Backlog 2024

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Steam is having a big NIS sale, so if anyone was wanting a Ys game or a Trails game, now's the time to grab it, if you have a PC or Steam Deck.

I can't take advantage of any but one, since I own them all already. But Reverie is 20% off. Not fantastic, but it's the next newest Trails game before Daybreak (which released only a month ago) so the discount is smaller. I'd rather have it on PS4, but it's not on sale, there. It's 40% off on Switch, but I really like having the global achievements!

Well, I don't really want to play Reverie that thoroughly, though. I just want to see the content, as I am decently fond of Lloyd (and rather indecently fond of Rean. It's a bit excessive.) Maybe not having achievements is a good thing, in this case.

Okay, that part is done. I've talked myself into snatching up the Switch version while it's on sale.


The other part is Coral Island. I am in Year 2 now, and is now Glitch Central. Moving into the second year somehow seems to have triggered all kinds of issues. Perhaps it's just that I'm into later-game content, now. I had my first complete crash (the game completely froze and had to be forcibly shut down, but it's started getting 'stuck' for a few seconds here and there pretty often) today, too. I was only at about noon, game time, so I hadn't played the WHOLE day, but I'll need to redo an outing with Theo, as well as all the watering and animal care, plus gathering up my osmium crops (osmium is Coral Island's version of Stardew's Iridium level. They're even both represented by purple. Coral Island copies SO MUCH from Stardew that sometimes it's kind of embarrassingly pathetic to witness. It has plenty of nods to Bokumono...I see Trio in it...and some Animal Crossing as well, particularly with the llamas.) and taking them to the whozamajiggit to unlock what may be the final Ocean quest. (Maybe? It froze before I could trigger the final step!)

It took me a bit, but I grew to like Theo and, surprisingly, Pablo. I hate the calavera tattoo on his arm...even if it has flowers and stuff on it, skulls are hideous. But his continual grin makes me smile. Theo, on the other hand, was always the only bachelor whose looks I mostly liked. He's the least scruffy, and it's regrettably contained a silly little dumpling of a bundled neck ponytail, but he does have long hair, as well. I a little bit like Scott as well, though writing it makes me uncomfortable as Scott is (one of) my uncles' name. But one of them might be worth pursuing through their events to marriage and so on.

IF, of course, the game works well enough not to frustrate me. Year 2 hasn't been promising so far, performance-wise.

I've got 17 offerings complete (CI's answer to SV's bundles) of 24. I also have 237 items donated to the museum, of a possible...320, I think? No, 340? Eh, I'm not sure which. One of 'em! I'm not looking forward to finding the remaining items as mining in CI is painful. The drop rate of geodes is VERY low...go through an entire mine and you get about 4. Fossils are a bit higher. So finding the rare gems and artifacts is very, very tedious.

I've got every animal in the game, now. My town is at B rank, the ocean is at A rank, the museum is at C, and...what's the other thing? Oh yeah, 'heritage'. I think...I can't remember. C or B. I'm into some content that hasn't been play-tested nearly as much, now, and it REALLY shows.

Super fun game, but very derivative. It's Indonesian Stardew. Of course, if it was Canadian Stardew (Or better yet, Canadian Trio) I'd get a huge kick out of it. Very few games have a Canadian setting! And this country is just so breathtakingly gorgeous, it really should be more visible. (Though maybe it'd be spoiled if too many people realized how fantastic it is, here.)

If only I had more than 0.5% of the skills necessary to create a video game!
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Mikodesu wrote: Aug 10, 2024 7:32 pm :/ I'm so sorry, Bluie. As if it isn't bad enough, having one of your favorite characters changed so drastically, Hoyo is VERY disrespectful of its playerbase in how they've handled this sort of thing.
And they just did it again with ZZZ. Lucy, my main, had her voice changed in 1.1 with no explanation as to why and out of nowhere. No apology, just radio silence. This whole situation has really soured me on Hoyo and I think I need a break from their games until further notice. It's just as well anyways; I'm not excited for Natlan in the slightest and ZZZ had yet to grip me as bad as Star Rail and Genshin did. With Natlan, nothing about this new area appeals to me, and I'm not sure why. I really have everything in this game I could ever need at this point, so no new characters are needed and none of the newbies shown hit any notes with me. The new mount gimmick looks... like a thing that sure exists. IDK, I think I'm good with skipping this region like I did Inazuma - coming back after it's over and binging it. FOMO really doesn't bother me. I'm going to miss out on birthday mail and subpar event weapons? Oh noooo, whatever shall I do? I'll just watch any temporary story cutscenes later on YT.

