Bedtime Retrieval
- Any location
- After 9:00 pm
- Chapter 2 only
- Your spouse is inside the farmhouse
- Your child is NOT inside the farmhouse
Typically, 9:00 pm means bedtime. This cut scene will trigger when the clock strikes 9:00 pm and your child isn't home. Your spouse will notice your child isn't around for bedtime and will leave the house to retrieve them. Once the child is safely home, your spouse will say a few words and then send them to bed.
Since your child is naturally already home by that time, you must force this scene to occur if you want to see it. Pick your child up before 9:00 pm and carry them somewhere else outside the farmhouse, such as on your farm or in someone else's house. Once 9pm rolls around, this event will begin whether you're still holding your kiddo or have already set them down and they're running back to the farm.