Backlog 2023

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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New year, new year! In fact, the Backlog thread is now entering it's 6th year :!:

It's always fun to start up a new Backlog thread. Traditionally this thread has been for us all to discuss our general gaming activities, but it is also intended to help people keep track of their gaming, progress their backlogs, and get help or share or give feedback. If you have trouble with a big backlog and you want to shrink it, we know of methods that work pretty well (such as the Backlog Blitz method, or just using personal gaming tracking sites like Backloggery or Grouvee.) Ask us if you need some advice on blasting through a backlog; several of us have managed to eliminate our entirely (at least for a time) so we know what's worked for us, at least. I personally like Kirie's Backlog Blitz method.

If you'd like to refer to the threads of previous years, here they are:


It's not can just launch into talk about what you're playing with no summary or introductory post, but if you'd like to, you can start your gaming year off in the Backlog thread with things like:

Do you have any gaming goals this year? Get better at platformers, play more brain-improving puzzle games or some body-improving fitness games, complete that one huge game you've been trying to finish forever, buy less, or just spend less by waiting for sales, finish more games than last year...anything you're thinking you want to do or try in your gaming is a suitable topic for this thread.

What's in your backlog right now? Abandoned games don't count. What games have you got that you still want or intend to complete in 2023?

Which new releases are you looking forward to this year? What's your 2023 wishlist? Any planned purchases? Definite day-one buys?

Do you have a wishlist of existing games? Did you pass up on a lot of games that came out in 2022 and other previous years? Anything you want to pick up if you have a gap in your gaming or any particular sales you're waiting for?


Please note: The Backlog thread lasts an entire year and is a dozen or two dozen people talking about their daily gaming the whole time. The total posts end up being in the thousands. It's fine to discuss the new game you're playing here, but if, say, you're chatting every day about the newest Pokemon game along with a bunch of others, then that level of discussion is best left to its own thread to keep the thread from ballooning out of control and to make it easier for those who don't participate in the Backlog thread to join in. You can still mention your progress in those games here of course! This thread is for keeping track of your gaming and backlog, so of course that includes everything you're playing. Even if the game you're playing has its own thread, you can still talk about your progress with it here, but a lot of discussion about one game means that game has a lot of interest and should have its own thread; then people into Pokemon don't have to wade through the monstrous Backlog thread to find out what's going on with Pokemon Violet or etc. (I doubt many people need told this, though...after five years its probably already understood.)
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Harvest Moon kawaii
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Do you have any gaming goals this year?

My gaming goal for this coming year is to beat more games in 2023 than I did in 2022. (Think I only beat about 10+ or so, mostly shorter games, in 2022) I can't *not* continue buying games, because there's so many I want from the ones already-announced for 2023, and the ones I'm missing from 2022 or even older.

What's in your backlog right now?

Honestly, I lost track of my Switch and 3DS games. I think for Switch its 400+ and for 3DS it's 30+. Luckily, Steam counts it for you. I have 254 total games, and maybe only 10 or so of those are completed. So, 244 games to beat (around there).

Which new releases are you looking forward to this year?


Persona 3 Portable/Persona 4 Golden (Switch) (around $40 for the bundle)
Grammarian Ltd. (Switch) ($10)


Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe (Switch) ($60)
Digimon World: Next Order (Switch) ($60)


Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse (Switch) ($60) (Standard) (But, I'm pre-ordering the digital deluxe edition when it becomes available; so more than $60)
Nihongo Quest (focuses on teaching N5 level Japanese/lowest level) (Steam) (price predicted to be $15)


Hogwarts Legacy (Switch) (Switch version release date was pushed back) ($70 for deluxe version)
Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life (Switch) ($60)

Unknown release dates:

Peachleaf Valley: Seeds of Love - a farming inspired Otome (Steam) (2023 predicted)
Pikmin 4 (Switch) (2023)
Rune Factory 3 Special (Switch) (2023)
Faefarm (Switch) (2023)
A lot of Otome Games Localized by Aksys Games
Death Mark 2 (localized name) (published by Aksys Games)

Do you have a wishlist of existing games?


Did you pass up on a lot of games that came out in 2022 and other previous years?

Yes, a lot.

Anything you want to pick up if you have a gap in your gaming or any particular sales you're waiting for?

Always waiting for sales. What I've listed are mostly Day 1 purchases. :)
Currently playing:

Pokemon Violet (Switch)
Zombie Exodus (Steam)

Recently beat:

My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure
Last edited by Harvest Moon kawaii on Jan 02, 2023 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Do You Have Any Gaming Goals This Year?