ZZZ I'm good with dropping entirely, for now, at least. I put like, maybe 10 bucks into the game overall? I'll just let it cook some more and check on it later. With Star Rail, I'll reinstall if Screwlum comes out sometime in my lifetime, get him, build him, and then come back later once the next expansion is on the cusp of releasing. Like Genshin, I really have everything I need in Star Rail, I was just building characters for fun while keeping my core teams locked and loaded for story combat. I still don't want to switch the VA to Japanese because there's a lot that I love in the dub. Welt, Boothill, Dan Heng, Topaz, Gallagher - among many others, WHICH INCLUDED HUOHUO AND TAIL AND I'M STILL « Snuggly Bunny » UPSET, AUGH.


I'm just gonna stay away from live service games as a whole for now. I have a backlog on both PS5 and Switch that need some attention. I've made a little progress in both Astlibra and Octopath II in the past few weeks, so maybe they'll be my focus for now. That or I'll work on leveling all my jobs in FFXIV.
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
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Kikki wrote: Aug 13, 2024 7:30 pm Super fun game, but very derivative. It's Indonesian Stardew. Of course, if it was Canadian Stardew (Or better yet, Canadian Trio) I'd get a huge kick out of it. Very few games have a Canadian setting! And this country is just so breathtakingly gorgeous, it really should be more visible. (Though maybe it'd be spoiled if too many people realized how fantastic it is, here.)

If only I had more than 0.5% of the skills necessary to create a video game!
I would love a farming sim with a Canadian setting - I'd especially love one set on the prairies, but any setting here would be great! (I was a little disappointed when I found out that new game Song of the Prairie doesn't actually take place on the prairies.) The closest I've ever seen to a Canadian farming sim is a game called Sugar Shack on Steam, which seems to be more of a restaurant/tree-tapping sim made by a Québécois indie studio, but unfortunately the reviews are very mixed (though I'm tempted to try it anyways if it goes on a hefty sale sometime).


I just got back from a road trip where I brought my Switch but didn't even take it out of the case once. So much for my plan of making progress in Animal Crossing on those long driving days! I just ended up talking with the other passengers most of the time. I've only played a bit of Stardew Valley since I got back, but I've also been knee-deep in boring stuff like job applications.
My video game piano arrangements (including Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley!) :lala:
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Wacky Weed Puller
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My primary game is still SoS:AWL, where I'm in Spring of Chapter 5. I'm getting pretty burned out on it, so I've been playing less games as a result, but I still kinda want to finish (one of the reasons I finish games is because I will bounce around them endlessly and still be unhappy, so I might as well finish a game I chose and enjoyed as much or more than whatever else I could have chosen to play). It was hard to recover from Winter, where I finally realized snow doesn't water crops. Or something? I kept having mass die-offs of winter crops (like, basic crops as well as hybrids), and I couldn't figure out why. I thought maybe it had something to do with the weather patterns, but I noticed I could still water crops even after it had been snowing all day, so maybe they were just dry. I wondered if the snow didn't water them because it was a crusty mechanic from old games... but a lot of the old games didn't have winter crops, and I don't think I ran into this in another game?

I should be able to buy Daa-chan on Spring 8! Hooray! I can finish up the farm enhancements and the golden tools after that. Not having much luck with the tier-3 hybrids (several of those also died in winter), but I'm remixing them with lamp flowers to grow them off-season so I can finish. Having to re-make all my seeds from the winter die-off was one of the reasons I set this down for a week, it was sort of disheartening, but I only need to remake one more, so I'm mostly over it.

I also played more I Am Setsuna. I love it! I'm really surprised by how story-focused it is, though I'm worried the combat will come back later to bite me, lol. I'm not the biggest fan of the moves being locked behind rare monster drops I should be farming, but I'm hoping those drop from multiple creatures and I can get good moves later. The story is really good too, I just finished a section where they save a little monster boy from a lady knight who joins the party afterward. The talk Setsuna had with him about his mother was really touching.

