Misti Rose wrote:^O.O Wow, i'm pleasantly surprised. XD Very well-written and well organized, you 3!
..Hm, might i suggest you mention Cecilia's annoying quest where you HAVE to marry her in order to get it off the board? That might be nice to know if you're one of those perfectionists who plan on completing all the quests before you marry, so you don't freak out when Ceci's won't disappear and you wanna marry Dorothy. (I was reminded of this "glitch" when i read the portion near the end of the 2nd gen guide. Talking about quests, and stuff.)
ooh! one more thing.. I don't know if this is spoilerish, but would listing all the possible "marriage tokens" be helpful? If so, i'll just type them in small text here and Kupo can add it to part 7 if he wishes. XP [since there is a spoiler warning, after all. hehe]
dorothy-blessing pendant
mana-engagement ring
alicia-crysal ball
rosalind-100 rose bouquet
yue-yue swap ticket
julia-memento ring
cecilia-round stone
^none of these items can ever be shipped, but if u throw them away 1st gen, they appear in the lost & found box. You can also give them BACK to the respective girls after you marry to get some unique dialogue, but you can ONLY do this in 1st gen. Saving them till 2nd gen might waste shelf space, but you can always throw them away on the ground.
Midnite Lace, i'm wondering if you know this, so Kupo can add it to part 7 of the guide. How much TOTAL metal ore (bronze, silver, iron, etc) do we need to upgrade our tools till they can water/hoe at least a 3x3 square in 2nd gen? I kinda want to know that, and i think other people might find it useful to mine those ores in 1st gen as opposed to 2nd gen. ^_^ thanks!
**I promise to edit the mining list tomorrow, i have to go now >.<
Yay^^ Thanks Misti.
Alright, I'll put a note about Cecilia's quest in. I don't know if it makes sense to put those (marriage tokens) in the 2nd generation section though? I was thinking I could put it into the "Likes/Dislikes" Section and just put it underneath the Bachelorettes' names, and I'll mention about the non-shipping and stuff. Would that be alright? It shouldn't be a spoiler since it's just an item... i hope ><
EDIT: Actually no, it doesn't look right in the Likes/Dislikes section. You were right it fits better in the second gen section...^^
Guestie :3 wrote:This guide burned my eyeballs. Yes, it's that awesome. I want to say thank you to our contributors, and for your wonderful information~
Syvle and Kupo, you contributed the most to my original list, so thank you oh, so much.
Thank you Misti Rose for the beyond awesome farming list.
And thank you Kupo for brushing up my lists and posting it here and for the beautiful Mining/Fishing Guide.
You people officially pwn Beanie's World~
Aww~ Thanks Guestie! A huge part of this Mini Guide topic was written by you! One of the most useful parts in the whole thing too^^. So really, thank you to youu! XD