RF2 Mini Guide [Version 1.79]

Helpful topics for older versions of Rune Factory.
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Night's Diamond
Not the Eggplant Wizard
Not the Eggplant Wizard
Posts: 601
Joined: Dec 23, 2011 4:42 pm

Post  Posted:

I :heart: this guide! Thank you!
—I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours
Anonymous Fish

Post  Posted:

what do you mean by item list (for the dungeons)?
New Seedling
New Seedling
Posts: 3
Joined: Aug 05, 2012 7:40 am

Post  Posted:

M ay I have a question? That Kyle ever go back home?
New Seedling
New Seedling
Posts: 16
Joined: Feb 21, 2013 2:12 pm

Post  Posted:

A glitch that happened to me that I was finally able to get past due to haveing a 3ds. I was never able to finish the game as it would freeze up just after beating the final boss, with the original system the game was ment for was right after I defeated him. The next system was just before the credits. I then went back to try and finish it with my 3ds and was able to finish it, (so dont know if this counts as a glitch or not...)
Anonymous Fish

Post  Posted:

I just got the game a week ago and found your "mini" guide very helpful. ^_^

I doubt the guide will be updated, but here are two things I noticed:
I got the black screen of death from the barn sign 4 times (once around 9am coming from the house, once around 6pm coming from a dungeon, and no clue about the other two times).
I somehow got to keep Dorothy's Ruby Brooch but I have no idea what I did to trigger it (53 subsequent tries did not result in me keeping a second one).

What I remember is that I got hit when I picked up the brooch, my wolf hit the monster, I mashed a couple buttons with my right hand on accident, equipped it (to the left slot), moved it to inventory to see the stat changes, re-equipped it (to the right slot), tried to ship it, re-equipped it (to the right slot), gave Dorothy her daily Char, cancelled the quest, checked my inventory to see if it was still equipped (which it was), and then re-accepted the quest. I spent 4 more in-game days trying to get a second brooch. XD

Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that your work is STILL being used/helpful.