Still playing my dailies... stitch., Pocket Card Jockey, and Fitness Boxing: FotNS. I set Picross X aside while I finish the last two, which I'm not enjoying as much, but I love stitch. The patterns and presentation are really lovely.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie is extremely fun.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

A turn-based dungeon-crawler story-in-vignettes game is really fun! What a weird thing for me to say. But it is. For one thing, it does have an overall story. You're playing it kind of like setting three ladders side-by-side. One ladder is Rean's. One is Lloyd's. And the other is C & Co's. You, as the player, chose what ladder to start with, and which ladder to jump to at any time. You can jump from ladder to ladder at while, and you have to step on every rung of every ladder. And sometimes, you will find a rung barred, and you must jump over to a rung from one of the other ladders to be able to gain access to the new rung that was locked.

But you are progressing all three stories simultaneously. If you get sick of Rean (that never happens to me, but apparently it happens to everyone else) you can jump over to Lloyd. Or C. You can progress the story in little bits, you don't have to do whole can swap over to any part at ANY TIME, unless that section is locked, since once in a while all characters must be at the same point for the main story to be able to continue, since all branches are working together, though they don't actually KNOW they are working together, at least so far.

The startling part for me is how fun the Reverie Corridor itself is. It's NOT base-building, but it has some of the features. You level up like crazy, there are a TON of chests, and a million mini quests/achievements you use to unlock new characters, mini-games, supplies, etc. Plus all the rewards you get are NOT just for the Reverie Corridor. You can unlock gameplay benefits that make playing in the 'real world' of Zemuria better.

Plus the United Front feature is fantastic. On the easiest mode, I am one-shotting huge groups of enemies in the Corridor whenever I have the charge to shoot off a United Front attack. (ALL party members, including support characters, attack at once, like a Burst attack or Overdrive, but way stronger.) And even going through Reverie, you find gateways that lead you to other mini worlds, that i think of as 'treasure gates'. (That's not what they're called, though.) Reverie has a lot of treasure, but these gates have even more.

AND it's also like Sky 3rd, in that you unlock access to memories, where you see bits of story that took place outside of the main plot, but that clear up unexplained or unfinished things. Like the Star Doors in 3rd.

Anyway, it's super fun! I love going through Reverie and racking up level up after level up and so much treasure, then using it all to unlock new games and memories and field bonuses.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Made some decent progress in Astlibra and I got hooked on something else kinda surprising too. With Astlibra, I did the water level and it was a little challenging. I had to redo some of my stats to even get through it. Stopped right afterwards because my bed called.

Then yesterday, I happened upon a Pokemon Emerald romhack called 'Seaglass'. IIRC, it's OK to talk about <b>Very Bad Things™</b>/romhacks on Ushi, as long as I'm not providing links or resources to get said <b>Very Bad Things™</b>. Anyways, romhacks very rarely intrigue me because 1. I don't like gaming on my computer, and 2. they just don't really pique my interest very often. With Seaglass, it tickles a very particular part of my brain, because it puts Pokemon Emerald into a GBC graphics style while also having updated mechanics from the newest games in the series. It is fantastic, and I don't say that lightly. I played it for 3 hours straight and I plan to get back into it as my time allows. It is basically just Emerald with a new coat of paint, but it's enough paint for it to make a significant difference. I also never got to play Emerald fully as a kid because I never got around to owning a copy (I played Ruby and Sapphire obsessively though - they're ingrained into my brain), so that's a fun little plus.

And now that I got the whole setup working, I'm going to get into another romhack that I've tentatively had my eye on for a year or so now; Fire Emblem Sacred Echoes. It's a GBA demake of Shadows of Valentia (my favorite Fire Emblem game) that looks so impressive and has a lot of buzz surrounding it. I've gone from 'this is cool' to 'i'm totally going to play this now' - just, whenever I have the time, haha. Kinda sad that the Cipher characters are post game only though. Emma is one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters period.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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I have no attachment to my Switch Lite ACNL town. I kind of want to scrap it and restart it to build something specific. I have friends and family going through unusually difficult things, and it's a little silly, but it'd be nice to build a town that was purely to entertain them. I wonder what would make a town particularly fun to visit via Dream Address. I suppose I could even do that with the existing town...if I had any idea what I wanted to DO, that is, other than reference some of the things from our lives.

Do you guys have any thoughts about what makes an ACNH town particularly fun to tour?

Reverie is still going well, though I am having a lot of trouble with my neck and shoulder and forearm right now and can't play long. Which is too bad since it's so much fun! The mix of things to do is so compelling. Get tired of dungeon crawling? Go play some Pom Pom Party. Not into arcade-style minigames? Go watch some 'daydreams' that show you events connected to characters/story that didn't get a chance to be shown in the main games. Tired of all of that? Go back to the main story! (I know more opens in post-game, but I don't yet know what, though I am in the finale now.)

