Dog's training glitches?

Nintendo DS [ Game Guide ]
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New Seedling
New Seedling
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I have my dog nearly fully trained (yep, it took a lot of time, i'm year 3 and trained with him nearly every single day, 10-15 catches per day. It was awful)
The fact it's that, when the training bar is completed it turnes... white again?? Why? Does anyone know why does it happend?
I discovered it while i was letting the days pass to look when the child gets born without saving the game, so i still have the bar nearly complete (it left literally 3 pixels to get complete) but i don't know if it just glitched for a random reason or it always ends turning white. The dog remains trained, he catches the ball inmediatly when i throw it, but it's.. strange. What's the point of showing a bar that gest complete but not letting it complete? How i'm supone now to show of the time it took to me to train the dog?
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UNoT Dictator
UNoT Dictator
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There isn't much that you can do, unfortunately. Harvest Moon DS, both JP and EN versions, is a bit buggy by its nature. If the dog acts as though they are fully trained, then it is most likely just a visual bug with the meter.