Current Backlog
Dragon Age II
Dragon Age Inquistion
FFVII Crisis Core
FFVII Remake Intergrade
Oxenfree II
Rune Factory 3
We Love Katamari
We Were Here Together
My goal this year is to play all of the above games, until I complete them or retire them. I want to prioritize the Dragon Age games because I've owned them for several years longer than any of the other games. I also really want to finally finish the DLC for Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I had a great time with that game and played it soon after it released. A bunch of DLC released afterwards and I'm still making my way through it all. Overall, I'd like to get down to around 3 games and try to stay there. Getting down to 0 would be fine, but I don't mind having a few new games ready to go.
I will probably be picking up some new games this year, but I don't have any kind of solid list. I have about 35 unreleased games on my steam wishlist, but that's really just to keep track of everything that looks potentially interesting. I definitely won't be buying all or even most of them. I do have about 10 early access games that I already own. Once (If?) they hit full release, they get added to the backlog. I really want to stop getting early access games, because I rarely play them before full release, but it seems like it's becoming more common to have cheaper EA prices and then raise them for the full release, so I have more than I'd really like. These are all waiting in the wings as of now:
I've already finished a game that I picked up during the winter sales, so I'll write about it briefly. I played through Dolphin Spirit: Ocean Mission. I wanted to play it because it reminded me a lot of Alba, which I adored. Dolphin Spirit definitely has some similarities, but it's not as good or as polished and it's definitely more juvenile. It's cute though. It's basically a game about cleaning up the environment, saving animals, and taking pictures of all of the species find. (I really love games that let me restore the environment.) The big draw is the diving, so a lot of your time is spent in the ocean. (I have major ocean fears, so I confirmed that nothing in the water can harm you before I played.) You have a dolphin buddy in the ocean and a dog buddy on land. You do take pictures and clean up on the island, too. As you continue the game you get several different powers that let you unlock new areas underwater. There's also a lot of factual information provided, about specific species, environmental concepts, and dangers to wildlife. (This was not new information to me, but it could be a good game for a kid if you want to illustrate some of those concepts.) One drawback was that while you had a book to keep track of the species you spotted, you just had blank spots for undiscovered ones. At the end of the game, I was missing a single fish. All that I knew was that it could be found somewhere in both of the largest two diving maps. I didn't know what it was called, what it looked like, which area in those maps I could find it, etc. I was also missing two tiny grottos or pathways with trash that hadn't been cleaned up, but I had no way to narrow down where those were apart from which large overall map they were part of. I finished in 7 hours and didn't feel like it was worth it to continue to find those last missing bits, although the game does allow you to do this. Ok, that wasn't so brief after all. It's a cute game, but it has some issues and is geared towards a younger audience. If you liked Alba, it's something to consider, but maybe wait for a decent sale.
I tried to play this last year, because I got it super cheap in a bundle and I wasn't able to make it through, even though I think it's supposed to be just an hour or two long. I agree that the dialogue is super painful. I also had a bug where it would just freeze up for several minutes after some of the activities. I didn't have the patience to keep restarting the game with that kind of content, so I quit. I wish you luck though haha. I hope it (somehow?) improves by the end if you play the rest!Kikki wrote: ↑Jan 02, 2024 7:41 am Garden Stories...the huge frog says "Sorry, but I've been going through some stuff and I didn't even know it was you or Lady..."
Rock says, "You swallowed me and my wife."
Apple says, "Yay we solved a problem! Let's all live together in this garden!"
Rock says, "Well that's a nice offer, it is a nice garden, hmm we'll think about it."
Apple says "Yay more problems solved!!"
This is not exact, but it's legitimately close to the actual text in this game after Bufford and Rocky arrive.
How is this reasonable dialogue?