I have a mild hankering to go back to Pikmin 4. Not sure why. But I still have Reverie and Coral Island, so I probably won't. Plus I'm building an online shop right now and making the items to stock it and the photography to record it and all the I'm a bit busy anyway, in between all the napping.
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Huggy Chickens
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Kikki wrote: Aug 30, 2024 7:33 amDo you guys have any thoughts about what makes an ACNH town particularly fun to tour?
This is just me, but I really like order. The central part of the bottom tier of my island has the resident hall (obviously), the museum, and my shops, and they’re all pretty much arranged into a straight line yet spaced out. I have paths everywhere, and I surrounded every grassy area with bushes and kinda turned them into park areas. The back left corner of the bottom tier is my camp area; last time I played, I had expanded the camp area and put enough stoves and mini DIY benches in the area so my friends/family can use them whenever they’re all visiting my island. Ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble

To sum it up, I really like order and I should just share my island code so you can see what I’m talking about 🤣
:lala: Currently Playing :lala:
~Rune Factory 4 Special

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Been so busy with moving and finishing my MA dissertation (due this week... :( the deadline is going to be tight) that I haven't had time to game but last night I needed to unwind SO badly that I ended up fully spending a few hours playing Home Sweet Home. It's one of those games that gets tiring if you play it for too long, the villagers are ALWAYS asking me to get things for them and I've started realising the rewards just aren't worth it unless they're giving you seeds... I've been so poor because my fields have been full of crops for requests rather than crops to sell! I'm still deciding who to marry since nobody is really grabbing me... I kind of want to go for Braden since I remember wanting to marry him in an earlier game and not being able to due to the gender locking.

Also earlier this month I replayed Slime Rancher and finished it for the first time. It's cute and I WAS going to see if I could get all the achievements but ended up getting tired of it once it turned grindy. The late game stuff was kind of frustrating as well but it WAS pretty interesting to see given I used to play the game a ton as a young teen without really any clue what I was doing, I don't think I ever made it out of the starting area lol.

In for at least a few weeks I'm going to be in my semi-unemployed (because my remote job does NOT pay well lol) and living with my mum era so I guess thats as good a time as any to play tons of games. I'm probably going to finish Elden Ring and I'm planning on buying a new laptop with better specs, which means I might give BG3 another go.
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Hey all! It's been kind of crazy with all the back to school stuff, especially since I am back to hitting the books now too, plus starting a new job. Phew! Taking a break to cool off now after watching my daughter's first soccer game, yay!

We managed to finish the Paper Mario Remake right before school started, so that was nice. I believe I am now on the last leg of the story in Sandrock, but I am starting to feel a bit weary of it dragging on so long. It has been really fun though, just long compared to the endgame of Portia.
Greening up the desert
I ended up with Qi because I thought the reverse confession was cute and his dialogue after a certain event
falling off the cliff to the hideout
sealed the deal. Named his babies Morty and Olympia. :)
I am still chipping away at the Story of Seasons Piczle Cross. I also started a trial of Apple Arcade and tried out Stitch. It is really cute and surprisingly addicting. My eldest daughter, whose last really favored game was Pikmin 4 love, love, loves it! Anytime she notices I am not doing homework she keeps asking for her turn to play Stitch., lol! I picked up FFXIV again recently in short spurts and am trying to remember what I was doing before. I don't know what spurred it but I just had an itch to play it again. Not really planning to beat the base game story anytime soon, but I have progressed it a little farther. Just beat the second "deity" big bad and he seemed way easier than that fire one.
Switch FC: SW-8584-8673-8689
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Kikki wrote: Aug 30, 2024 7:33 amDo you guys have any thoughts about what makes an ACNH town particularly fun to tour?
I'm honestly very simple/easy - I just want to see what villagers they have as opposed to mine. Unless the town has been particularly dolled up in a specifc theme, I usually didn't care to browse all that much outside checking out who lives there.


I had an absolute ball with friends in FFXIV last night. For a few years, I have absolutely coveted this staff. It was level 80 Savage content, which at the time when it was current, I was too scared to even try and attempt. I did a few Endwalker Savages when they were current, but it's overall not content I really care for. I love raids, 8-mans, and 24-mans, but I don't like the caveat with Savage that you can't screw up without messing up everything for the whole party.

