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All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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Mikodesu wrote: Jun 03, 2024 8:22 am Good to know about Animal Crossing Portal! I've done some 'out of curiosity' popularity googling and wasn't sure what could be trusted. Though really...can you trust any list that puts Pietro in the top 50? :lol:

There's definitely rhyme/reason to most of the lowest tier at least... With a few exceptions. (Why hate for Butch? He's just a dog. Anti-Rottweiler bias?)
Villagers with extremely unique looks always have a considerable fanbase :) If I'm remembering correctly, Pietro is a favourite of Cherubae's. I also had him (deliberately) in one of my towns that I was arranging to have the weirdest possible villagers, like Kabuki, Ankha, Coco, Lucky, etc. Lucky is the only one of those I truly like (because the 'Lazy' personality is lovably cute, not because Lucky himself is special, though I do have a lot of sympathy for a dog covered head to toe in bandages who is forced to answer to 'Lucky'. It's like a fat person having to answer to Slim. Seems very snide!) but I don't actually care for any of the others.

With that Tier List thing...I REALLY wish there was an option to see the popularity of the villagers across ALL TIME. What you see when you go is different every month, since the list reorganizes it self by the number of votes a character has gotten at the start of each month. Butch dropped 80 points on June 1. But other than the top rank and the very bottom rank, the characters that everyone always loves and hates, everyone else can jump around WILDLY, like 200 positions in a single month.

If you could see the results averaged out since the list began, that would give a much better picture of how popular each villager really is. As it is, it's only a good indicator of how well-remembered villagers were in the previous month. It's a trend-watcher. The least memorable characters are the ones who fare the worst.
Anonymous Fish

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Kikki wrote: Jun 04, 2024 3:38 amthough I do have a lot of sympathy for a dog covered head to toe in bandages who is forced to answer to 'Lucky'. It's like a fat person having to answer to Slim. Seems very snide!
That sounds like it might be a reference to an old joke that probably long predates video games.

The joke is that he's "lucky" for surviving a series of accidents that would have killed most dogs.
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Milo wrote: Jun 04, 2024 4:39 am
Kikki wrote: Jun 04, 2024 3:38 amthough I do have a lot of sympathy for a dog covered head to toe in bandages who is forced to answer to 'Lucky'. It's like a fat person having to answer to Slim. Seems very snide!
That sounds like it might be a reference to an old joke that probably long predates video games.

The joke is that he's "lucky" for surviving a series of accidents that would have killed most dogs.
Could be, Milo. He's a happy dog, anyway, so he's not upset about his name. Perhaps he does feel like a lucky guy. But then, the 'lazy' villager types are always happy-go-lucky. Pun not intended.


A villager of mine moved out, so I was able to see campers again on island visits. I wish they were ALWAYS there, whether you have a space open or not. I'd like if, if your island is full, you could talk to a camper on an island and invite them to visit YOUR island, as a camper, not a villager.

What I'm aiming for with my villagers now is to choose very FORGETTABLE characters. Ones that the least amount of people love or hate. Since I'm also aiming to have none of the same species of character, it's tough to manage. I found Savannah on an island recently, and she's a zebra, which seems more closely related to a donkey than a horse. I don't know why she's never particularly popular since a zebra is unique. I like her, so I invited her. Shouldn't have, though, because 'unique' is not what I want in Wodewyrd! Still, she does look pretty ordinary for a zebra. She's just plain old black-and-white, like a normal zebra. As if zebras could ever seem ordinary to me, lol.

Plus she's basically a horse (almost) and I already have Colton, who tends to be pretty unpopular for some reason, but I'm going to get rid of him anyway, in favour of O'Hare, because O'Hare is the plainest of all the smugs, who all have peculiar designs, like hipsters. The weirdest thing about O'Hare is that he comes with a tiny straw hat. So...pretty darned normal and forgettable. He never seems to rank higher than the 5th tier (second lowest) of all the villagers. So he's perfect for Wodewyrd.

