I'd say I'm about halfway through.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I finished the demo of Ys X: Nordics (on PS4) today. (It also has a demo on Steam, if anyone cares!)

It's a big demo! I thought might just be a battle demo, like Ys 9's was...but it's the entire first three chapters. It takes a good 8 to 12 hours to complete. (And your demo save carries over to the full version.)

It's a lot like Ys 8...a little more like 8 than 9. (Monstrum Nox was a lot like Lacrimosa of Dana, but Nordics is more so, imo.)

So far it seems like your one partner from the start is your ONLY party member, which I actually like, but it's entirely possible that more members may come along. Though it wouldn't work with the way they've arranged the story, so I'm thinking it's going to stay with just the two. Which is cool...a nice change to the bigger roster of 8 and 9. Way easier to get good at using 2 characters instead of 8!

The story is interesting and I like the characters, though as always, the naming is absolutely terrible. The 'Romun' Empire. The Coast of Afroca. Ispani (where all the Ispaniards live!) and Garman and so on. It's positively cringey, the way they name things. I have to wonder if maybe it comes across less pathetic in Japanese. The voice acting is also pretty bad, with absolutey goosebump-raisingly horrendous accents, but that's standard in Ys, for some reason. Of course, coming off of Sandrock, most voice-acting sounds rather bad.

But great story, great characters, great gameplay, so I don't care about the cringey names or voice acting.

Ring Fit is going okay, I think, though I'm finding my stamina is actually DECREASING every time I do it, lol. (My strength is going up, but my endurance is shrinking!) Can't say I understand that, but will keep pegging away, trying different things until I find something that works.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I finally crawled back to my Switch and started working on my backlog there. First I booted up HM SNES and soon found out it's too, er, for lack of better wording, 'archaic' for my tastes. Had I played it as a kid, none of this would have bothered me, but the dialog sound effects and the lightning fast days (plus no rucksack) killed it for me. Like, I get why you can't put items in the shipping bin after dark, because you could get infinite money with the respawning foraging items, but I barely have enough time in the day to put ONE in the damn bin! Oh well, glad I finally got to at least try it after all these years.

Jumped into Cattails 2 immediately after and the biggest, dumbest grin spread on my face as I kept playing. I loved the first Cattails, I kickstarted the second game because I loved it so much. It's really good to be 'back' while having all these nice QoL changes too. Right now I'm ignoring the story and wooing my future cat husband with snakes and lizards lmao.

Ah, also, another game I kickstarted, 'Hatch Tales', sent out its codes, but I couldn't give less of a damn any more about it. SIX YEARS of the creator bullshitting killed my interest. It was just supposed to be an upscaled 3DS game, but the creator rebranded it, disrespected all of their backers, and I could go on, but it's a mess. Funnily enough, the game we all expected is actually WITHIN this new games via a cheat code that he sent to backers all secret and cute like. It made me want to slap him. WHY ARE YOU HIDING THIS BEHIND CHEAT CODES??? YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT, WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL THIS IF YOU WERE JUST GONNA RELEASE IT ANYWAYS?????? Like, holy « Puppy Doodoo », I redeemed my code and then immediately deleted it off my system.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I have a load of big-item housework to do today, with a very sore body from a difficulty spike in Ring Fit yesterday. I also need to do some yard work! Well, I can afford to let the yard work run through the weekend. Maybe I'll even force my sister to help me with the yard work.


But I'm here because I looked Ring Fit up. I was getting inconsistent reports of how many 'worlds' there are on Ring Fit. A 'world' being what you see in the menu, labelled by number...not the individual levels. Each world contains about 4-6 scenarios, plus 1-2 spots that are mini-games. (You don't have to do the mini games to progress. The mini games tend to be exhausting!) Later on it gets to be more than that, but that's pretty late in the main story.

So! It turns out that there are SIXTY NINE worlds. However...
Only 23 of those are the main story. So really, it's 23 worlds, and everything afterward is 'extra'. It repeats those 23 levels two more times, harder and with new dialogue.

Ring Fit's difficulty runs in two ways. One is the difficulty you set yourself. That one controls how many REPS you have to do in your fit battles, and that's it! The other type of difficulty, you have no control over. Your character levels up as you progress. (Mine is 23 right now. That's quite low, since your skill level maxes out at 999.) Each world has a recommended level, and the course gets a little more difficult with each level. They get longer, you have to do more fit battles against enemies, etc. And other than that, yesterday I finally had to do repeated squats to make these catapult things throw me from perch to perch, as well as do many, MANY side-bends on a rolling platform to get across an automated speed course. Before World 4, I only had to jog in place.