Anyways, unsyncing (going and doing lower level content at your current level) is both hilarious and freeing - absolutely murdering bosses that used to be scary and hard. I gathered a group and we ran it around fifteen times. It's nowhere near as hard as it used to be, though we did have a few party wipes just from us being absolute tools lol. We were all in voice chat with one another, so it really heightened our idiocy. There are several mechanics where you cannot be close to your party members or it's instadeath, but a lot of us took that as a challenge. Like 'how close can we truly be before it kills us!' or other party members claiming they needed hugs/kisses while chasing the others around. Me, being the only healer, got 'bullied' a lot lol. It was all in good fun, but a few times they all killed themselves on purpose to watch me scramble around while screaming.

Regardless, got my staff lol. I also got some chakrams for my dancer plus some nice chest pieces and the exclusive mount as well. We're already planning on doing some other fights in the same series next week. Considering Dawntrail has been kinda dry lately, making our own fun is almost a need at this point lol.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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It's funny, but the more stressed out I get, the MORE I want to post here. I would have thought it'd be the opposite, but no. I guess that means Fogu is low stress, low-brainage for me, which...doesn't say anything good for the quality of my posts, lol.

I'm having an extra-clumsy day. I dropped my newly-made bead chain down the sink (had to take the U-bend off...which was very gross...and shake it out.), I broke several beads, I stabbed myself two or three times, I flung my wire clippers halfway across the room, I lost half a dozen jump rings, I dropped the pipe wrench on my knee, AND I dropped the cornbread, which splattered. I saved it, and it's very tasty and only landed on the stovetop, which was newly washed, so it was entirely salvageable, but...NOT a good day for working with my hands!

Or my brain, perhaps.


Anyway, thank you for the answers about ACNH Dream Address tours, FarmingForDaysMan and Bluie :)

Trails into Reverie proceeds well. I am in post-game, now, and still enjoying it a lot. Ever since starting Reverie, I've never returned to Coral Island. Not feeling the urge at all, tbh, though I was at an interesting point. Guess I just want to follow Rean around for now, whenever I'm not building my website or making hair sticks or hair chains.
greensara wrote: Aug 31, 2024 1:24 pm I ended up with Qi because I thought the reverse confession was cute and his dialogue after a certain event
I'd go for Qi if I ever play Sandrock a second time (which I probably will). He confessed to my girl very early in my first game and I was NOT expecting it and it freaked me right out! It was way too soon for me to decide on a marriage...I hadn't even met all the candidates, yet. But his events are so cute, as was his confession. He's not remotely my type, but still, he'd be my choice next time. (I don't like Fang enough to go for him twice. He's no Sanjay! In ANB, I can't go for anyone BUT Sanjay, it's just...unthinkable.)

I'm starting to really want to play DQB2 again. I wish that urge would run out. WHY do I just keep going back to it?? I still love Fallowfield and the Isle of Awakening, and Malhalla somewhat, but Khrumbul-Dun, Skelkatraz and Angler's Isle are the worst, and Moonbrooke isn't much better. And yet give me half a year away from it, and I want to play from scratch again. :?


September is a gorgeous month, but I sure am unhappy to be in it. Give me June back and let me do summer again, please! I'm not stable enough to deal with winter, or even autumn. I've got a LOT of plans in place, though, maybe even more than I can keep up with, so there's that.
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
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Woah sudden influx of posts. Glad to hear from everyone and hope you're all doing well! :heart:
Kikki wrote: Aug 30, 2024 7:33 am Do you guys have any thoughts about what makes an ACNH town particularly fun to tour?
I have two things for me. The first one is that it has a nice path to follow through the town so it's easy to see everything without having to backtrack and potentially miss spots - not that there can't be any forks at all, just that towns with good flow are extra pleasant and low-stress to tour. The second is that I really like to see little nooks and hidden areas that make the town feel lived in, like a little laundromat or bus stop tucked between stores and stuff like that. It's fun to see details like that :)


I am also in the camp of big life changes - I'm going back to school starting in a little over a week to do a part-time online diploma program. I have no idea what the workload is going to be like yet so I may have less time to play games, but sometimes I actually end up playing more games when that happens so that I can make the most of my time (in university this was at the expense of sleep, which is an experience I'm not anxious to repeat, but practicing took up the bulk of my time then which won't be a factor here). I've been preparing for that by starting a few low stress games because I know I probably won't feel like starting new stuff once I'm doing school.

