It's always fun to start up a new Backlog thread. Traditionally this thread has been for us all to discuss our general gaming activities, but it is also intended to help people keep track of their gaming, progress their backlogs, and get help or share or give feedback. If you have trouble with a big backlog and you want to shrink it, we know of methods that work pretty well (such as the Backlog Blitz method, or just using personal gaming tracking sites like Backloggery or Grouvee.) Ask us if you need some advice on blasting through a backlog; several of us have managed to eliminate our entirely (at least for a time) so we know what's worked for us, at least. I personally like Kirie's Backlog Blitz method.
If you'd like to refer to the threads of previous years, here they are:
It's not required...you can just launch into talk about what you're playing with no summary or introductory post, but if you'd like to, you can start your gaming year off in the Backlog thread with things like:
Do you have any gaming goals this year? Get better at platformers, play more brain-improving puzzle games or some body-improving fitness games, complete that one huge game you've been trying to finish forever, buy less, or just spend less by waiting for sales, finish more games than last year...anything you're thinking you want to do or try in your gaming is a suitable topic for this thread.
What's in your backlog right now? Abandoned games don't count. What games have you got that you still want or intend to complete in 2023?
Which new releases are you looking forward to this year? What's your 2023 wishlist? Any planned purchases? Definite day-one buys?
Do you have a wishlist of existing games? Did you pass up on a lot of games that came out in 2022 and other previous years? Anything you want to pick up if you have a gap in your gaming or any particular sales you're waiting for?
Please note: The Backlog thread lasts an entire year and is a dozen or two dozen people talking about their daily gaming the whole time. The total posts end up being in the thousands. It's fine to discuss the new game you're playing here, but if, say, you're chatting every day about the newest Pokemon game along with a bunch of others, then that level of discussion is best left to its own thread to keep the thread from ballooning out of control and to make it easier for those who don't participate in the Backlog thread to join in. You can still mention your progress in those games here of course! This thread is for keeping track of your gaming and backlog, so of course that includes everything you're playing. Even if the game you're playing has its own thread, you can still talk about your progress with it here, but a lot of discussion about one game means that game has a lot of interest and should have its own thread; then people into Pokemon don't have to wade through the monstrous Backlog thread to find out what's going on with Pokemon Violet or etc. (I doubt many people need told this, though...after five years its probably already understood.)