New and tentative game announcements (V2)

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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Wacky Weed Puller
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Unfortunately, my first thought was "Publisher switches are historically drama-free and well-received by fans of the series!"

I'll be curious to see how XSeed does going forward. I tend to like a lot of the games they publish, but a big chunk of those are Falcom and Marvelous games. I've also recovered from my (ancient) saltiness about their failure to discontinue or skip entries for series they localize, lol. I tend to like the indie-style games XSeed is allegedly sticking with, and I'm actually more curious about these now - a lot of very small developers desperately need more XSeed-type companies that are easier to approach, because getting console support for cool, quirky games is nearly impossible without them. Having said that, I have only so much gaming time, and can only support so many of those.

I do hope Marvelous is doing okay, though.
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This is from Nintendo of Europe, but it might apply worldwide, but Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time has been delayed. :( (I live in the US)
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Man, is Level 5 being run on a skeleton crew or something? How in the world did they go from being a 3DS juggernaut to being so pathetic during the majority of the Switch's lifespan? So, so many announced games that keep becoming vaporware or infinitely delayed. And the games they did manage to release were 3DS ports, flopped, or were so horribly advertised that no one even knows they exist. Not to mention they dropped the ball so hard on Yokai Watch that the three titles made for the Switch never got localized. Just what in the hell are they doing???
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Extra ominous for me is that Fantasy Life i was entirely removed from the eshop. In Canada, anyway. It appears to still be on the US eshop. Not sure why it'd have been removed for us and not them.

I don't know what is wrong with Level 5. They can't get anything right any more. (You can picture a melodramatic teenage girl shrieking that and then slamming her bedroom door, here, if you want.) Five games announced, five games delayed. It's clear that saying 'Level 5 is back!' was premature. Level 5 appears to still be residing in Nowhereville. Not only is Fantasy Life i (or any of the other games!) no longer a 2023 game, now it's not a 2024 game, either. (I'd be very surprised if they delayed to another point within 2024.)

Maybe all those announcements were just the devs caving to investor pressure or something. Certainly when they first showed FLi, it looked TERRIBLE. The graphics were so blurry! It looks somewhat better now, but I personally still think it's not a very pretty-looking game, and I suspect it wasn't that far along in development, because Level 5 does actually make good games. Or they used to. Not sure if that's a thing of the past, now.


Oh yeah, and, anybody see? Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is ending service on November 29.

For some reason I have been pestered daily or weekly by bunbun somebody on that game, through my Switch, to friend them on Pocket Camp. It says something about miyubot. I reject it every time, but most recently I had to block them as it just KEEPS happening. I think people must still be playing Pocket Camp so I shouldn't be happy about this, but the constant nagging from a bot (?) on a game I haven't touched in 5 years has made me grumpy with Pocket Camp.

A paid app is in development instead? Hmm. I probably don't want it, but that's interesting.
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
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Just learned about this. Such a weird phenomena: two Directs in a combo! I have lower than usual expectations for this honestly; June Direct itself was pretty loaded for a system in it's final year. Don't know what else is left for this console.

Now as for the combo, it's definitely odd. Apparently there were rumors that Nintendo pushed forward their entire Direct schedule to make way for the Switch 2 reveal and I guess this is the result of that? A lot of people are anticipating a reveal next year but I think it actually could be this year! I'm betting on October.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Oodles and poodles of games announced in those directs today. Atelier Yumia looks... interesting, but I am once again disappointed that the series I love and cherish is evolving so far away from it's roots. Ima sound like a boomer here, but everything leaning into being gigantic open world action JRPG slop is such a turn off - especially Atelier which usually focuses on small contained character based stories. It's like everything I love about the series has gone the way of the dodo and I will be bitter about it. That being said, in watching the trailer, there were some heavy Dusk Trilogy references - and if this is Dusk 4, then I'll be buying it regardless because I love that setting and have always wanted more. I'm disgruntled as hell, but I can still be convinced.

Other than that, the new Rune Factory looks alright, but dear lord, I do not want to play it on Switch OR PC. Either Nintendo has exclusivity rights for console or Marvelous is just being dumb. We STILL don't have RF5 on PS4/5 and they skipped those consoles with RF3 special. Why. It's dumb and I hate it. As much as I like the Switch, it's old and on its way out. Once I finish up my backlog on it, I doubt I'll be willing to buy any new games on it unless they're locked to it still.