With the new Sonic Generations game around the corner, I've started the next Sonic game on my list, Sonic the Hedgehog '06, which is the last game I really want to beat before playing that game. It's an interesting experience so far- some elements are rough around the edges but it's growing on me the more I play. I do like the return of the hub world and Silver's powers are really cool (in the one level of his that I did). The (extremely frequent) loading screens are atrociously long though, but this is the first game I'm playing on my recently acquired PS3 so I don't know if that's the game or a common experience on this console.

I also started Sega Ages: Puyo Puyo, a port of the first Puyo Puyo arcade game that I absolutely suck at so far. I had to get somewhat decent at Puyo Puyo when I played Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, since the game was scaling to my (much higher) Tetris skill level, but it appears that all that is not enough to get further than the sixth stage of this game (though I'm being somewhat stubborn and playing without continues). I did buy the port of the second arcade game as well (both were on sale for only a few bucks), so I can continue with that when I beat this one.

With both of these and Sonic being more gameplay-focused than having a lot of planning (like farming sims) or heavy story (like RPGs) I hope it will give me some approachable options for when I need a break from schoolwork. Plus I still have ACNH, a Stardew Valley replay, Shadow the Hedgehog (already beaten but to get more story routes and A ranks), Piczle Cross: Story of Seasons, and various Tetris games on the side - all relatively low stress games that I can pick up whenever I feel like it.
My video game piano arrangements (including Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley!) :lala:
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Thanks, Geek. Hmm, so people like organized towns. (Well, Bluie just wants to see villagers, she doesn't care about the town at all.) I know I hate really convoluted towns. Towns where they are so full that the game is constantly in lag to load all the silly decorative « Puppy Doodoo » they've bogged it down with. I'd be okay with couple of contained decorative areas, but the whole town being decorated to the gills is a big turn-off, for me.

Speaking of big turn-offs...a few days ago my nice new laptop (which works great, except for this rather glaring exception!) did a sudden black screen on me for the third time in about 24 hours.
And I even did a factory reset on it a few weeks ago! Obviously the problem is not fixed, so I had to go through the rigamarole of getting an RMA underway. Today I took it to Fedex to ship.

It's like I chopped up a baby and wrapped all the bits in bubble wrap for inspection. Feels awful. This is a terrible borrowed laptop (still glad to have the option, though!) and I barely managed to sign on to Fogu, lol, since I had to manually get Google to sync all my info.

But I have access to my email and Fogu, now. And I think I can use my sister's desktop to access my website so I can work on it. I hope to open it around mid September and I've still got loads to do! Ran around getting a few extra supplies today and am testing varnish, at the moment.
At least I can post. Apparently I'm too stressed not to, though once things are more in order, I plan to only be around on Thursdays and/or Fridays.

Trails into Reverie crashed on me for the first time two days ago, too. Same day I lost access to my 28-year-old Hotmail (now account, which is also what I have to be able to log into, to be able to manage my Microsoft Office account. ARGH. My nerves are just about shot, guys. Lol.

I really like Reverie, though. I didn't even mind re-doing the 5th level, in spite of the boss being a pain in the bum.

Well, I've got to get back to my varnish. The sticks should be ready for another coat. Then I'm going to crash mightily, no doubt. Then maybe I can get some more Reverie time. I don't think I'm up to testing adhesives as well, today.
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New Seedling
New Seedling
Posts: 5
Joined: Nov 23, 2016 11:26 am

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i've neglected making frequent updates on here and we're 4 months away from the new year. that's pretty crazy.

i have been in a slump so far, but i managed to beat 3 SMT games so far: digital devil saga, shin megami tensei iv and devil survivor: overclocked. at the moment i'm playing devil survivor 2: record breaker and hope to beat it soon. i'm hesitant on which route to go on in my first playthrough. i also picked up digital devil saga ii immediately after beating the first one, but i've put it on hold until i feel motivated to come back to it... i'm honestly just afraid to do the extra bosses before the airport dungeon T__T

also, i went back to fire emblem: genealogy of the holy war after 2 years of never bothering with it again. i'm enjoying it, and have paired off the better half of my army, but i'm having trouble with leveling up latecomers like tailtiu.

i never found the time to boot up suikoden iii again, which makes me kind of frustrated with myself.

other games i played so far: terranigma, secret of mana, legend of mana, persona 2: eternal punishment, gokujo parodius, final fantasy v, and dragon quest iii.
zhwing :heart: