
Molly is a charming young woman who works and lives at the Bluebird Cafe. She is cheerful, likes to care for her appearance, enjoys taking care of the cafe's customers, and is generally great. Though deep inside, Molly is lonely and unlucky in love. She used to live in the city until the events of the game, where she tried to find her special someone. Eventually, Molly moved away from the big city out of frustration. Sometimes you'll find her standing on the bridge, watching the stream flow towards the ocean, lost in thought about things that happened in her past.
In the original Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Molly's name was Muffy. Instead of using her Japanese name, Muumuu, (considered pretty ridiculous from an English perspective), Marvelous changed her name. Natsume's name for the character is specific to the Harvest Moon series and could not be used in the Story of Seasons series.
After marriage, Molly will continue to work at the cafe with Gavin.
You can earn bonus affection with Molly if you use the mirror inside your farmhouse every day to change your hair color, hair style, or outfit.
Starting Friendship: 55 out of 100 points
Child's Natural Skills: #1: Athletics, #2: Farming, and #3: Music
Gift Preferences
Molly likes Butter and Cheese (Rank B, A, or S) and wildflowers (Toy Flower, Mistmoon, Happy Lamp, Upseed, etc.). She also likes the coins from the excavation site, whether a normal Coin, Silver Coin, or Gold Coin. You can find normal Coin in Chapter 1, but must wait until Chapter 2 for Silver Coin and Chapter 4 for Gold Coin. Egg Soup is an easy dish to make to give to Molly, as you only need an egg to make the recipe.
She also likes Gold Sheep Wool, but it's better to sell that then give it as a gift.
Romance Events

- Exit your farm
- 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Any weather
You see Molly standing at the bridge, watching the water. She asks if you have a moment to talk. Molly starts to describe the calmness of the scenery. The breeze, the sound of the water; you can't get this in the city. Molly seems a bit... melancholy?
Molly explains she used to live in the city. But because of various things... Molly stops her thought and mentions that standing here reminds her of heartache. Molly soon snaps out of it. Why, she feels better each day being here in Forgotten Valley! She thanks you and hopes that the two of you can be friends from now on.
2-Heart Event

- Exit your farm house
- 11:00 am to 11:00 pm
- Sunny weather
- Molly has at least 2 hearts of affection
- You have seen the Introduction event
You and Takakura are chatting outside the house when you hear a loud yell! In her attempt to distance herself from your barking dog, Molly has trapped herself against the barn. You intervene to stop the pooch's barking. Molly is grateful for your help, as she was startled when the dog started barking at her. You explain that the dog barked because she entered its personal space. She becomes even more shocked when you tell her about how dogs mark their territory!
Takakura sighs and walks away from the situation. Molly apologizes for interrupting your conversation with your farm helper.
Option 1A: No, not at all!
Molly is glad that it's okay.
Option 1B: He's always angry. (-10 friendship with Takakura)
Oh well that's dreadful!
She seems to be a little calmer now.
Option 2A: You aren't hurt, are you? (+10 affection with Molly)
She's okay, as she does love animals. She likes farms, too! Molly has to go but asks if you would show her around the next time she visits.
Option 2B: So, what brings you here? (-5 affection with Molly)
Molly becomes flustered and can't explain why she's here. Oh well! Molly then leaves but looks sad as she walks away.
4-Heart Event

- Walk into the Bluebird Cafe
- 11:00 am to 11:00 pm
- Any weather
- Molly has at least 4 hearts of affection
- You have seen the 2-heart event
As you walk into the coffee shop, you bump into Molly as she exits. She's frustrated again because she accidentally broke a plate. Not just one plate; three plates at the same time! Molly admits that things tend to get broken when she has something on her mind. She came outside to cool off.
Option 1A: I'm here if you need to talk (+10 affection with Molly)
Just saying that makes Molly feel better about breaking the plates. She apologizes for the trouble and hopes you enjoy the cafe.
Option 1B: Do you want me to go back in with you? (-5 affection with Molly)
Molly doesn't want to go back inside the cafe right now, but you have a point. Other customers may be relying on her work. She turns around and goes back indoors.
6-Heart Event

- Exit your farmhouse or walk into your farm area from the valley
- 11:00 am to 11:00 pm
- Sunny weather
- Molly has at least 6 hearts of affection
- You have seen the 4-heart event
You head out for a nice walk, eventually spotting Molly at the bridge again. She looks to be in a bad mood! Molly explains she just returned from attending a wedding of a friend from her former days. She didn't enjoy it, however. Everyone kept asking Molly what she was doing nowadays and found it amusing when she told them that she lived in Forgotten Valley and worked at the coffee shop. It wasn't long ago that she lived in the city, but now it feels like she doesn't belong there. She thinks the valley is a better fit for her anyway. Where do you think she belongs?
Option 1A: You're more of a city girl, really. (+5 affection with Molly)
It feels that way, but she's confident Molly can fit in here, too! Molly quickly walks away.
(Note: If you choose this answer and had chosen "What are you doing here?" for the 2-heart event and "Let's go inside" for the 4-heart event, then picking the city remark will result in -5 affection with Molly.)
Option 1B: You belong here in the valley. (+10 affection with Molly)
You're right! Molly confidently says that this is her hometown now. She wants to get married, start a family, and grow old here. She cheerfully walks away.
8-Heart Event

