Backlog 2024

All other video games not related to the main farming series - Pokemon, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, and other indie-developed games.
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Mikodesu: with the things you already got for your quest reward...if you were dating the person in question, you do get one extra thing. Not sure if that assuages you or not. Nothing you could get would be better than the weapon you already got, though. That thing was great.


EDIT: Have to use my game voucher in 3 weeks, before it expires. Was looking at the eligible games. I am not considering using a voucher on Another Code, but...the game has a demo now. Sent it to download. (I love being able to do that from my laptop, whether I'm with my Switch or not.) I didn't know it was going to get a demo. That's great, cuz otherwise I really don't know if I want it or not.
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Huggy Chickens
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Kikki wrote: Jan 16, 2024 3:50 am Mikodesu: with the things you already got for your quest reward...if you were dating the person in question, you do get one extra thing. Not sure if that assuages you or not. Nothing you could get would be better than the weapon you already got, though. That thing was great.
Appreciate it! :) Not sure what I think of the change, but it's nice that Pathea acknowledges it.
I've been lazily dumping stuff in storage boxes the last couple of days playing and just noticed in my inventory at the end of my play session a 'diamond ring' accessory. NO idea where I got it from, and it just popped into my head this morning...that's a relic that could be a 'treasure'. Doesn't suit Pen, but neither does being smart, so. Why not?

The Wiki set me straight. :lol: I dunno, I feel like Pen would be somebody to keep a cache of rare weapons, so it wasn't out of the question.

Haven't tried the Iron Man fisticuffs cause the cat foot sword does so much more damage. (And it still feels wrong.) I also don't know what portion of the skill tree they would fall under, which nerfs me a bit, too.
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Got around 4 hours into Monochrome Mobius last night. So far its fine. I played through the Utawarerumono trilogy 3ish years ago and really enjoyed my time with it. They're VN/turn based SRPG hybrids with deep emotional stories and a handful of fantastic characters. While the remake of the first game was clearly tip-toeing around the adult content it had to remove, the two sequels (which are really one big game divided in two due to length) were fully focused on the narrative. I'd really put them up high on Visual Novels that are worth a read to pretty much anyone interested in the genre.

Monochrome Mobius is a prequel to the second game starring a chunk of aged characters from that second game as young adults. There's a new girl in the mix that isn't mentioned anywhere in the second/third game, so I'm preparing my tissues preemptively, but they'll have to make me care a little more about her first. She's a little different than I imagined. I expected a more delicate personality given her appearance, but no, she's into throwing hands and eating her weight in fruit. Her interactions with Oshtar have been fun so far, so it's not like she'd unbearable or anything.

What IS a little unbearable is the speed of the battles. Instead of being a SRPG, this game is a straight up turnbased RPG like any other. I have been spoiled by Honkai Star Rail with how fast the battles are. They aren't molasses slow in MM, but lord, I want an auto button or a speed up mode badly. It's a me issue, I get that, but I'm actively avoiding battles to just not have to deal with them. Other than that, it works, it's nice to see these characters again, but I would have preferred another Utawarerumono styled game.

In other gaming, I just finished up all the new content that the FFXIV patch dropped this morning. They are REALLY selling the female hrothgar with the new character. I will be staying male, because I love my character too much, but I fully expect to see towns swarmed with them come Dawntrail. I also got my prefered relic weapon finished and did all the side quest content they added. Now I'm back to the side content grind. Before Dawntrail drops I want to finish Blue Mage (doable) and Eureka (doable but suuuuuucks). I basically have to solo them both, which is fine, but man, I would love a group in Eurka to just adopt me and drag me along in the content.
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Mikodesu wrote: Jan 16, 2024 10:24 amthe cat foot sword does so much more damage.
The 'hand' is considered 'hybrid ranged'...only one other weapon is in that category, and I don't know if you have it yet. I love how fast the hand is. Its damage output is good but not fantastic. What's spectacular about it is the level of 'break' it deals out. You land so many critical hits. Makes a lot of noise, though, iirc, and it's awfully flashy. Literally. But if you like to hit with a ka-pow you can really feel thanks to all the included effects, it's a nice weapon. :) You can upgrade it quite a bit, too...but then, you can do that with almost all weapons, afaik.
Bluie wrote: Jan 16, 2024 10:50 amIn other gaming, I just finished up all the new content that the FFXIV patch dropped this morning.
Wow, so...each section of new quests added in an update only takes a couple of hours to do? I guess that's reasonable, though if you've waited for months for new content, it must feel like a sip when you wanted a tankard. Did you get more Hildy? Hope you enjoyed it, anyway. :)


