
Inside the old farmhouse is a record player. This musical device allows you to change the background music that plays while you are on the farm. To interact with the player, walk up to it and press the A Button. You'll then see a list of the background music options.
The background music will play while on your farm and when you're in the vicinity of your farm. For example, you might hear the music while walking down the main road through the valley if you walk close to the bream/wall that separates the road from your farm.
At the beginning of Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, you'll have two records: Breezy and Quiet Winter. You can add more records by raising friendship with villagers, and you can buy 1 record from Van.
The record player will move from the main room to your bedroom in Chapter 4.
You can completely silence the record player by selecting the active record and then pressing the A Button. The records can also be removed from the player by using the Y Button. A removed record will still have an entry in the record player, but it will be disabled as a music option.
Thanks to the UNoT forum farmers for hunting down the EN titles!
Record List
There are a total of 14 records for the record player. When you receive a record, bring it back to the farmhouse and then choose the Add Record option in the record player.
The below lists of records also contains 30-second audio samples for each record.
1. Spring is in The Air
The first stepping stone to farm life.
Spring theme from the original Harvest Moon SNES
Buy this record from Van for 100,000 G after his friendship is at 90 points or more. Van appears only on the 3rd and 8th of each season. He likes eggs, items from the dig site, and Irogonomi (the white winter season flower).
2. Sleeping Spirits
Music is a source of power.
Goddess Shrine theme from Harvest Moon Animal Parade
This record will be given to you by Sebastian. Raise his friendship to 90 points or more, then talk to him when he is inside his room in the villa. Sebastian likes gifts of wildflowers, ores found from the dig site, Silver Coin, Curry, Mushroom Curry, and Hot Curry.
3. Another Valley, Together
Peaceful days with a hundred little pointy-eared friends.
Theme song from Harvest Moon DS
You can obtain this record from the beginning of the game. Go to the forest and eat a mysterious mushroom on the ground by the Nature Sprite's tree. You'll shrink inside where you can talk to the sprites and learn cooking recipes. In the back of the room is a large brown pot. You have to interact with Mr.Potson 100 times. The dialog message will change the closer you get to 100:
- 1-10: "Is something in there?"
- 11-20: "There's some sort of liquid sloshing around inside the pot"
- 21-30: "Something's sort of odd about the liquid in this pot..."
- 31-40: "Mm...?"
- 41-50: "..."
- 51-60: "Fool... Who dares disturb my slumber"
- 61-70: "Begone... Leave me be... or ELSE..."
- 71-80: "... Seriously, knock it off."
- 81-90: "Come on. Really? Why are you LIKE this?"
- 100: Receive the record
In the original A Wonderful Life Special Edition (Playstation 2), Mr.Pots (as it was named back then) required 100 interactions if you wanted to have a girl child in Chapter 2.
Nina will tell you she had a dream about talking to Mr.Potson that hints at what you're to do.
4. 64 Memories
The cherry blossoms were blooming in the town square...
Theme song from Harvest Moon 64
Charlie and Cole have a territory mini-game they'll play with you when visiting their silo house. The goal is to take as much area on the game board as your opponent. It is easy to win when laying the lines out into a large shape, as the brothers will only block your progress once they realize you're about to clear a large chunk of the board. Winning this game a total of 10 times will reward you with this record.
You don't have to beat both Charlie and Cole. I've received the record just with beating the easier Charlie while still in Chapter 1.
5. Cafe Jazz
The only thing that can satisfy.
From Back to Nature for Girl
This record comes from Gavin. Raise his friendship to 90 points, then talk to the Bluebird Cafe owner when he is in the back bedroom. Gavin likes fish, Mistmoon flower, Trick Blue flower, Coin, Silver Coin, and Gold Coin. I've found him in the backroom of the cafe on the 1st during the afternoon (3pm-ish).
6. My Racing Heart
Falling in love in 3, 2, 1 ...
Heart event theme from Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
You need to be in Chapter 6 or later to receive this record. Raise your child's friendship to 90 points or more, then talk to them when they're inside their bedroom in your farmhouse.
7. Summer of the Pioneer
I found a wild sheep! Time to tame it!
Town theme from Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
You'll need to raise your friendship with Carter to 90 points or greater. He likes Cheese (Rank B, A, or S), Watermelon, Melon, the Trickblue versions of both melons, and all sheep's wool. Talk to him when he is on the beach on the 3rd or the 8th to receive this record.
8. Joyful Autumn
Autumn season theme from Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley
Dedicated to the Nature Sprites Ace, Jack, and Hart.
Raise your friendship with Mukumuku to 90 points or higher, then talk to the yeti to receive this record. Mukumuku likes fish, eggs, milk, crops, wildflowers, and cheese. The tricky part is that Mukumuku is only around during winter season in the forest area.
9. Autumn in Oak Tree Town
Traveling the world, from oak tree to olive branch.
Autumn season theme from Story of Seasons (3DS)
You need to be in Chapter 2 or later and have Kate at 90 points of friendship or higher. Young Kate likes fish, Melon, Strawberry, wildflowers, and Coin. Older Kate starts to like eggs as well, though young Kate isn't a fan of eggs. Talk to her when she is on the 2nd floor of Garret and San's house to get this record. The tough part is catching Kate when she's upstairs.
10. One Sunny Day
Happiness is a future together with you.
Wedding song from Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar
Raise your friendship with Chris to 90 points or higher, and then simply talk to her wherever to receive the record. She likes wildflowers, ores from the dig site, and Apples. Pretty easy!
11. Breezy
The BEST song to do work to!
From the original A Wonderful Life
This one is included with the record player at the start of the game.
12. Quiet Winter
Recommended for quiet nights.
From the original A Wonderful Life
This one is included with the record player at the start of the game.
13. Wonderful!!
Dedicated to the bygone days of my youth.
Theme song from the orignal A Wonderful Life
This record can be received from Takakura after you are in Chapter 2 or later and you have everyone at 90 friendship points or greater, excluding Vinnie. The talking plant's friendship level doesn't factor into this record. Once you've met the requirement, talk to Takakura.
14. Winter Mineral Town
Under the icy lake, the kappa sleeps...
Winter season song from Friends of Mineral Town
Receive this record from Hugh when his friendship is 90 points or higher and you are in Chapter 4 or later. Hugh's likes change depending on his age. For example, a couple of Hugh's gift preferences are:
- Chapter 1 Hugh likes milk, Coin, Milky Soup, and sheep's wool
- Chapter 2 Hugh likes Banana (B Rank or higher), sheep's wool, and Silver Coin
- Chapter 3 Hugh likes Gold Wool, Coin, Gold Coin, and Herbal Soup
- Chapter 4 Hugh likes Banana (S Rank), Gold Wool, Coin, and Gold Coin
It's easiest to maximize Hugh's friendship in Chapter 1 by giving him several bottles of milk and Coins from the dig site every day. Once you have enough friendship and you're in Chapter 4 or later, talk to Hugh when he is upstairs in his room to receive this record.
The tricky part is catching Hugh while he's upstairs in Sully and Chris' house. I found the best way to catch Hugh in later chapters is to set your alarm clock for 5 am or so, then run over to their house in the morning after the alarm clock wakes you up. When their front door opens at 6 am, walk in and head directly upstairs to catch Hugh before he walks down the stairs.
Relying on the normal 6 am wake-up in the game will result in Hugh being downstairs by the time you reach his house.