Not really, just clear my backlog, or as close to as possible, and to spend more time on my other consoles not just the Switch and 3DS.

What’s In Your Backlog Right Now?

Too many games to mention but I’m actually going to go through my games and see if there is any that I want to play/continue to play or if not get rid of. I’ve got quite a few that I haven’t played for ages nor have I given any thought to.

Which New Releases Are You Looking Forward To?

None really, although I’m curious about Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life and in two minds about Hogwarts Legacy.

Do I Have A Wishlist Of Existing Games?


Currently Playing


Pokémon Ultra Moon.


Pokémon Sword

Recently Beaten

First Switch - SW-5366-9255-1608 (Shazia)

Second Switch - SW-2309-5118-6508 (Adora)

Pokémon Go - 1730 6215 0203 (RoBennett81)
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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My existing backlog isn't huge...somewhere around 8 games, I think. They were on last year's backlog too so am considering abandoning several of them as games I just don't want to waste my energy on.

In gaming goals, I'd like to limit gaming budget to $80 (CAD, pre-tax...the price of a single AAA game) per month. If I know I'll want two of those in one month, I'd have to skip anything the previous it's a goal that spills over the whole year rather than being rigid month-by-month. That may be about what I spend anyway, and last year it was probably less, so we'll see how it goes and if I can do less than that while still getting most of what I want. $80 doesn't sound like much, it's way less than rent, than food, or even the chiropractor...but that's $960 per year! :shock: Less would be better.

I'm VERY MUCH looking forward to BotW2 (Uh...I mean Tears of the Kingdom, lol). Maybe as much as my 17-year-old cousin. (Though maybe not. Things might just be more exciting for kids. I know the holidays are!) Low-key looking forward to Trails to Azure and JackJeanne. Those are my most likely day-one purchases for 2023 so far. I'll eventually get P4G on a sale, some day, and it's possible I'll get Reverie day one, but I may also wait on a sale for that one,'s not really mainline,'s kind of like Sky 3rd in that it's more of a wrap-up game (and I didn't like 3rd, so I don't want to play it if it's much like that.)

I have a wishlist of 15 or so games that I bypassed in 2022 (and a few previous to that) but only a few are on high priority to fill a gaming gap. I'm content to wait on sales. All the more necessary if I am to stick to a restricted budget.


Right now I'm playing the free trial of FFXIV more than anything else. I like it a lot, but I'm all about following the main story as a completely solo experience, and right now it feels like I'd have to either ask for help (from Bluie, since she's the only FFXIV player I know other than ryume) on every Trial or actually venture into multiplayer, and I'm pretty sure rather stop playing than use multiplayer. And I like Bluie lots, but that's all the more reason why I don't want to be mumping up pitifully to ask for help all the freaking time, that's behaviour that'd make me cringe at myself.

I'm currently looking up how to beat the Whorleater trial (as a dragoon) and have found a good video, and I'm also researching my available abilities to figure out the best ones to put on my main hotbar (since I tend to get too flustered to swap between hotbars, even though it's just a shoulder button press: yes, I am that inept.) in which order, so that I have as little thinking to do as possible. Apparently I could have soloed the trials if I'd mained a warrior or a scholar, but I don't like tanks or healers much, or magicians. (Surprise, surprise: I'm very particular in my likes and dislikes.) I could attempt multiplayer once, maybe. Even if it went badly, once wouldn't be enough to cause a self-destruct. Probably. It'd probably sour me on ever going back into the game, though. But I hear mistakes on the part of a DPS tend to go unnoticed anyway since all you do is damage. (Well, and get out of the way of attacks so as not to be soaking up pointless damage yourself.) Well, I haven't made up my mind yet, but we'll see.

Anyway, I figure having an online component and a subscription to it, on top of original AAA game price of $80, and intending to keep my game spending low, it's probably not a sensible game for me, but I can at least try as much as possible during the free trial before I make up my mind. I don't enjoy watching video game stories in videos...I don't feel invested when I do that...but if it's the best option to get the rest of the story, I know it won't be hard to find. Or I could read the MSQ logs, which I might actually enjoy more.

I could also potentially finish as much as I can of the free trial and then just wait to see when they manage to make the entire game solo-able. Not a bad option there, either.
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Huggy Chickens
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For every year we've had a backlog thread, I've been surprised at how much I forget throughout the year. Both sides of the coin are fun, having somewhere to go on a regular basis to chat about games, and a persistent log of what I've been up to.