THIS TIME I am going to write this down physically after I finish here. Because I think I did this once already, and have forgotten it. It's my list of voucher-eligible games I am considering use my soon-to-expire voucher on.
  • Pikmin 4
  • Pokemon Arceus
  • Pokemon Snap
  • LoZ: Skyward Sword
  • Astral Chain
Now I just have to debate out the best use. Whiiiiiich ooooone...? Probably not Astral Chain. Too big a risk I wouldn't like it. Would definitely at least like all the others...but would like to reach 'love', if possible! Pikmin 4 is very well made but it stressed me a bit so it's in doubt, too. Time limits, even lenient ones, wreck me. And I like Skyward Sword a lot but I've already played it twice and have no urge to do so again any time soon. So it's down to Arceus and Snap, I think. Really not sure how to decide between those two. I believe Arceus is probably more game for the money in terms of how many hours you get out of it.

EDIT: Ooh, my sisters might want to Play Pikmin 4. I don't really want it, but if they might want it, that pushes it up the ranks.
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Kikki wrote: Jan 16, 2024 11:23 am
Bluie wrote: Jan 16, 2024 10:50 amIn other gaming, I just finished up all the new content that the FFXIV patch dropped this morning.
Wow, so...each section of new quests added in an update only takes a couple of hours to do? I guess that's reasonable, though if you've waited for months for new content, it must feel like a sip when you wanted a tankard. Did you get more Hildy? Hope you enjoyed it, anyway. :)
More or less. Sometimes they drop a giant new area to do instanced content in, but usually it's just Story + Dungeon and/or Trial + a few side quests + some additional mode / additions to that additional mode. This time we got story and a dungeon rerun (with the new character), the end of the current Hildibrand story(which included a trial), Relic weapons final step (they're the best weapons you can get for each expansion) and a few side quests. It took me from 4 am (my usual wake up time) to about noon to finish everything up. I then roped my husband into helping me level Blue Mage which took us another hour. All in all, a good gaming session.

Hildibrand was fun. A lot of the western fans weren't happy to have him back after his absence in Shadowbringers (two reasons; 1 - humor is subjective and 2 - his questline is REQUIRED to get the relic weapon this time around which a lot of people do not like), but the Japanese fans have been clamoring for more and it seems like they're overall pleased. Relic weapons are usually long, LONG grinds and they made it easier this time around by just having to do Hildi quests to unlock the next tiers. I don't personally care, I usually skip the Relic weapons because they're generally not fun to do. As for the Hildibrand story itself, it peaked a few patches back (as in, it was at its funniest), but this patch still had its moments. I chortled, I snorted, it was all around fun. The Trial added was actually the one I played at FanFest last year, so I was already primed for it as I queued in. Still died once lol, but eh, wasn't the only one.
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Bluie wrote: Jan 17, 2024 12:06 pmHildibrand was fun. A lot of the western fans weren't happy to have him back after his absence in Shadowbringers (two reasons; 1 - humor is subjective and 2 - his questline is REQUIRED to get the relic weapon this time around which a lot of people do not like), but the Japanese fans have been clamoring for more and it seems like they're overall pleased.
It seems that humour in Japan leans heavily into the slapstick. I think it's much closer to unanimously appreciated over there than over here. I've heard that sarcasm is barely a thing in Japan at all. (Whereas it's ubiquitous in North America and much of the rest of the world. Though in Canada we're a few steps drier in our sarcasm than the US...and Britain is a step or two drier than we are. There's regional humour on top of personal humour. A sense of humour is pretty similar to a sense of taste. We don't just have a personal bend but a cultural bend, as well.) That's a thing I actually knew years ago, though I keep forgetting since my own leans so far from slapstick. Though Hildibrand leans over the simple physical slapstick line for me and lands in absurdity/farce that encompasses more than pure slapstick. I don't actually dislike the character himself...he seems sweet. But lots of it just makes me cringe with embarrassment to see, lol.