Trying to get super ordinary, forgettable villagers with no species overlapping and all personality types represented is surprisingly difficult, particularly since I don't have anywhere near all of the amiibo cards available to me.
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Huggy Chickens
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Kikki wrote: Jun 04, 2024 6:43 am A villager of mine moved out, so I was able to see campers again on island visits. I wish they were ALWAYS there, whether you have a space open or not. I'd like if, if your island is full, you could talk to a camper on an island and invite them to visit YOUR island, as a camper, not a villager.
That's an interesting idea! A good way to keep you doing island visits and meeting potential villagers. I'd love if they'd have integrated something more Pocket Camp style, letting you be able to invite villagers to the campsite from your phone or just to visit the island for the day. I'd do more island hopping if there was a way to 'mark' villagers you'd like to see around more. Something for the future, I guess?

As for myself, I think I'll hop back onto my island for a couple of minutes. I forgot to look for the money tree spot today, and I need a few minute break after stumbling through some server related stuff for work. :shock:
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Mikodesu wrote: Jun 04, 2024 10:59 am
Kikki wrote: Jun 04, 2024 6:43 am A villager of mine moved out, so I was able to see campers again on island visits. I wish they were ALWAYS there, whether you have a space open or not. I'd like if, if your island is full, you could talk to a camper on an island and invite them to visit YOUR island, as a camper, not a villager.
That's an interesting idea! A good way to keep you doing island visits and meeting potential villagers. I'd love if they'd have integrated something more Pocket Camp style, letting you be able to invite villagers to the campsite from your phone or just to visit the island for the day. I'd do more island hopping if there was a way to 'mark' villagers you'd like to see around more. Something for the future, I guess?
Well, that IS the way it works, only works that way with amiibo, unfortunately. No way to just call whoever you want without amiibo. But with an amiibo you can summon anyone to your campsite. Or the cafe to have a drink. Or to the archipelago if you want to design a home for them.

I just realized I am seeing a dot grid on this posting screen LOL. I have been working with dot grid paper way too long, methinks...there's definitely NOT a grid, dot or otherwise, on the Fogu post-a-reply screen.

I have finished the Cog Festival (FT) forever, hooray! Way too much work for a festival I only wanted ONE prize out of. (There are 6 in total but I'm not into decorative stuff...I only want the harvestable items.

Once I am satisfied with my roster of villagers, I'll probably be done with ACNH again. I've already got the villagers side of the island about done (it's pretty full so I can't do much else with it, except a courtyard behind Nooklings'.) I don't currently have any ideas for 'my' and Zephyr's side of the island, and I'm mostly just going on to get the right villagers and find more DIYs. (I got the trophy case today! I love that one. Really wish I could find the flower wheelbarrow one, but my peppy villagers never seem to be crafting. They're always COOKING because of some influencer they're 'totally not jealous of'. I wish I could force my villagers to NEVER COOK. I only want crafting DIYs, not recipe cards!)

Y'know, Weber saw me with a sea bass recently and wanted to buy it for 600 bells. I was quite willing to just GIVE it to him. They give me presents all the time. Too bad I couldn't offer to do so and maybe get an extra friendship point or two.

I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally need to get my butt back into Fabledom and finish that one quest so I can write the game off. It's fun! But I don't like quests with difficult requirements; then it's not fun any more.
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I finally went back into Fabledom and did that awful 90-happiness-for-50-days thing. Fortunately, it doesn't require the days to be CONSECUTIVE, so if your town's happiness level dips because of a dragon visit or etc, it doesn't matter. I was working under the too-much-partying debuff, though. By the end I had a -30 penalty all the time! But still, I got it. But now I have to do the feast quest and then actually get married.

It would have been a lot easier if I'd chosen that ugly blond merchant prince, since all his quests centre around MONEY whereas Ramone (the bard prince) centres around kingdom happiness. Well, if I decide to try a more difficult level, I'd go for the merchant prince. But I don't think I'll be going for the 'cruel' difficulty achievement, ever, tbh.


I got the garden wagon DIY!! It was in a bottle on the beach at the archipelago. Felicity sent it. I've always loved Felicity; she may be my all-time favourite Peppy. (Though I'm really liking Peggy now, too.) I also caught a coelacanth.