I wonder where I was in my first playthrough. I know I'd unlocked the second skill tree, so I was at least level 65, and I must have been more since I had a bunch of it unlocked. I can't remember what world I was in. Something tells me 17? But I really don't know for sure. I erased my save data to start over.

Anyway, LOTS to go, and much harder than now, lol. It's honestly a very good, thorough workout program that naturally mixes things up for you. You choose your fit skills, but you can't control how many squats and bends and presses you'll have to do, to get through the course, so you'll always be using your whole body, whether you want to or not, lol.

Unless you abandon the Adventure Mode and just go with the Quick Play or Custom modes.
I am currently only in World 4 (The Nation of Sporta) and am Level 23. I can't even imagine doing world #69 with the difficulty level set to 30, lol. Well, they certainly arranged for you to be able to play this 'game' for a LONG time!

But I'd consider it 'complete' after finishing Level 23. Everyone else seems to, as well. Not that I won't continue after that, if possible. But so far, I can't really increase the difficulty much. The natural increase in difficulty is already kicking my butt. Honestly, I feel like I may max out at difficulty level 10. I hope I can get to that. I'm working on it! Can't wait to unlock the skill tree at level 40, so that I can get more hearts and skill slots and etc. I believe it takes something like 285 levels before you could unlock the entire skill tree!

Dang, Nintendo.

Definitely pushed myself this time. I have a little each time, but this time I went ahead and did the 'almost too much' amount. Ring Fit has a timer that tells you 'active time'...time you spent actually moving, and it is consistently three times (3X) less than the time you spent actually using the game. I used a timer today to check. It said I did 15 minutes and some seconds, and my timer was at 45 minutes. Plus I actually bob my knees the entire time I have the game on, so I'm moving slightly the whole 45 minutes, and it doesn't count the stretching, so your time really is at least a bit higher than the in-game timer will tell you.

I just have the final battle left in World 4, now, and I'm level 26, iirc. Whew! At this rate I think I'll hit level 40 some time in World 7. REALLY want to get that skill tree. I need more fit slots! Especially now that I've unlocked recovery exercises as well. Which are really stupid. They're full blown exercises that let you recover hearts, but they're strenuous, so YOU don't recover during them, lol...I think the yoga ones feel a bit more restful and would suit the 'recovery' category better.

Anyway I'm doing well, but my overall stamina doesn't seem to be increasing. I guess it hasn't in a very long time, many years...maybe it can't? Or maybe it's so slow that I have to be much more patient to see an improvement. I am definitely getting stronger and I can do the exercises a little longer, it's just my daily real life stamina that's not improving. I don't feel energized by exercise...I just feel worn out. HMPH. Still, I think I can increase the difficulty in one or two more sessions. I jogged 1.88 km today by the game's accounting. That's kind of cool. I wonder if that is accurate at all, though. Running in place isn't really the same as actual running, though it's much more of a cardio workout than walking, at least.

Smoothies are ESSENTIAL in Ring Fit. They need made after almost every level/mini-world. I keep forgetting! Have had to redo 2 worlds because I 'died' because the enemies were tough and I had no smoothies. I also like the smoothie that increases ingredient drops, so that I can make MORE smoothies, faster.

Well, anyway. I'd say it's going well, and it's pretty fun. Hopefully it'll eventually give me a little more energy to work with irl. Right now it's just using it all up.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Joined: Jun 29, 2005 11:02 am

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Making progress here and there. I did the first dungeon in Cattails 2 and got myself a cat boyfriend lol. Started up Model Debut3 and so far it's fine. It's an actual simulator game with stats and such instead of just straight fashion that takes place over several in-game years. I'll defs be taking my time with this one.

I also finally got around to making my female Hrothgar in FFXIV that I intend to replay the entire game with. I made her green and named her 'Squeezy Lime' after my favorite named item from Xenoblade 3 lol. I'm not sure WHEN I'm going to do this massive FFXIV replay, but I've been planning it for a while. I've played through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward twice each, but lost steam a quarter of a way through Stormblood on my second go round. Everything else has only been run through once and I could use a refresher. Also, the game is so, so much prettier now with the graphics update. It's not 'next gen' looking, but compared to the 10 year old PS3 graphics I had gotten so used to, everything is much nicer now. There were some places in Dawntrail that were really eye-catching, but there's something about seeing the old cutscenes in the new engine that really impressed me. I'm looking forward to seeing everything all over again with this fresh coat of paint, but for now, I glammed up Squeezy and sent her to bed at an inn until further notice lol.

Lastly, and again, not actually playing it, but I'm now more than halfway through my FFVII Rebirth watch-through. I definitely wouldn't have had the patience to play through this game, but it makes for a decent movie.