I'm glad you had fun with the update, anyway. :) I guess all that's left now is to wait for Dawntrail.

I'll probably go back into the game once in a while to avoid forgetting how Summoner and Warrior work...I don't think I can be bothered with Scholar, though I did go through the quests to level 50. I do want to get some more of the gathering and crafting achievements, though, and there's no reason not to do that sporadically from now until they program in a 7-man NPC team to go with you to trials. After all, I'm going to have to chop lumber about 20,000 more times before I get the final 'logging the hours' achievement and get that Axe of the Luminary. Then that many more for mining! I wish those numbers were a joke... At least I already have the Master Botanist ring. My crafting/gathering gear is not so great, overall.

I've also done almost nothing of the Tribal stuff, so there's that, too.


Still haven't decided which game to get, but unless my sisters try the demo of Pikmin 4 and love it, and right away, I don't think I'll get that one, since I don't really want it for myself. Now I just have to figure out if I want to take pictures of very nicely rendered Pokemon from some kind of trolley, or if I want to go around sneaking up on and catching them on my own (avatar's) feet. Snap sounds fun for the record-keeping aspect as I like games that tempt you to be a completionist. Plus I love composition and photography has always been one of my things. But maybe Arceus has that kind of completionist appeal, too; I'm not sure.

My T key is failing half the time, now! I already had to pull off my "," key on this laptop, and on my last laptop, my "s" entirely stopped working...what is with laptops and failing keyboards? Always the keys you use MOST, so I figure it must be a wear issue. My theres are all becoming heres, and my thes are all becoming hes. A surprising amount of words are, if you just leave the T off, still complete words that mean something different.
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Woah. Warframe cross save finally dropped today. For reals this time. I just merged my Switch account with my husband's old PS4 account (his main account is and has always been PC) and I can FINALLY play Warframe in HD! This is legit exciting, though I'll be honest, after the last botched release of cross save, I wasn't expecting this to go as smoothly as it did! I fully expected it to get delayed again. Now I have this absolutely massive game to play alongside the current backlog. It'll certainly keep me entertained while Star Rail and Genshin stagnate (however, today is not that day - they both updated today with new events).

I feel like this year is going to be way more of me playing live service/mmo over single player experiences. Once I finish Monochrome Mobius, I'm going to start working on the Muv Luv trilogy while keeping up with my daily/weekly grinds. As I've dropped everything else, I'm free, for the most part. I want to play FFXI and Honkai Impact 3rd this year, I bought this stupid gaming laptop SPECIFCALLY just to play them! THIS YEAR FOR SURE - especially FFXI because the upcoming raid series in FFXIV is FFXI themed and I want context before I tackle them.
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Hey Bluie...does everything in FFXIV kick over at 3PM? I was sure a countdown on something in the game was telling me it'd renew my daily allowances at 8PM, but others seem to be 3, so I'm not sure. Like...tribal quests. If I completed all 12 that I'm allowed in one day at 2 PM, would 12 more become available in one hour, at 3? (EDIT: Oh wait, no, the wiki page says 11AM ET for tribal quests. But my countdown was definitely telling me that most of the things on timers would become available at 3. Is everything on a different timer?)


I'm playing the Another Code demo now. I also plan to complete 2 of these other three: 1) Sea of Stars, 2) Silent Hope, 3) Dave the Diver. I already completed the Pikmin 4 demo, so once I have 4 demos done, I'll lump 'em together on my playlog as 1 game completion. So far this month I've finished Garden Buddies and A Realm Reborn. I'm hoping to finish 3 more demos, plus the second half of Trails to Azure, which would give me 4 completions for January. Though I'm not too fussed about getting it done within the month. But that's the current plan.

Intending to set a game goal (with plan) each month. Not cool, but necessary. I wanted to just play whatever was fun this year, forgetting about completions or backlog, brain fog is too heavy, and my lack of desire to do anything too overwhelming. I have to have clear goals in front of me or I'll just moulder. So! Each month, I'll set a game goal with a list of top contenders from my backlog. If I finish the goals, then I'm allowed to fart around on FFXIV for the rest of the month, even if I just run around hacking trees to get achievements.

Yep. This brain isn't working at all unless I tie it up and drag it to where I want it.

Another Code is...okay. I'm not far enough in to judge the quality of the story, but the mechanics are sticky and the voice acting is peculiar. Each line is voiced okay, but sometimes the emotion jump from one sentence to another sounds like they must have been recorded separately. Also, the lead voice actress doesn't simply make her sound effects. She SAYS them. For example, if she's supposed to say "So, we're here," and sigh, what she DOES is say "So, we're here. HAAAA." She doesn't sigh...she says 'haaaa'. And when her character was crying, she made no attempt to actually cry, she just made what she seems to think are crying noises.

It's WEIRD. And the cursor and the camera move so slowly, it feels like you're trying move through glue. And the way you choose your actions and conversation responses is slow and awkward. The graphics are nice enough (if you like anime) but 'slow and awkward' pretty much summarizes the whole demo experience so far. The story would have to take a hugely interesting turn to make me want to buy this game. Especially at AAA prices.

I'm also not into a story about a 14-year-old. I've had a lifetime of games focused on 12-15 year old kids and I'm done with them. I'm not done yet so maybe it hits you with a story bomb that'll pull me in, but right now I'd say I'm not interested in playing this beyond the demo.

EDIT: Another Code demo done. Turns out I was only 5 or so minutes away from finishing. The game forces you to move and read and respond very slowly, but even so, you'd have let your attention drift off multiple times to make it take 1 hr 55 minutes, like I did.
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Kikki wrote: Jan 17, 2024 4:36 pm Hey Bluie...does everything in FFXIV kick over at 3PM? I was sure a countdown on something in the game was telling me it'd renew my daily allowances at 8PM, but others seem to be 3, so I'm not sure. Like...tribal quests. If I completed all 12 that I'm allowed in one day at 2 PM, would 12 more become available in one hour, at 3? (EDIT: Oh wait, no, the wiki page says 11AM ET for tribal quests. But my countdown was definitely telling me that most of the things on timers would become available at 3. Is everything on a different timer?)
I thiiiink this will answer you questions:

It seems some timers have exceptions to them. I really only pay attention to the weekly/daily timer for Wondrous Tales and Roulettes, so I'm really not fully up to date on the more finicky timers.
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Bluie wrote: Jan 18, 2024 3:43 amI thiiiink this will answer you questions:

It seems some timers have exceptions to them. I really only pay attention to the weekly/daily timer for Wondrous Tales and Roulettes, so I'm really not fully up to date on the more finicky timers.
Ooh, thank you. No wonder I was confused, lol. :shock: I wonder why they bothered to set them at different times...why not just have everything daily roll over at the same time? Maybe it jars the system or something. Not that it matters, but it was bugging me that I couldn't figure out if there was a regular roll over time or not.


*groggy* I've really got to stop making the same dumb mistake at the chiropractor.

But! I've finished the Sea of Stars demo. My opinion on it is a little peculiar.

Honestly, Sea of Stars really impresses me. It's a beautifully-done version of turn-based adventure+combat games from the 90s. It was very nostalgic, playing it. But the thing is, I only played those games because they were the only games that I could play. I was never going to play graphically violent games, but 'cozy' games like farming and life sims didn't exist yet, back then...not on PC, which was the only gaming platform I had from 8 to about 25. And I loved exploring fantasy worlds and stories, so I played the only games I could access.

That was games just like Sea of Stars, except Sea of Stars looks better. It still SOUNDS horrible with the convincing 90s-style tinny MIDI music (that always grated my permanently ringing a breeze of razor blades shrilling through my head) but the pixel art is smooth and colourful and the movements are fluid. It was fun to play in that it really felt like I was playing something from way back then, except spiffed up.

But now that I have other choices, I have no desire to go back to visible pixels and tinny, artificial-sounding music. Even if it's supposedly by the Xenoblade music person...I adored the music in Xenoblade 1 and X. (Yasunori Misuda only did ONE song for XC1...Beyond the Sky. I didn't like that one at all, it's so wishy-washy, like nearly the entire soundtrack of XC2 and a good portion of XC3.) The music I really like from XC1 was made by ACE+. (Not ACE...ACE+ specifically!) And the XCX music (fantastic) was by Hiroyuki Sawano. So Yasunori Misuda being in on the soundtrack of Sea of Stars was interesting to me, but not actually a good thing. I've found his contributions to Xenoblade to be to make the music really aimless and bland.

Oops! Way too much there about the soundtrack of Xenoblade. But going from my all-time favourite soundtrack pieces to nondescript meaningless stuff was a big disappointment for me in the Xenoblade music scene.

So anyway, Sea of Stars is amazing, but I have no desire to play it. The turn-based combat is tedious, as turn-based combat pretty much always is, for me. I'd definitely recommend it to fans of adventure + combat games from the 90s, though! It's a fantastic version of that. :) I've recommended it to my baby sis and her hubby to try. (The demo, I mean.)


EDIT: Okay, I have now tried the Dave the Diver demo. I can see why it's caught on! But it's not for me. I might get better at the mechanics. Probably would. But I find both the diving and the restauranting stressy, since both have tight time limits. And the print is tiny and hard to read on a big screen (not sure what it'd be like on a handheld screen.) So that's a no on that one. But that's 4 demos tried and deleted from the system. Kind of glad I don't want any of them...the budget's gotta stretch! :)

In February I'll try to complete the demo of Silent Hope, Star Ocean The Second Story R, Cereza and the Lost Demon, and one other that I haven't decided on yet. Trials of Mana, maybe.
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I DID figure out house construction in Sandrock and it's not perfect (I wish you could build off grid, especially for things there are no animations for) but it's fun! VERY smart construction method for rooms. Sorta the Sims-like. Not gonna put as much effort into it for this save file, I think. Just enough to fully learn the system. It'd be nice to have a project for next save. Even kinda considering picking up the furniture DLC. Already over 100 hours in this game, and it's on sale for 8 USD.

Genuinely love that the devs are STILL adding more content. (Voiced content, even!) For those who really, really love this game it will be there for a long time. There's so much to do you could basically play until the next game comes out. Especially with multiplayer.

Got another not great glitch though. :/ Came out of my house one day and found a whole bunch of stuff floating in the sky behind the workshop. Got a screenshot, for posterity.

Spoiler tag is speculation as to the cause. Late game plot spoilers.
It may have been something relating to Logan's "community service" not working as expected? I don't think there was a line for you to go meet him later at the Blue Moon...but he was there, and when I talked to him he said he 'hated to leave, but he needed to go home and take care of Andy'. ???
Had to get on my horse and do laps, jumping in the air to get close enough to the lost junk to activate the game's item 'magnet'. Figured if I left it, it might end up causing more bugs.

I did get a little more story catharsis too.
Specifically the conversation before you unlock advertising--with Heidi, Hugo, Trudy and Cooper. (Now that I think of it, that is a WEIRD time to unlock advertising. Maybe being able to buy your way out of work undercuts the story, it all that good when you've maxed out your workshop?)

Getting to actually discuss everybody (from the church) and what they had done was good. Wish it had come a few days sooner, but I'm glad it's there. (Hugo gets extra points for the nuanced Pen take. Felt kinda like his take on Logan when he was up to « Cow Poopoo ». Good dad.) The conversation with Miguel after Pen leaves is pretty good, too, actually.

Now I'm really just down to, if they'd written the ending without the 'mwahaha', it would have been good. Not 100% on Matilda's Team Rocket ending either, but... what can you do. Probably simplified things. And the devs likely had to prioritize full exodus' for the romance candidates plus the whole Wei plot.

And in other game news, I have my next 'break from Sandrock' game! Just heard that there is a mod for Portal 2 out, that basically serves as free DLC. Highly rated on Steam. I love that Valve allows this « Cow Poopoo ». After that, and a little more Sandrock, I THINK I'd like to try my first randomizer.
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Me: I'll save my pity for Penacony
Also Me: Kafka tho....

Yeahhh, so I went ahead and pulled for Kafka. it took one 10 pull and she was home. In all honesty, before I even started playing the game, I loved Kafka's design. Like, out of every single character I saw, she was the most pleasing to look at as she just oozes style. In-game now, because I know her character a bit, I'm sitting on neutral with her. She's interesting enough and I want to see what the whole Stellaron Hunters are about. For battle, she'll be useful as the only other of her element I've been building is Arlan... strictly because I like him and none of the others available (except Bailu, but I don't have herrrrr). I have a ton of fuel again, so I should just take a few hours to fully build a character or two, but getting her and Dr. Ratio at the same time is going to drain all my resources quick. Not to mention I'm still trying to fully build every over 5* I have so I can actually tackle end game content.

In Genshin stuff, I'm currently watching their 4.4 stream and MAN... I legitimately love how hard they go for Lantern Rite every year. You can really feel the love and adoration from the devs as they gush about the new characters and area. The opening trailer was so good I can't wait to rewatch it after the stream. All the new music they're showcasing is moving me to tears too. It's probably because I'm so close to mensurating lol, but I'd wager to say Liyue music has the most passion behind it upon listening. Unlike most of the fanbase, I really like Liyue as a region. Putting the story and characters aside, the music, atmosphere, and exploration is very nostalgic and I love coming back every year to see how its grown and continues to change. I'm also already tired of Fontaine, so I welcome a break from it. I think I was feeling similar last year towards Sumeru too (specially the desert part - I hate it there).
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Bluie wrote: Jan 19, 2024 4:45 am In Genshin stuff, I'm currently watching their 4.4 stream and MAN... I legitimately love how hard they go for Lantern Rite every year.
Just got enough downtime between work to finish watching myself. :)

The big Genshin livestreams go as hard as the big Nintendo directs did back when Iwata was alive. <3 It's very cute. Yes, they're running a big capitalist, we want your money institution, but I love that you can tell they're all big nerds too.

Does the majority of the fanbase really dislike Liyue? Everybody I've come across has a whole lot of nostalgia for the region. Mondstadt, « Harvest Goddess » love it, was SO level 1 basic that Liyue was like a breath of fresh air for me in the 1.0 days. Maybe they think differently now.

Congrats on Kafka, btw! She is a BEAST in Simulated Universe. I haven't built a good enough team for her to make full use of her anywhere else, but she's the best there. Reminds me...there's that Star Rail character preview thing that dropped today, too...
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Between Pokemon Arceus and Snap...which game is more fun to attempt to get 100% completion on?

Both games seem to offer multiple goals with every type of Pokemon in the game, as well as side-questing. I like the idea of photography rather than catching, and Snap is prettier. But Arceus is bigger and lets you explore rather than forcing you into a trolley (or something on rails) so that you can't interact with the world.