Currently Playing:
Harvestella - 60 hours in, can't imagine I'll sink more than 20 more in, with story and post-game. If I do...I might count it for 2022 and 2023. :lol:
Genshin Impact - the game that never ends. It's sort of my comfort food at this point.

What's In Your Backlog?
Between the charity game bundles I've been sitting on and the free games from Epic, I'm probably sitting on about 30 games I'd actually like to play. Once I'm done with Harvestella, the goal is to work my way through part of that. Do a very short game, then a slightly longer one, back and forth until I'm through maybe 10 games.

Half of them I know I'll finish, the other half I just know the developer and want to try more of their games, whether or not I finish them. I'll have until Zelda is out, since I don't THINK there's anything I really want to pick up until then.

There's no chance I actually finish all of these games before the end of the year, but if I can at least keep the pile from growing, that would be a win.
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Ultimate Farming Fanatic
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Currently Playing:
Disney Dreamlight Valley (PC)
The Passenger (Mobile)

Do you have any gaming goals this year?
Finish games/IF I bought in 2023. :lol:

What's in your backlog right now? Abandoned games don't count. What games have you got that you still want or intend to complete in 2023?
-A Mage Reborn Book 1
-The Golden Rose Book 1
-Nioh 2 or Code Vein

Which new releases are you looking forward to this year? What's your 2023 wishlist? Any planned purchases? Definite day-one buys?

2023 is an excellent year for me. :heart:

Day 1 Buy
- The Fernweh Saga Book 1
- Fallen Hero Retribution
- Hogwart's Legacy
- Wayhaven Chronicles Book 3
- Story of Season A Wonderful Life (PC)
- Baldur's Gate 3
- Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Expansion

Unsure if it will be a Day 1 buy but will definitely buy without a discount:
- Persona 3 Portable (PC)
- Fire Emblem Engage (Switch)

Will buy at a discount:
- Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

Do you have a wishlist of existing games? Did you pass up on many games that came out in 2022 and other previous years? Anything you want to pick up if you have a gap in your gaming or any particular sales you're waiting for?
- Judgement and Lost Judgement
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla
- The Quarry
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me
- Marvel's Midnight Suns
- Growing Up
Last edited by cinnamon_yuki on Jan 01, 2023 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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My ANB Wishlist

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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Do you have any gaming goals this year?

Nothing yet, but I'm always working on specific grinds in FFXIV and Genshin. It's all gonna depend on what games grab me this year.

What's in your backlog right now?

- Finding Paradise
- Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
- Void Terrarium
- Astria Ascending
- Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

All games I bought throughout the year because I've wanted to play them, but just didn't.

Which new releases are you looking forward to this year? What's your 2023 wishlist? Any planned purchases? Definite day-one buys?

- Fire Emblem Engage
- Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
- Final Fantasy XVI
- Silksong
- Octopath II
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
- Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line

These are all day one purchases for me. There's a few other titles I want, like the Persona 3 Portable remaster, but they're not immediate 'needs' until I have the time for them.

Do you have a wishlist of existing games?

Uhhhh, plently, honestly too much to list here, but the gist of them is that all the games on my Switch wishlist are Nintendo exclusives while all the games on the PS5 wishlist are PS exclusive or I'd rather have them on a more powerful system. It's basically all JRPGs or VNs as I tend to not want to consume them until I'm in the mood to do so, especially when they're not part of series I enjoy enough to buy asap.
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Gaming goals for 2023:

Have more games finished than purchased. The last couple years I have pretty much been equal, so I'd like to have a lot less on the purchased side and get through more of what I already have.

Play more multiplayer and party games with my kids, siblings, and friends. It won't "clear" stuff off the list, but it's an aspect of gaming I have missed and was reminded of this past year, especially the aspect of playing with my siblings more as I don't see them much, so it would be a good excuse.

Play more active games again when it's practical.

Current tentative backlog for 2023:

Switch - About 8, 3DS/Wii - 10+

2023 release wishlist:

Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Probably the only one I am likely get on release.)
Tales of Symphonia
The new Natsume Harvest Moon I can't remember the name of, lol.
Ys X and the other Ys game they are planning on porting to Switch, though I am not sure when they are coming out/ coming to the West.

Nearly beat that I need to get back to:

Skyward Sword HD
DQ 9

I just recently went ahead and finally got Littlewood. I have been playing the crud out of it; it is great! Seems like it is going to be shorter than what I thought, but it's been a lot of fun.