Plus, Peggy looks awesome in the red dollhouse dress I gave her. And Blanche, who is the most elegant and poetic villager ever, looks great in the retro dress. And little ducky Weber looks absurdly perfect in the morning coat. So everything's going very well! I think Fabledom will be properly finished this week. And maybe I can finish the CSII trophy run as well,'s such a big game, and gets so much bigger in the second half...not sure!
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Wow, ZERO posts from anyone but me in 3 days. Must be a very quiet gaming week.

As for me, I finished Fabledom. The 90-happiness-for-50-days quest was the penultimate. After that I just had to throw a feast with Ramone, then get the supplies for a wedding (lots of grape juice and bread) and bang...married. And bang, over. As in complete, not as in failed. :) You can keep playing! I have my population up to about 550, even though the biggest acknowledged population tier happens at 300. But there's no point, any more. This game has no endgame content.

I also have O'Hare, now. Well, he's confirmed to be moving in...he's not HERE yet, I don't think (I haven't opened the game yet, today.) So today when I pop in to look for my daily DIYs, I'll start coaxing Hamlet in. ACNH is all I'm playing right now, since I have no reason atm to play Farm Together, and no desire to do another run of Fabledom to get the individual achievements for marrying each ruler or for completing the game on higher difficulty settings.

If I'm crippled up again like last night, my Cold Steel II trophy run would be the thing to continue with, as the only thing I have to hold then is a controller. I hate the physical discomfort of PC (keyboard + mouse) gaming, and MANY games on PC don't fully or gracefully support controller.

EDIT: Spirit City has gotten an update. When I saw 'new spirits' I figured it'd be a whole new roster of them, but apparently it's 3 more. The update is said to be 'packed with content','s not? You get a new item to put on your desk, a new type of shirt to wear (tank tops), 3 new spirits, and a few QoL upgrades/additions. It's a moderate update, not a major one, imo. Well, it's not really a game, after all, it's a productivity tool. Basically it's bullet journaling, in a game skin, so it has extra visuals and less work. (But it also has little to no creativity on your part, so it's lacking that. Unless you write creative journal entries, I guess. But keeping a journal inside of a Steam 'game' doesn't appeal to me.)
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Kikki wrote: Jun 07, 2024 4:02 am Wow, ZERO posts from anyone but me in 3 days. Must be a very quiet gaming week.
I unfortunately have just not been gaming very much. More reading and watching things. Besides my Genshin, FFXIV, and Star Rail usuals, I've really only done a few acts in Rhapsody II. Depending on how my day goes today, I might play a little more. I've been a mix of busy with work and just too tired to put much effort into much else. I'm also just... so freaking hyped to play Dawntrail and ZZZ that everything else just isn't sparking much for me.
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I would bet some are busy, and some are just soaking in the replacement E3 ad-a-palooza. (I just haven't had the energy to post is all.) Gotta say, absolutely hilarious that Star Rail put a note at the end of the update livestream to watch Summer Game Fest today. (I am betting no new info in their ad.) For once I'm not sure if anybody will be streaming it... Keighley has apparently gone out of his way to downplay the show this year? I dunno, I figure for me it won't hurt anything to have on while I'm working/making dinner.

I have been keeping up with the bare minimum in Animal Crossing and otherwise gacha gaming. I've gotten the DLC unlocked in AC, and I've gone to the island twice. Gonna take a while to get through, but there's no rush. And poki can buy me some furniture I wouldn't have access to until I can turn it into bells. I'm at least having DIFFERENT luck with DIY drops this time. I think I had to be given the garden wagon DIY last time, and I just picked it up this morning on my island. Gotten a couple of DIYs I've never seen before already too. Now if only I could get the ironwood set to show up.

And gacha news... I finished Genshin's new area's story, again much better than MSQ. A bit ham handed and overly expository at points but overall good! Finishing up exploration when I pop in. (Do wish more of it was in the castle, but hey.) I think I'm at 50% roughly? I ended up wishing on weapon banner for star glitter, got Alhaitham his's one of the more attractive weapons in the game and I like him well enough. Didn't want to raise anything, but his first constellation looked really boring.

Star Rail is mostly just the grind. I enjoyed the recent event--anything Star Rail does that lets you do big number is a nice dopamine hit. It also feels fair to free/lower spending players, which is nice. Ended up glad I'm not wishing on Boothill, keeping fingers crossed for the drip marketed nihility guy. The fact that his description says something about "food as medicine" screams sustain to me. Even a minor sustain would mean I could drop Geppy or Luocha in Sim Universe and no healer for MoC and Pure Fiction. Still need a very strong SECOND team, but I'm invested in Kafka at this point so why not? (I MAY try to bang out the end of Gold and Gears before the new update since there's YET another Sim Universe expansion coming... I'm close-ish. 4 more 'story segments' to unlock.)

Only other 'gaming news' for me... I'm flip flopping on the Elden Ring DLC, but leaning toward getting it. Fromsoft has a long time habit of making their DLC by far the hardest content in the game, but Elden Ring's apparently has some built in help for casuals--upgrades to your spirit summons and pick ups that lower the amount of damage you take overall. Elden Ring was not a perfect game, its combat got annoying at points, but when it was good it was one of the best games I've ever played. And I don't want to miss out on more of those moments.
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I deleted my Ring Fit info a month or three ago with the idea of restarting. Well, today...I DID restart. I told the game I never exercise (not true) and that I only want casual difficult (that's the lowest), because I want it to start me on rock bottom. I really shouldn't have restarted TODAY, though, given current conditions with all the neck/arm/hand clenching and the sciatic flaring. But I only did ONE WORLD. The wondrously-named Beginnia. I wanted to do the whole first realm or whatever it's called, as it only has 3 levels within it, but I knew it was a bad idea and I've made a few strides in being more reasonable the last month or two. even if it just feels like being lazy and/or an underachiever.

Btw...Ring can be a girl! That wasn't a thing when I used Ring Fit before...


In New Horizons news, I mentioned that I have the garden wagon DIY now, but...I can't make it. Boo hoo...

I have no red cosmos! I have the yellow roses and white hyacinth, but no red cosmos. I have WHITE cosmos, and yellow too, but no red. I wonder why I don't have the red as well. They always sell all three basic colours of a flower at the same time. Oh well, will just have to keep checking the shop and Leif's each week and hope one of them is stocking cosmos.

No biggie. I don't even have PLANS for the wagon, I just need to have it. I think I even still have a screenshot of my character standing next to a garden wagon from my original town. I'll have to see if I can find it. (Which reminds me that I still want a 1TB memory card so I can put ALL of my games together and still have enough space for the remainder of my Switch's lifespan. I have everything saved onto two cards, a 512 and a 128 with some room left both on each, but it's inconvenient.) Too expensive, though...gotta wait for a sale.


EDIT: Thanks to the After Love segment today, I played the Coffee Talk demo. Didn't even know it had one! It was quite interesting. It's half off right now, too...costs about $8 (CAD). The dialogue is decent and making coffees is fun, though trying to do latte art with a controller is awkward. Plus I don't know how latte art works so I'm not sure what to try. I think I might be able to do a heart by striking a line through a circle of cream? I know NOTHING about coffee. (I don't even like the smell, let alone the taste. I'm a tea-drinker and I don't cross camps.) I failed miserably at my first to attempts. I made just a tiny dot the first time, lol. The guy said it was ridiculous and the girl said it was 'cute'.
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I did actually play more Rhapsody II yesterday. I got to act 7 before deciding to call it quits for the day. I'd say the game is just a fun and cute as the previous, but the biggest difference is having actual human party members on top of puppets is an interesting change. My only beef with the human party members is that they leave and rejoin so often that having to re-equip them every time is super annoying. I get that this is an old game so I'm a little more patient with it, but every time I see 'X joined the party! X does not have anything equipped' I visibly roll my eyes. Also, this was a problem in the previous game too, but the random encounter rate is way too high. Thankfully there's an auto battle button and running away works 80% of the time, but ehhhh, I'd prefer a toggle to just turn it off. Every game that has random encounters needs a 'turn off' toggle.