I doubt I'd actually go for 100% completion on either, but how fun a game makes it to try (at least until you hit the painful RNG grinding...struggling to be lucky is NEVER fun, imo. Unless you're one of those people who somehow naturally has good luck.) is usually a great predictor of how much I'll enjoy a game.


I really should take my own advice.

It wasn't as easy as I hoped, but I picked Azure back up. Finally! I forgot how layered these games are in the details, though. Forgot about ending bonding scenes and who I had been aiming for in the first half of the game, or which optional content I had already picked up including gifts and books and recipes and so on.

If I'd followed my own take a game you drop for a while but don't intend to abandon and open it each day and just open the menus, walk around, talk to an NPC and maybe kill one mob if there is one nearby, then just exit out of the game without even saving if you don't feel like playing, just to keep in the loop with the controls and the content...this would not have happened. But then, if I'd followed that advice, I'd have finished the entire game months ago. It really is good advice.

Which is why I should actually follow it. (-___-)

But I didn't, so I forgot everything about what I'd been doing. Somehow I seem to have already done the KeA bonding scene at the start of Chapter 3, as well as got the Crossbell Times #5, though I have no idea when I got those since I didn't think I played even a second of Chapter 3 as of my last save. But I went through the rest and had none of it, so...I grabbed the optional stuff including the side quest, and I seem to be caught up. And now I feel like I know where I was/am and can continue easily tomorrow. I've already grabbed the missable content for this chapter so now I just have to do the quests.

The Trails games are just so cumbersome in their timed details, which is a good thing if you've got the energy, but I think I'm too tired to play more of this very thinky-remembery game today. But I should be able to finish the game within January.


Oh yeah, went to bed around 11PM and woke up and was WIDE AWAKE at 3:30, no hope of going back to sleep, and I couldn't afford to make noise so couldn't go out and cook or organize or anything of that quietly turned on PS4 and opened FFXIV and unlocked the amalj'aa and ixali, cuz I have to sooner or later anyway. At least that's one thing done...all tribes open for questing, now.
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Mikodesu wrote: Jan 19, 2024 10:55 am Does the majority of the fanbase really dislike Liyue? Everybody I've come across has a whole lot of nostalgia for the region. Mondstadt, « Harvest Goddess » love it, was SO level 1 basic that Liyue was like a breath of fresh air for me in the 1.0 days. Maybe they think differently now.
I've found in the past year that there's grown a huge dislike for Liyue now that we've had Sumeru and Fontaine. They don't like the exploration, they don't like the characters, the story, and overall how cumbersome the region is. Like, people naturally dislike Inazuma for its storygating, but for some reason a large group in the fandom has decided to dogpile on Liyue for being the 'worst nation' outside of the Chasm. It's a really weird thing to focus on as I really don't agree with any of it. Liyue is part of the story build up and we keep revisiting it and further expanding on it because it's still relevant. All of the nations are. Regardless, I like having a reason to go back to Liyue because it's like a fine wine that just gets better with each year that passes. The only thing that I'd sorta agree with is that the characters in Liyue are a mixed bag, but I've grown to appreciate a good chunk of them. There's still a few that I can take or leave, but that's every nation - I can't and won't love everyone.
Kikki wrote: Jan 19, 2024 1:40 pm Between Pokemon Arceus and Snap...which game is more fun to attempt to get 100% completion on?
Arceus. Snap's 100% completion is tedious and frustrating. I'm assuming we're talking about the Switch sequel and not the N64 re-release on Nintendo Online. Snap's requirements to get 100% are experiential or require perfect throws to trigger events on courses. If you mess up - too bad, so sad, restart the level. Arceus' is just a normal grind of catching Pokemon - that's really it. Your rank eventually stops increasing and then each entry in your Pokedex will tell you how to 100% it, and it's all just do X or Y with little to no complications.