I also picked up Egglia since it's finally on sale, and Harvestella too as a physical copy, though I don't know when I will get to them yet. Speaking of sales, I saw one of my favorites, Staxel, is on sale in the eShop for $7.49, the lowest it has been. In my opinion that's a great price for the amount of content if you want a sandbox with farming and social elements sprinkled in. Love that game!
Switch FC: SW-8584-8673-8689
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Growing Garden Gnome
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Can't believe it's going to be a New Year tomorrow...

Anyway, before posting my goals for the new year, I just wanted to say that I finished Pokemon Scarlet about a week ago. I forgot to post this in the backlog 2022 thread sadly. As for the game, I liked it. Didn't love it, but it was better than Sword and Shield, and the Let's go Games. I wish I could rate it high on my list of Pokemon games, but the graphic problems and glitches make it hard to do so. Still, what's important is I had fun and finished one more game before the year ended. Hope those who played Pokemon Scarlet and Violet also liked the game.

Anyway, one to 2023

Do you have any gaming goals this year?

Playing more games this new year and finishing them. Also, I may try something new with gaming, but I'm not sure what that is yet. Won't go into detail for right now. I will say it may be a bit harder to finish some games since I've got other things I need to do from school, to SheCodes, to life changes. Still, I want to finish more games this upcoming year, whether they be big or small.

What's in your backlog right now?

A lot....From rpg's, to visual novels, to short games. Having finished Pokemon Scarlet, I'm a bit unsure of what to play next. I have a lot that I want to finish, but I not only need the game to click with me, but I also need the energy for playing. Sadly this week, due to pain, I haven't had luck with trying to find one. Still, I have an idea of what I want to finish up in my backlog:

Digimon Cyberslueth(Want to finish, but I have so much fun that I end up grinding a lot and even restarting. Going to try to not do that with this newer play-through)
Xenoblade DE
Trails in the Sky FC (Really need to finish this game)
One of the Older Final Fantasy Games (Haven't been able to pick one)
Grandia 2
Story of Season Pioneer Town (replay)
Chrono Cross

Which new releases are you looking forward to this year?

Not many currently, but a few:

Trails from Azure
Trails from Reverie
Story of Season: A Wonderful Life
Persona 3 and 4 portable

Do you have a wishlist of existing games?
Dragon Quest Treasures
Some visual novels

And that's about it. I hope everyone will have a good new year and a fun gaming year.
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Wacky Weed Puller
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Ughh... I drove home early and forgot my partner was visiting his parents, so I'm alone for the New Year's. Oh well. I'll probably do a P5R dungeon.

Do you have any gaming goals this year? Hoping to beat around 30 games for Switch again, which will put me up over 100 games beaten on there. Gonna try and focus on the shorter games in my backlog, as the (cartridge) backlog is embarrassing, and I tend to get sidetracked with games that take a long time to beat.

Conversely, I want to keep the digital backlog down to nothing/games I want to play ASAP. I've stuck to this pretty well over the past few years.

What's in your backlog right now? The cartridge backlog is... substantial. At least a handful of long RPGs, and a double-handful of narrative games (To the Moon, Collar x Malice, Hashihime, Piofore, a few others). Less platformer/metroidvania games than I thought, but a handful of those are longer commitments (probably Metroid Dread, Dead Cells, Transistor, a few others). A lot of shooters, which always makes me play Saturn when I think of them, but for real, I need to go through them. The DRPG situation is a little ugly, as those tend to be long (basically all four Experience DRPGs, a few others). There are a couple of DRPGs coming out next year that'll be good, but I need to play at least one of the ones I already have, maybe Undernauts. I need to stop buying cartridge games, I can just play them digitally when I'm ready!

Digital backlog is basically nonexistent. Even if Tempest and Picross Nazarick are games I'm actively playing, and My Time at Portia is one I'll return to in January (I promise!). The only other digital game I have is Siralim Ultimate, which I'll probably play mid-2023, it was a Kickstarter reward.

Which new releases are you looking forward to this year?

2023 only has a handful of games on the horizon for me. Theatrhythm is already preordered, along with SoSAWL. Looking forward to RF3S and HM: Winds of Anthos. Mostly looking forward to a few things I skipped in 2022, like Temtem, Ys 9, and Doraemon SoS2.