I didn't watch the Star Rail broadcast, but I saw everything in the aftermath of it. I am... not overly pleased we're returning to the Luofu so soon. I knew we were going to return, there's so many 'you can't go here yet' areas in the current set up, but maaaannnn. Space China is cool, and unlike most of the fandom, I didn't mind the story there, BUT WE JUST LEFT. Penacony's problem is solved and it's too early for us to go to another planet, so I get we're in a filler arc now, but ugh. I doubt I'll be pulling for any of these new characters unless they blow me away. I. Just. Want. Screwlum.
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I bought Coffee Talk. $8 bucks is a good price even though it's probably only going to give me about a half dozen hours of gameplay. It's probably worth full price. But big sales are definitely an incentive. Though this is really happening because I saw the developer of it on the blurb for After Love on Game Fest yesterday and she seemed so sincere about what she's doing with her games, it just made me want to support her, I guess. (And I tried the demo and really liked it. That's the clincher!) I'm not sure how many others might be on her team, as I only know of one other, and he died in 2022. I'm not certain but I think the man who died was the lead or maybe even the only writer of Coffee Talk. Fahmi, I think.


I hate hate haaaaaaate random battle systems! I hate it! I wish it a horrible death. It's a 100% nope-out for me.

Also, y'know...every time I see 'Penacony', I read it for a second as 'penal colony'. I don't know if it's a person or a place or what, but I notice it every time, and get it wrong just for a second, every time.


I spent a fair bit of of time with my Switch very recently, but not to play games! No, I figured out how to download ALL of my screenshots/videos in one go. I couldn't do it direct to a zip drive, but I put them onto my PC and THEN onto a drive. It came to a full GB of info. And I did all of this just so I could show this screenshot without any form of social media as a host! Becaaaaause...

Look! Look at this!
I HAVE GREEN ONES. Well, green ONE. I don't know if I've ever had green ones before! I honestly was expecting to have to wait a long time, but the first flower these two purples ever produced turned out to be a green. If it's this easy, you'd think I'd have loads before this, but I had tons of red, white, yellow, pink and purple...but never any greens. But then, I have NEVER had my town set to 'beautiful' ordinance before. Does that increase hybridization chances?

Hooray, anyway. AND I transfered 3,409 screenshots/videos off my Switch and 1GB of space is now freed up AND I have all of them available to upload if I want.

Aaaand I got FOUR new DIYs on the same day as finding the green mum. A bamboo bench, a gold-nugget mining car (I didn't even know that was a thing), an iron frame, and a vine ladder set-up kit. (And a 'salade de carottes râpées' makes five, but I don't care about food recipes.) I actually wanted the ladder kid. I want the other two styles of ladder kits as well, even though vines are more attractive.
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Penal colony isn't a bad read, actually. Less for pronunciation than plot, but.🤔 Hoyo definitely knows how to pick their names. Usually I can sus out where they come from, Penacony I have zero idea, since the theme of the area is closer to Las Vegas in space, during prohibition.
Bluie wrote: Jun 08, 2024 12:32 am I didn't watch the Star Rail broadcast, but I saw everything in the aftermath of it. I am... not overly pleased we're returning to the Luofu so soon.
I think it probably would have helped if we didn't go back to the Luofu RIGHT before going to Penacony in the first place? I think the Argenti event was supposed to be the 'setup' for going to the next area with the whole 'wash the train' hooha, but it doesn't replace having a 'between regions' place like what Genshin does. Something more of a 'treat' for dedicated players. I'm sure we'll go back to the space station or Jarlo VI next, but considering how Genshin looooves having their Liyue events, no shock or surprise from me.

I do wish we'd get to see some variety though. And I figure the Xianzhou could be considered multicultural since it's a bunch of different ships. At least send us to a different ship!

New Genshin area exploration is done! As much as it's gonna be, at least. 99% without looking anything up, and I cannot be convinced to go back for one, two chests max. Fun little area! The 'elite' fight there was actually pretty tough on mouse/keyboard. Even with Baizhu out I was flailing. At least it's done, and I can pop on to do event stuff for 'dailies'. Hooray. I kinda feel 'caught up' at this point, which is a good feeling.

