Random Events

Besides scheduled festivals, you can participate in random events with the villagers. These special events are typically one-time experiences that give you a backstory about those who live in Forgotten Valley.
Some events are specific to a chapter in the game's life; if you move to the next chapter without seeing the event, then you might have missed the event entirely in your current playthrough of the game. Some chapter-specific events can be seen in Chapter 7 (heaven mode), but any event involving Nina must be viewed in Chapter 1.
(I'm going through the videos captured during my JP playthrough, but I didn't get everything! I'm missing non-Art path events for Child's Growth and Suddent Visitor. If you've seen those and have a screen shot + description, let me know!)
Chapter 1 Events
Chapter 2 Events
- Baddoch's Past
- Beach Day
- Bedtime Retrieval
- Child Bath Time - Walk into the kitchen, 5pm to 8pm, 2nd/5th/8th only, child is in the kitchen, child is in a "good mood" (e.g., pick up and interact with the child)
- Child Research
- Cuddling the Child
- Empty Love
- Flora's Self-reflection
- Grandpa Takakura
- Molly's Troubles #1
- Sebastian's Sadness
- San's Disipline
- Water Collection Research
- Well Gossip Group
(Flora's Self-Reflection can happen in Chp 2 or later. San's Discipline and Sebastian's Sadness are Chp 2 or Chp 3)
Chapter 3 Events
- Art Dealer
- Kid and Dog
- Child's First Errand - Walk into farm area, 10am to 5pm, winter season, your spouse is on the farm, piggy bank is in kid's room
- Child's Question - Walk into the house when the child is inside, 6pm to 9pm, summer/autumn/winter, child has at least 60 friendship
- Child's Treasure
- Gary's Memories
- Molly's Troubles #2 - exit your farm, Molly 60+ FP, you are not married to Molly, seen Molly's Troubles #1
- San's Thoughts - Talk to San when she's inside her house, 9am to 5pm, sunny weather, San has 60+ FP, not married to Nami/Gordy
- The Flower - Walk into house, 6am to 3pm, kid and spouse are inside, picture book is in the bookshelf
Chapter 4 Events
- Child's Growth - Academics - Enter excavation site area, 9am to 5pm, summer, academic skill is 200+
- Child's Growth - Art
- Child's Growth - Athletics - Walk by the Lei-over Inn, 9am to 5pm, autumn, athletics is 200+
- Child's Growth - Farming - walk across bridge towards Vesta's, 9am to 5pm, autumn, farming is 200+
- Child's Growth - Music - Walk into villa garden, 9am to 5pm, spring season, music skill is 200+
- Child's Growth - Ranching - Exit farm area, 9am to 5pm, summer, ranch skill is 200+
- Child Rebellion - (boy) Enter kid's room from main room, 9pm to 3am. (girl) Enter kitchen, 7pm to 11pm. (depends on kid's personality maybe?)
- Gordy and Nami - Walk from turtle pond towards Gody's, Nami 50+ FP, not married to Gordy/Nami, Gordy/Nami are indoors
- Gordy's Sculpture - Gordy's house, noon to 5pm, Gordy has 70+ FP, Gordy is at home
- Grant's career - Exit the farmhouse, 8pm to 10pm, sunny weather, Grant is not in the valley
- Molly's Troubles #3
- Peer Advice
Chapter 5 Events
- Carter's Mistake - Excavation site area, 7am to 9am, Carter 50+ FP, Flora is in the tent, Carter is outside
- Cecilia's Change - Exit vesta's house, 8am to 6pm, sunny weather, autumn or winter, Matthew 80+ FP, cecilia/Vesta inside the house, matthew is in the storage shed, not married to matthew or cecilia
- Child's Secret Plan - Walk into farmhouse, 5pm to 9pm, not spring, Kid/spouse has 50+ FP
- Child's Heartache (son) - Walk from child's room to your room, no specific time, Sum/Aut/Win, son is in his room, spouse is not in his room, son is awake
- Child's Heartache (daughter) - Walk into the kitchen, 7pm-11pm, Sum/Aut/Win, daughter and spouse are in the kitchen
- Gaven and Molly - Walk into the cafe, Molly 70+ Fp, not married to Molly, Gavin/Molly inside the cafe
- Kate and Flora - Exacavation site area, 9am to 5pm, Flora is near the tent
- Matthew's Visit 1 - Exit your farmhouse, 6pm to 9pm, Matt has 80+ FP, Seen Cecilia's Change, Matt and Takakura are outdoors
- Matthew's Visit 2 - Takakura's house, 6pm to 10pm, chose "continued to work" during Matthew's Visit 1, Matt and Takakura are in Tak's house
- Molly's Troubles #4 - exit your farm, Molly 60+ FP, you are not married to Molly, seen Molly's Troubles #3
Chapter 6 Events
- A Casual Stroll - Wake up in the morning or from a nap, 6am to noon, sunny weather, spring/summer/autumn
- A Cold Day
- Backside Bathtime
- Cecilia's Change - Exit vesta's house, 8am to 6pm, sunny weather, autumn or winter, Matthew 80+ FP, cecilia/Vesta inside the house
- Old Stories
- Sudden Visitor - Academic - walk into farmhouse, 10 am to 7pm, autumn, Kid's highest ability is academics
- Sudden Visitor - Art
- Sudden Visitor - Athletics - walk into farmhouse, 10 am to 7pm, autumn, Kid's highest ability is athletics
- Sudden Visitor - Farming - walk into farmhouse, 10 am to 7pm, autumn, Kid's highest ability is farming
- Sudden Visitor - Music - walk into farmhouse, 10 am to 7pm, autumn, Kid's highest ability is music
- Sudden Visitor - Ranching - Walk into farmhouse, 10am to 7pm, autumn season, Kid's highest ability is ranching
- Tei and Lou #1
- Tei and Lou #2
- Tei and Lou #3
(Cecilia's Change can happen in chp5 or chp6)
Events Not Locked to a Specific Chapter
- A Wonderful Adventure Begins!
- A Wonderful Adventure 1
- A Wonderful Adventure 2
- A Wonderful Adventure 3
- A Wonderful Adventure 4
- A Wonderful Adventure Ends
- Cattle Rustling
- Daryl's Seed Maker
- Daryl's Trap 1
- Daryl's Trap 2
- Daryl's Trap 3 - exit farmhouse, 3pm to 9pm, sunny weather, seen Daryl's Trap 2
- Lightning Research
- Sebastian's Secret
- Solar Research
- The Goddess Appears...?
- Van's Diet