My donkey needs help

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Growing Garden Gnome
Growing Garden Gnome
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Idk of this is normal but I bought my donkey in harvest moon light of hope. But I have had him for like 4 seasons and he's still a baby :o is that normal or does it take a while for him to grow
:heart: I'm Yumeko! PM me for questions in any harvest moon and I can try to help!

Add me on switch: 7078-8524-7018
I love playing with new friends so don't be shy to add my friend code! :)

" People's lives don't end when they die, it ends when they lose faith.

:lala: Currently playing Harvest moon: a wonderful life :lala:
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New Seedling
New Seedling
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It looks like it should only take 30 days to age up, so if it's been longer than that something weird is going on :O
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Growing Garden Gnome
Growing Garden Gnome
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Yes I’m really confused it’s been multiple seasons :o
:heart: I'm Yumeko! PM me for questions in any harvest moon and I can try to help!

Add me on switch: 7078-8524-7018
I love playing with new friends so don't be shy to add my friend code! :)

" People's lives don't end when they die, it ends when they lose faith.

:lala: Currently playing Harvest moon: a wonderful life :lala:
Wacky Weed Puller
Wacky Weed Puller
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Post  Posted:

Something about the situation with the donkey reminds me of how I could have eggs incubating for over a month in HMDS, when they should only take a few days. I was having near daily events (was killing chickens to woo the Witch Princess) that obviously had higher priority, and rather than giving me the hatching event afterwards, the eggs were sent back to "recently placed" status.

Not having played this particular game I don't know if finding that the donkey has grown has any kind of event to it. Just wanted to mention what it reminded me of.
"Let me go unto tomorrow, one day at a time. Now I know the only foe is time." - 22,000 days by The Moody Blues
SNES - Maria
DS - still courting in spring year 3 this round, wooing the Witch Princess.
ToTT - Hiro, in spring Y9 Super Farming Ace
RF2 - Rosalind (x2), Aria for generation 2
RF3 - Carmen/Raven