In Star Rail news, I am aaaalmost done with Gold and Gears now, too! One more of the secret Aeon thingies and then...we shall see if the last story bit is doable for me, since I bet it requires playing on the highest difficulty. For good and bad Sim Universe is really heavily predicated on grinding out runs to unlock your whole skill tree. And then just...luck. Too much luck.
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Currently Playing:

1) Virche Evermore: Error Salvation (Nintendo Switch) (Major Content warnings and Trigger Warnings for this) (also its Fandisc/Sequel game is coming West this Fall) (The Fandisc/sequel is called Virche Evermore: -EpiC:lycoris- )

2) Pokemon Violet DLC (second part) (The Indigo Disk)


1) Piczle Cross: Story of Seasons (Nintendo Switch)

2) (Special Mention) Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road Beta Demo (Story mode) (special mention since it to me 8 hours to beat the Story Mode in this demo in one sitting)

I've played over 10 more hours of Virche Evermore: Error Salvation (it's now at 95+ hours). (still on the Act 3, but I have no idea when I'll be done with the huge visual novel/otome game. Since I'm listening to all the voices.) :o

I finished the story mode of the Beta Test demo for Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road. (The Beta test demo is going to be available until June 28th, 2024) Also, one reason it took me 8 hours to beat the Story Mode (only once) is because around 30 or so minutes before the demo ended, I realized my character could run when I pressed and held the R button on the Nintendo Switch!! :( :oops: :o The Story Mode alone convinced me to buy this game. The battling in the story mode demo was just like Yo-Kai Watch and even the graphics reminded me of the 3DS and Switch Yo-Kai Watch games. :) (I really hope that Level-5 will make a big return to the West with all of its franchises, including Yo-Kai Watch.)
And, I played a bit more Animal Crossing: New Horizons (played it on my birthday; June 4th) and did all the things I missed out on. (kept forgetting the first 3 years) :( But, I did it. :)

And I've made some more progress in the Pokemon Violet Indigo Disk (second part of the DLC). Inching closer to beating the Indigo Disk. Who knows how long it'll take? :o

Also, I beat the demo for Wagotabi on Steam (A language learning game for Japanese). The demo was only part of what was given to beta testers (that I've seen on Youtube) earlier, but it was fun to play, and cute. Made me excited for it.
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Coffee Talk was lots of fun, and I've finished it, and indeed it took about six and a half hours to do everything, though in spite of what the reviews say, I feel the ending was a bit weak. Mind you, I'm a middle-aged gamer and a heavy reader as well. I have seen ALL the plots, at this point. Nothing really surprises me any more. So the main ending and the 'secret' ending were both...well, they were fine, but nothing that could wow me. But then, I'm not sure I can be wowed, any more. We get jaded, as gamers, because we've seen it all already. It has a twist, anyway.


I found the screenshot of my original ACNH character when she first made the garden wagon, and that made me look through ALL of my old screenshots of my original town, Windfall, and my OC, Alizée. There's just something about your first town and character. You can't get that magic back. Back when you didn't know what DIYs were available. When Nookazon didn't exist. When you couldn't look up everything. (Or even ANYTHING, though that didn't last long.) It's still fun to start a new island, but it'll never be as fun as it was when you started your first one. I still remember the circumstances of my first day playing. I did NOT stay up to midnight...but I had awful cramps that night that woke me up around I started playing.

Took my mind off my cramps, that's for sure. I only played a few hours then and then probably the entire next day, lol. But we were still VERY early in the pandemic, then!

Yup, can't ever get that back. Well, that's normal. And some day, there'll be another new Animal Crossing game, and I'm sure it'll be magic, too.


I want to continue my CSII trophy run, but y'know...I think I also want to write, and that's probably the better option.

EDIT: Alizée with her garden wagon. Look at her, you can tell she's so proud, even though she's not emoting, lol. Now I just need to get myself some red cosmos and then Illusion can stand proudly by HER garden wagon.