Backlog 2024

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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Tubular Turnip Farmer
Tubular Turnip Farmer
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This will probably be my last update of the year as well, but I finished the story in the original Sonic Generations mode of Sonic X Shadow Generations! I never played the original so I had to play it here at least. It really wasn't a terribly long game, though I only did main story objectives and there is a lot of side challenges I can go back and do, as well as improving ranks on stages which I might do. I still have the Shadow story to finish (assuming they have a similar amount of stages I might be about 2/3rds of the way through, but I have no idea whether that's true!). Still enjoying it a lot despite not having a ton of time to play!

I'm planning to buy a bunch of games on the Steam sale that I definitely don't have time to play right away but it's my first Steam Sale while having a decent paying job so I feel like I deserve it, haha. But for now I have to go do some more schoolwork, ugh. Don't take a class that spans the winter break if you can avoid it, folks!
My video game piano arrangements (including Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley!) :lala:
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Not the Eggplant Wizard
Not the Eggplant Wizard
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I'm back to my usual mess of playing too many games and reading too many books and watching too many shows at once - hopefully that urge to organise myself that I always get in the New Year will kick in and I'll be more methodical again. One of my resolutions is to keep my own account of books and games, I'm really starting to hate Goodreads and a book journal is a nice alternative.

Anyway, I recently finished Dragon Age: The Veilguard, it took me longer to get through than I thought it was. Definitely the most polished AAA release I've played on launch but aside from that it was pretty bad. I also played through the main story of Icewind Dale which I enjoyed a lot, it focused more on combat than story which isn't really what I like playing older RPGs for, but what little story there was was nicely written and there's always something satisfying about mastering an Infinity Engine game; I burnt out on it a few hours into the DLC but I might go back to finish that eventually.

Currenly, I'm playing Rogue Trader, Baldur's Gate 3 (yes, I restarted it again lol), Morrowind (again!), and, as of last night, Rusty's Retirement.
Rogue Trader is really good, Warhammer has never appealed to me and it honestly still doesn't, I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan and as much as I like a dark setting, WH just seems to be a bit... much. Owlcat games always have really good writing though and I love the way being a nice person is pretty much impossible in this one. It definitely has the same flaws as the Pathfinder CRPGs but it doesn't seem to have AS many annoying random enounters or as much pointless buffing. I'm fully expecting the plot to fall apart in the third or fourth act as always but it'll also probably be a good 30-40 hours before I get there.
Baldur's Gate 3 is Baldur's Gate 3. I've never managed to get far into act 2 if I'm honest - I do like it but I was never massive on Larian's other games and I don't think the writing is as good as everyone hypes it up to be. I love the companions and the gameplay is really good, I think just playing through it slowly whenever I feel the urge to is going to be how I finish this one.
Morrowind is also just Morrowind. I modded it so heavily it's basically just a life sim right now and whenever I'm stressed out I just go on a long walk and collect alchemy ingredients.
And Rusty's Retirement is something I picked up in the Steam Sales - it's an idle farming game that only takes up half your screen so you can multitask and glance at it every now and then - this is probably terrible for my brain but it's also nice to have a cute farm to stare at when I zone out.

I need to actually have a look at what I played this year for the end of year thread because it's been such a blur that I barely remember - I don't think I actually finished many games if I'm honest.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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midnighttherabbit wrote: Dec 29, 2024 8:27 amOne of my resolutions is to keep my own account of books and games, I'm really starting to hate Goodreads and a book journal is a nice alternative.
Dunno exactly what you'd want, but I found a book/review journal I think is pretty nearly perfect. This is basically the layout. (Though they have more types of page in there.) It would work just as well for games as for books, too, if you ignore the word 'book', basically. Very easy to adapt for games, imo. This is where I found it (on and here is an image of the main content page:
I LOVE the look of do-it-yourself book review journals but they're so much extra work that I think it'd just keep me from going through with it. :/ (Again, this would fit a game review journal just as well, imo.

I need to buy that book journal for my friend. Heck, maybe for me, too! Though I basically never read fiction anymore... (I'd be better off starting it as a game journal from the start. Just two different mediums for taking in a story, after all! At least for me, a story gamer.)

I may keep one myself, in 2025. Books and games, or just one or the other, I dunno. I still read a lot, but not novels, any more...wonder if I should get back to it. Honestly, at this point in my life, I know all the stories. It's so easy to recognize plot devices, now, that it's quite rare for a story to surprise me...I can see the twists coming from a long way back. So nothing feels NEW to me, anymore. :/

But I could keep a game journal if not a book one. Not sure, but I do love the way they look if you include the game or book cover on the page. :)


So, if anyone plays Sun Haven, and gets bugs. You probably don't have bugs at all...just a need to reboot. Shut Steam down entirely (and/or your Deck or PC, if necessary) and do a full restart. That fixes almost every issue.

Mostly it's that your spells stop working, one by one, and you gain accidental invulnerability (you can choose it deliberately in the menu, but I had not) and your cursor stops working right. It's happened to me 3 times so far and a full reboot has always fixed it.

Though the invulnerability would be handy for the big boss battle I have coming up. Just have to wait 17.1 game hours on that Sunite sword I'm making, and then I'll go bonk his delusional head with my sparkly new sword. And my great new spell that is finally working properly.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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Okay guys, I've requested that this thread be closed.

The 2025 thread is HERE, if you're ready to dive into your new gaming year :)
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Not the Eggplant Wizard
Not the Eggplant Wizard
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Kikki wrote: Dec 29, 2024 9:28 am
midnighttherabbit wrote: Dec 29, 2024 8:27 amOne of my resolutions is to keep my own account of books and games, I'm really starting to hate Goodreads and a book journal is a nice alternative.
Dunno exactly what you'd want, but I found a book/review journal I think is pretty nearly perfect. This is basically the layout. (Though they have more types of page in there.) It would work just as well for games as for books, too, if you ignore the word 'book', basically. Very easy to adapt for games, imo. This is where I found it (on and here is an image of the main content page:
Oh ty! I like these! I usually look at Pinterest for inspiration but they're always too complicated and I get frustrated and give up. This is simple and easy to adapt especially when you're reading and playing some short weird stuff.
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UNoT Extreme Mooomber
UNoT Extreme Mooomber
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midnighttherabbit wrote: Dec 31, 2024 2:18 pm Oh ty! I like these! I usually look at Pinterest for inspiration but they're always too complicated and I get frustrated and give up. This is simple and easy to adapt especially when you're reading and playing some short weird stuff.
As an alternative...the page I linked. It'd be VERY easy to re-create one like that in Word or etc, and you could customize it to exactly what you want. You'd only have to put in the time to create a single page, and then you could print it out as many times as you wanted to make a binder or duotang or etc for games OR books. (Or you could make a mixed-media journal with books, games, movies...anything all together.)

Easiest of all to find the book and buy it, but sometimes I get fussy and want things exactly right. For example, I find the side bar on that page...suboptimal. What exactly is the difference between a book's 'story' and its 'content', for example? So I'd like to change the ratings categories. And I'd take out the 'hardcover/softcover/etc' section and replace it with one more useful to me. Still, it's pretty good even as-is.