I am very excited about P3P and P4G as well! But I don't think I'll be able to finish P5R and immediately jump in. We are sadly not getting physicals, and I sorely want to break my "buy digital play immediately" rule in case something happens to those on the eshop, but realistically, I'll probably wait 6-ish months to play P3P to avoid burnout. Also, I already beat that game a few times, so... ^_^;

Do you have a wishlist of existing games? Did you pass up on a lot of games that came out in 2022 and other previous years? Anything you want to pick up if you have a gap in your gaming or any particular sales you're waiting for?

I do have a wishlist of digital games I want to play, the most likely candidates are a few narrative games and some sims - Boyfriend Dungeon, Kaichu, a couple indy VNs, Apico, Fishing Paradisio. These keep getting pushed back in favor of the infinite cartridge backlog.

Mostly hoping to clear out some backlog, tho.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Big sales on practically everything on my Steam wishlist right now. Of course, most of it is early access stuff, Sun Haven only has one more major update to do before they're on to 1.0 and releasing on Switch. I can wait! There are half a dozen more games on my wishlist (all sims) that will probably hit 1.0 in 2023, too. 2023 is going to be a very busy farming year!

But FATE (my all-time favourite dungeon crawler, from 2005) which is already just a few dollars, was half off, and ARK was 75% off. Since I share a Steamdeck with my sis, and I figure it *might* be a good game for her, I thought...why not? Spent $10 on the very last day of the year, lol. (Though I've only spent about $10 so far this month on games so that's allowable!) I'd like to have them in my Steam library as options, even if I never play them. (I don't take my Steam library seriously. They're all games that I might play someday...or may not. And I don't care which.)

I should set the Deck up again and have a go at Kynseed now that it's verified on Deck and at full release since a few weeks ago. (Plus I already own it as a piggybacker, so it'd be goofy not to try it.) The pixel art style is a little overly busy for me...too scattered...but it seems like a relatively deep game and has a few unique twists on the genre. Should definitely try it.

Look at that: just a few hours until 2023.

Hope 2023 is an exciting and fun game year. Only Tears of the Kingdom has to live up to hopes to make it a worthwhile one, but it'd be great if it was full of...what are the kids saying, now? Bangers? Slappers? Or is that only for music? I dunno.

I'd like for TotK to be as good a game as BotW (in its own way, though I do hope at least the exploration is as good, even if dungeons, story set-up and etc are very different) and I'd like a really big fun surprise, and for at least one of the many farming sims that are to release to be as lovable as the 3DS Bokumono games were to me.
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Not the Eggplant Wizard
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I've been lurking here a while, I guess now would be a good time to jump in! I only got back into gaming this past year, so I'm mostly playing older games rather than keeping up with new releases (which suits me fine, since my laptop can't really run most new AAA games.)

Gaming goals this year:
Mostly play more games than I buy. I'm terrible whenever I see something on sale, I rarely buy games at full price, but those £5 - £10 every so often really adds up. I also need to finish games before moving onto the next one - it isn't even that I lose interest in games, I just want to play everything at once, but it leads to me dropping things for months and forgetting what I was doing when I come back.

Current Backlog:
My backlog is so long I can't really remember what's in it. At some point I need to sit down and make a spreadsheet of everything I want to play, like I do for books.

2023 Releases:
There's nothing I'm super excited for, really. The Breath of the Wild sequel will probably be pretty good, and the AWL remake is something I'm definitely going to pre-order. So many games are releasing with issues nowadays, though, that I generally just don't get my hopes up about new releases anymore. I'm also just kind of sick of microtransactions and DLCs and Deluxe Editions at this point.

There aren't really any games I'm saving for or waiting to go on sale right now. I kind of want to get Elden Ring, but it's super expensive and going to remain expensive for a while. I'm also going to get My Time at Sandrock and Coral Island at some point, but I'm not sure if I want to play them in early access or wait.

Currently Playing:
PC: Dragon Age: Inquisition
I finally caved to my friends begging me to play the DA games and something about them really did hit my brain just right. I tried to get into DA:I earlier this year but it was way too confusing without having played the other games. Then, in October I tried DA:Origins and really loved it and sort of raced through the series. <3 I'm almost done with Inquisition and have nearly 100 hours in this file right now. It's fun but I think I preferred the first two games.

PS4: Red Dead Redemption 2
I played about 20 hours of this back in September on my brother's PS pass, but it got taken off. He got it for me for Xmas, so I've started a new file! Honestly, I barely did any quests last time I mostly just rode around and explored, I'm looking forward to seeing the story this time.
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New Seedling
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Happy New Year!

Do you have any gaming goals this year?
Not particularly, no. I generally try to finish at least one game per month, but that's... never really been a problem.

What's in your backlog right now?
Just purchased Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, since it was on sale. That probably won't take me long, but I'm enjoying short, feel-good idies right now. ((In other news, Lil Gator Game, which was one of the last games I played in '22, was very good))

Other than that: Tunic. I really do want to finish that one, but I need to buy a new bluetooth controller for that, and, well.... it can take me a long time to commit to purchases over $40.

There were some other games I was sort of jumping between replaying to try to keep myself entertained, but nothing stuck, as per usual this time of year. I think I'll just shove those off the list completely.

Which new releases are you looking forward to this year?
Zelda, SoS, Pikmin. Heck yeah.

...actually, kind of a short list.

Do you have a wishlist of existing games?
I always have a list of games on my phone, but that's more for... "I need something to play, do any of these strike my interest right now" rather than "I must buy there at some point".

I guess you could say a steam deck? I've decided I definitely want one, but, well... I need to replace some windows this year, so I'm not making big purchases till I know how much that will cost.

Once I have the steam deck, I will probably get Eldin Ring.

Here's hoping for a nintendo direct in the next month or so - hopefully with some reveals that will get me excited.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Hope everyone has some nice things to look forward to in 2023. :)

Boy...don't go on your Steamdeck for months and you'll find you have an hour's worth of updates to download. Proton 7.0 took forever. But I'm done now and also downloaded Kynseed, so I can now play it any time I feel like it. Maybe as soon as lunch is out of the oven, since that dopey muscle relaxant is finally letting my head clear a little. It's funny how the fatigue it causes doesn't hit me in full until about 8 hours after I take it, when the actual relaxant effect is already mostly worn off. I don't get it.
midnighttherabbit wrote: Jan 01, 2023 5:12 am I've been lurking here a while, I guess now would be a good time to jump in! I only got back into gaming this past year, so I'm mostly playing older games rather than keeping up with new releases (which suits me fine, since my laptop can't really run most new AAA games.)

Gaming goals this year:
Mostly play more games than I buy. I'm terrible whenever I see something on sale, I rarely buy games at full price, but those £5 - £10 every so often really adds up. I also need to finish games before moving onto the next one - it isn't even that I lose interest in games, I just want to play everything at once, but it leads to me dropping things for months and forgetting what I was doing when I come back.

Current Backlog:
My backlog is so long I can't really remember what's in it. At some point I need to sit down and make a spreadsheet of everything I want to play, like I do for books.
Goodness, you've been peeping in the Backlog thread but only joining now? You've been on Ushi forever :) Well, welcome to the thread, anyway!

You could try the Backlog Blitz method to help speed up your backlog progress. I personally found it a freeing method that took the pressure off and made it feel sort of rewarding to complete games. Do you already know it?

I personally can't play multiple games at once, or they all end up in an unfinished heap together. I could possibly have 2-3 games on my 'currently playing' category, IF each was very different from each other. Like if one game was stressful or difficult, having one that was exactly the opposite to play when the first one got me overwhelmed...that kind of thing is okay. But I cannot play multiple story-driven games at the same time...two JRPGs at once? Ha Or four cute short indies at once? Also no. I can only juggle multiples if the games are notably different from each other and work well to complement each other...or if one is a 'forever' type of game with no end, like Animal Crossing or Farm Together. Those can always be interpersed with other games, ime.
yzafre wrote: Jan 01, 2023 7:22 am Here's hoping for a nintendo direct in the next month or so - hopefully with some reveals that will get me excited.
It seems almost definite that we'll get a Tears of the Kingdom Direct a month or two before the game's release. As for a 'full fat' Direct, February or March seems not unlikely, though Nintendo has slid off the rails quite a bit in terms of when they do 'real' Directs, now. We can go well over a year without them, so I wouldn't want to place any bets. BUT...the last full Direct was September 13th, so a mid-March Direct would give 6 months between them and I'm quite sure they have some things to announce, and waiting until the crush of the 'E3' period (even if E3 doesn't necessarily exist any more) seems a bit much. Then again, maybe they'll want to keep everyone focused on TotK and won't bother with a regular Direct until summer.
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Shan O 123
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I plan to renew my online membership today, even going with the family plan so both of my switches will be set until this time next year lol

I’m playing AC again. I want to finish a island.

And more Disney and Pokémon