The Trails in the Sky remake is also very cool, though I'm kinda in the camp of it not really needing a remake? I guess they're going to eventually remake all the sprite based Trails games to keep them consistent with the newer titles, but eh, still don't really think it needs to be done. Whatever, just ignore me lol.
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
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Yeah, that Direct was below average for me. Just remasters of retro/old games one after another. Expected to be honest, every major dev studio have their eyes on Switch 2 now so they're most likely preparing for that before announcing new cool projects. RF was a pleasant surprise, the latest trailer was much more promising than whatever Marvelous teased in their own presentation. Really cool that it got the final surprise treatment in the JP ver of the Direct. Looks like voice acting is going to be a new staple for the RF series? The only part that really grabbed me in was rebuilding the villages one. I've been revisiting ANB and honestly have been craving for something similar and this might be the game that would fix my craving.

Rest of the stuff... don't really care sadly.
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The indie one was of no interest to me.

The partner direct disappointed me in that it reminded me of the indie direct. It feels like the non-indie companies are trying to act like indies, which I hate. The good thing about bigger groups with more clout/money is the more polished games they put out! Also wasn't thrilled they put in two separate blitz reels. Why'd they do that?

But I'm pretty happy about the Trails in the Sky remaster/remake for Switch. I'd LIKE to say I'm happy about Tales of Graces f, but I haaaaaaaaaaaaaated that game, so...probably not any more desirable even as a remake.

I'm not sure about Rune Factory Azuma or whatever it was called. It looks weird, though I do LOVE to revive nature and build villages. And I'm intrigued by the plural they used. "Create prospering VILLAGES." I think the Eastern setting is for some reason really ugly. The buildings are hideous? Why? It's not like Asian themes are naturally ugly so I don't get why they look so...tacky? Cheap? I don't know how to put it.

Very mixed bag on Azuma, anyway...I have no idea if I should be excited or not. Well, it's not a mainline RF game anyway so I'll just hold onto my britches. This is the one formerly known as 'Project Dragon', which was the spinoff one. It looks like it has a lot of standard RF content, and since I'm into the whole building/restoring thing...well, it's in Spring, so not THAT far off. We'll see!
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Snazzy Sheep Sweeper
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Just popping in to say that after watching that direct I literally cried tears of joy/nostalgia for the Trails in the Sky remake. 100% the Trails series is my favorite series and has been since I was a teenager playing the original back on the PSP. Meanwhile Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma seems to be a new twist on the series, which I think I like. I loved what I saw in the trailer, though it doesn’t take much to make me happy, lol. :lol:
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A date for the Level 5 presentation for this year has finally been announced.

I'm pretty excited for the confirmed titles but as a Yo-kai Watch fan, I'm concerned as a teaser for what's speculated to be a Yo-Kai Watch game has disappeared from recent speculation as well as, I think, from the Level-5 Youtube channel (like the 2023 teaser). So, I'm a little worried about that.

Maybe we'll see release dates confirmed for the featured titles as well? That would be nice.
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As soon as I saw that link, I couldn't help myself...'b man dat « Mr.Gourmet's hat »', huh?

Well, here's hoping. Not for dat « Mr.Gourmet's hat », just...proper info that doesn't fall through AGAIN. I really don't know what's wrong with Level 5. You'd think it was being run by the more unfortunate of lab monkeys. (I suspect investor pressure for pushing for reveals and dates before they were anywhere near ready, though.)
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Huggy Chickens
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Finally, a date for the Level-5 Vision 2024!

They’ve said that Professor Layton and the New World of Steam will be featured :D Hopefully they’ll tell me what I want to hear……
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Speaking of Level-5, not sure if anyone mentioned yet (then again, this was at least a few days ago) that Fantasy Life i was delayed? I don't know too much, a friend told me.
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iLoveSprites75 wrote: Sep 02, 2024 6:49 am Speaking of Level-5, not sure if anyone mentioned yet (then again, this was at least a few days ago) that Fantasy Life i was delayed? I don't know too much, a friend told me.
Yes, a bunch of the talk on this page was about the FLi delay. (This is the third one, I think?) The delay was announced on August 19th.

Anyway, no one knows anything except that it was delayed. A Level 5 presentation was just announced yesterday, but it isn't until September 28th, so we've got a month to wait before we find out if they're going to give another release date, or more information of any kind, or not.