Actually, we might be onto something here, Kupo :D .. I get 5 rubies and amethysts on average a day when i always mined with my normal hammer, but once i switched to battle hammer, i started getting tons of iron instead. Granted, there -were- less scrap irons, but it was now all iron & bronze instead. XD .. soo iono.Kupo wrote:Really? I think it might tend to vary between the different games. It may be that Battle Hammer increases the chance of getting rare metals such as gold, silver, etc. cause I have tons of those. Now that you mention it though, I don't have many Rubies or Amethysts (though I have lots of Emeralds and Aquamarines...) What's going on?! I think I'll put in the guide, "Try the Battle Hammer and Normal Hammer." since it seems to vary for different people ><MistiRose wrote:Hey, i finally got myself a battle hammer to mine with, and i'm getting mixed feelings with this tool. First of all, it's a bit slow compared to my normal hammer, and secondly, i seem to be getting way more iron/bronze than the gems. O.o; has anyone noticed this? I also still get 9 pieces of scrap iron a day.. so i think i might just stick to my regular hammer..
But, i did get 2 pieces of gold right off the bat. XD so it definitely works for gold.
Was anyone able to mine platinum in 1st gen?
Nope, I haven't gotten it, but someone said it could be mined... perhaps they were in 2nd gen. I forgot who it was though ><
Are you sure? For me, I get a lot less scrap iron when I use the Battle Hammer and charge it up... Are you using the Battle Hammer or normal hammer?Darkfaerie101 wrote:This is great! I've just go one thing for you: getting Scrap Iron is randon. I've charged up my hammer and got scrap iron many times. Other than that, it's good.
No I understand what you mean but I don't think that's the case... I saved outside Padova Mts once, when I was trying to get a Diamond. I just kept reloading from that same save spot (so it was the same day - not reloading from the morning of) and eventually I got Diamond... so the ores are randomly determined right when you hit them (or maybe when you enter the map that they're in). I don't think they're pre-determined at the beginning of the day.MistiRose wrote:^You know how people say "save/reload"? I've noticed that the ores change everytime if i reload right after i wake up. Does that mean there's actually a SET ore in each rock then, so no matter what hammer you use, you're gonna get one of those set ores? Or is it..still somehow random?
For example: I wake up, run to Trieste forest, and get 3 scrap irons and 1 aquamarine with my REGULAR hammer. I don't like it, so i reload back to 6 AM, and this time i get an earth crystal, 2 emeralds, and 1 scrap. Does this mean the ores are SET in stone (no pun intended XD) each time we reload, so no matter which hammer i use to mine, i'll still get the same ores? (But maybe in a different order, because the ores could be "circulating" between the 4 rocks? ..)
^Sorry if that was confusing >.<
Ruby is the highest ore on my shipping list, followed by bronze, amethyst, diamond, and saphhire/emerald. o.o Is yours anything similar?
I'll be keeping my battle hammer anyway, since our tools rust over in 2nd gen. I guess that way, i wont be missing out on mining? XD But i've also read from some people who've played the JP version that the hammer level/charge didn't seem to affect the ores you mined anymore. Iono.
Sigh, RF1 was so easy. XD you could mine 8 times a day. D: Now there's.. wait! Does anyone know how many ore rocks total there are in each dungeon? It would be nice so i'm not missing out on any.. (1st gen & 2nd gen). It can get added into the guide.