- Walk past Takakura's house towards your farm house, or exit your farmhouse, or just be outdoors on your farm in general
- 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm
- Any weather
- You have not talked to Molly that day
- Molly is inside the Bluebird Cafe
- Molly has at least 8 hearts of affection
- You have seen the 6-heart event
As you reach the front door of your house, Takakura calls out to you. He's found Molly wandering around on the farm. Molly explains that a strange person is following her and doesn't want to go home. Can she stay here?
Option 1A: No problem. (+10 affection with Molly)
Now that she's safe indoors, Molly feels relieved. It's the first time she has been in this type of situation and she's quite terrified. It's also the first time she's been inside your house! It has a nice atmosphere, and your bed looks like a nice spot to rest! Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.
Takakura has brought more visitors: Carter, Charlie, and Gavin. Charlie is scolding Gavin for leaving his shop unattended, while Carter asks what Molly is doing in your house. Gavin is also annoyed, as he mentions that they do have cooking ingredients for the cafe. Oh yea! Molly was supposed to be on a shopping errand. She then realizes the strange person chasing after her is Gavin. He admits that he tried to catch up to her because she had gone shopping for ingredients by herself, but it was dark. Gavin was shocked when Molly screamed and ran away!
Molly is a bit annoyed at Gavin and storms off to return to the coffee shop with the three men following her. Takakura sighs again and returns to his house.
Option 1B: I'll walk you back. (-5 affection with Molly)
Oh yea, she's supposed to be here to do some shopping first!
On the way back, Molly tells you she broke a glass today, but it was only one this time. Gavin still sent her out to your place. She doesn't think he understands her, but the barista boss was waiting for her at the door when the two of you arrived. Molly wonders if she was imagining being chased by a strange person. She wishes there were more people like you in this world.
9-Heart Event

- Walk into the Bluebird Cafe
- 1:00 pm to 11:00 pm
- Any weather
- Molly and Gavin are both inside the cafe
- Molly has at least 9 hearts of affection
- Molly has at least 50 points of friendship
- You have seen the 8-heart event
Molly is glad to see you and gestures for you to go into the back room. After a while, she enters and tells you she's having a rough day. Molly feels frustrated today and can't hear what customers are asking for. She may skip work for the rest of the day.
Option 1A: Then let's go on a date!
Molly teases you for trying to date someone you aren't romantically interested in. Even so, would you still want to go steady with her?
Option 2A: If you're okay with it, yeah (+10 affection with Molly)
Well, OK then! Molly admits she's always wanted to go steady with you.
At this point you are going-steady with Molly. No other romance events will trigger.
Option 2B: Sorry! I didn't mean it like that! (-10 affection with Molly)
Molly assumed you were joking. She admits she'll go out on a date with anyone as long as it gets her out of work.
You start to return home. Molly tells you she hadn't had this pleasant of a day since before moving to Forgotten Valley. Come visit her again someday!
Option 1B: Well, I'M going back to the cafe (-10 affection with Molly)
What!? Molly was hoping you would take her out. Nevermind. Molly leaves to get back to work.
Proposal Event

- Give Molly the Blue Feather
- Molly has at least 8 hearts of affection
Is it authentic? How did you get that? Molly tells you that there are fake Blue Feathers back in the city. She would rather have a real Blue Feather than any shiny accessory! Molly asks why you are proposing to her when you don't know her all that well. She's going to accept your proposal but reminds you that you may have used up your lifetime's worth of good luck!
Engagement Event

- Exit your farm house
- 6:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Any weather
- You are engaged to be married to Molly in Chapter 2
Molly is glad to see you're doing well. She's here because Gavin told her to leave the store while he was cleaning. She offered to help, but Gavin replied that her assistance wasn't necessary. Since she's here, Molly wanted to know if you wanted to go out on a date. Of course!
The two of you walk into the forest, where Molly comments on how nice it always is here. She's looking forward to getting married soon. It's like a dream! Molly is looking forward to spending the rest of her life with you. She also tells you that she put the Blue Feather in a vase. On days she doesn't get to see you, she looks at the feather and hopes she can see you the next day.
You continue on the walk. Molly remembers that she recently received a letter from her old friend. After they got married, they bought a house together. Molly received their new address and photograph of the happy couple. She wasn't expecting to hear anything from her friend after she attended their wedding ceremony, so she was surprised.
Option 1A: I can't wait until we move in together, too.
Molly nods. That's true! The two of us will be happier than anyone else, especially since we have each other.
Option 1B: Let's make everyone jealous of our blue feather!
Molly looks forward to preparing for her new life, such as getting new clothes and furniture. She even suggests you pick matching tableware together.