Wow! This guide would have been very useful to have found earlier, sadly I have the gliched version that will not count my murdered animals so I killed all of my affection points to gain mostly nothing. I am very temped to buy a new one but I have the Girl Version which in my opion is better because it fixed the Billion dollar glich.
Never the less this is a wonderful guide!
Level up my Squibly Adoptables♥ Jinja [ X-81 Y-290 ] Come and Visit me on Bokumono!
I have an R4 (no cheats ) so I can get lots of the same game on there! I'm going to try to marry each special girl I'll have 1 on each game so I wont poo it up and save over This guide is exellent!
Smash Genesis wrote:Does having 1.1 mean there are no glitches whatsoever?
No it just means certain glitches were taking out. It is much less glitchy but still has enough them. One of the main glitches removed was the one that stopped you marrying the WP. But stuff like the million G glitch still exist in 1.1.
An M3DS Real card is a DS cartridge that can have lots of games on it at once. My dad goes to this website and legally downloads games onto it for free.
Therefore, I have no way to tell which version of HMDS I have by looking at the cartridge.
HOW MEAN!!! why would you want to kill all of your animals for a girl who banished the harvest goddess?! SHE'S NOT WORTH IT why don't you marry a nice girl like [b]Liea or Muffy???[/b]