Decoration Blueprints - #61 to #80

001 to 020| 021 to 040 | 041 to 060 | 061 to 080 | 081 to 100 | 101 to 120 | 121 to 140 | 141 to 160 | 161 to 180 | 181 to 200

061 - Chic Fountain

Ship 1,500,000 G to Rose Country and have the Square Fountain blueprint - Rose Country, 4000 G
Sell Price: 18,900 G

Materials: 15 Stone, 4 Jade, 12 Coin

062 - Elegant Fountain

Ship 1,000,000 G to Silk Country and have the Square Fountain blueprint - Silk Country, 3300 G
Sell Price: 240 G

Materials: 14 Small Stone

063 - Public Faucet

Wheat Country, 2000 G
Sell Price: 360 G

Materials: 6 Small Stone, 4 Brick

064 - Hand Pump

Appreciation reward from Trade Depot shipping request - 20 Brick
Sell Price: 2200 G

Materials: 2 Black Stone, 4 Iron

065 - Small Pond

Sakura Country, 3000 G
Sell Price: 655 G

Materials: 10 Pebble, 10 Rock, 5 Weed

066 - Pond

Ship 850,000 G to Wheat Country and have the Small Pond blueprint - Wheat Country, 3800 G
Sell Price: 1100 G

Materials: 12 Rock, 5 Red Magic Flower

067 - Bridge

Ship 2,000,000 to Sakura Country and have the Pond blueprint - Sakura Country, 5200 G
Sell Price: 7000 G

Materials: 12 Lumber, 14 Black Lumber

068 - Arched Bridge

Ship 3,000,000 G to Wheat Country and have the Pond blueprint - Wheat Country, 5500 G
Sell Price: 26,500 G

Materials: 15 Lumber, 12 Black Lumber, 4 Gold

069 - Well

Sakura Country, 2600 G
Sell Price: 390 G

Materials: 8 Pebble, 5 Rock

070 - Mine Cart

Ship 650,000 G to Wheat Country - Wheat Country, 3200 G
Sell Price: 3800 G

Materials: 6 Black Lumber, 4 Iron

071 - Watchtower

Ship 1,000,000 G to Tropical Country - Tropical Country, 5300 G
Sell Price: 6400 G

Materials: 20 Stone, 8 Black Stone, 10 Lumber

072 - Blue Swing

Ship 700,000 G to Cabin Country - Cabin Country, 6200 G
Sell Price: 17,300 G

Materials: 5 Blue Rose, 12 Lumber, 3 Adamantite

073 - Wooden Swing

Ship 500,000 G to Cabin Country - Cabin Country, 4100 G
Sell Price: 4000 G

Materials: 14 Lumber, 6 Black Lumber

074 - Jungle Gym

Ship 800,000 G to Tropical Country - Tropical Country, 6700 G
Sell Price: 25,700 G

Materials: 6 Topaz, 10 Iron, 10 Blue Magic Flower

075 - Seesaw

Ship 50,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 4300 G
Sell Price: 1640 G

Materials: 14 Lumber, 2 Boot

076 - Slide

Random item offered by Dmitri the Traveling Salesperson, 4800 G
Sell Price: 19,600 G

Materials: 14 Lumber, 2 Yellow Pearl, 2 Red Pearl, 2 Blue Pearl

Screenshot submitted by Putnamds3 @ Miiverse

077 - Sand Castle

Ship 750,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3400 G
Sell Price: 2420 G

Materials: 12 Small Lumber, 12 Dried Soil

078 - Sand Animal

Ship 1,000,000 G to Cabin Country - Cabin Country, 4000 G
Sell Price: 2420 G

Materials: 12 Small Lumber, 14 Dried Soil

079 - Horizontal Bar

Ship 400,000 G to Wheat Country - Wheat Country, 3200 G
Sell Price: 3200 G

Materials: 4 Iron, 3 Blue Pearl

080 - High Horizontal Bar

Ship 500,000 G to Wheat Country and have the Horizontal Bar blueprint - Wheat Country, 4000 G
Sell Price: 21,400 G

Materials: 8 Iron, 6 Blue Pearl

001 to 020| 021 to 040 | 041 to 060 | 061 to 080 | 081 to 100 | 101 to 120 | 121 to 140 | 141 to 160 | 161 to 180 | 181 to 200